M. J. Driscoll


In chronological order | In reverse chronological order


  1. Hvað binst við nafn?, Véfréttir sagðar Vésteini Ólasyni fimmtugum, 14. febrúar 1989 (Reykjavík, 1989), pp. 67-69.
  2. Skikkja skírlífisins: Breytingar í gengd sögu, Ný saga 3 (1989), pp. 65-74.


  1. Þögnin mikla: hugleiðingar um riddarasögur og stöðu þeirra í íslenskum bókmenntum, Skáldskaparmál 1 (1990), pp. 157-68.
  2. The Saga of Thidrek of Bern, translated by Edward R. Haymes (New York, 1988), Journal of English and Germanic philology 89.3 (1990), pp. 389-93 [review].


  1. The cloak of fidelity: Skikkjurímur, a late-medieval Icelandic version of Le Mantel mautaillié, The Arthurian yearbook I, ed. Keith Busby (New York, 1991), pp. 107-33. [Note: This is a revised translation of the article Skikkja skírlífisins from 1989.]
  2. Eg skal Hundólfur heita, Lygisögur sagðar Sverri Tómassyni fimmtugum, 5. apríl 1991 (Reykjavík, 1991), pp. 69-72.
  3. Tillaga ad breitíngum á stafsetníngu íslensks máls, Fjölmóðarvíl til fagnaðar Einari G. Péturssyni fimmtugum, 25. júlí 1991 (Reykjavík, 1991), pp. 75-76.


Sigurðar saga þögla (Reykjavík: Stofnun Árna Magnússonar, 1992)
  1. Sigurðar saga þỏgla: The shorter redaction, edited from AM 596 4to (Reykjavík, 1992), clxvi + 67 pp. [text edition].
  2. The Saga of the Volsungs: The Norse Epic of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer, introduction and translation by Jesse L. Byock (Berkeley & Los Angeles, 1990), Journal of English and Germanic philology, vol. 91.2 (1992), pp. 303-06 [review].


  1. Medieval Scandinavia: An encyclopedia, ed. Phillip Pulsiano & Kirsten Wolf (New York, 1993): Ectors saga ok kappa hans, pp. 147-48; Gibbons saga, pp. 226-27; Love Poetry: West Norse, pp. 396-98; Mírmanns saga, pp. 414-15; Nitida saga, p. 432; Sálus saga ok Nikanors, p. 566; Sigurðar saga fóts ok Ásmundar Húnakóngs, pp. 583-84; Sigurðar saga turnara, pp. 584-85; Sigurðar saga þögla, p. 585; Vilhjálms saga sjóðs, p. 702.
  2. Grágás, Þúsund og eitt orð sagt Sigurgeiri Steingrímssyni fimmtugum, 2. október 1993 (Reykjavík, 1993), pp. 57-59.


Ágrip af Nóregskonungasögum (London: Viking Society for Northern Research, 1995)
  1. Lost exemplars, Sagnaþing helgað Jónasi Kristjánssyni sjötugum, 10. apríl 1994, ed. Gísli Sigurðsson, Sigurgeir Steingrímsson & Guðrún Kvaran (Reykjavík, 1994), pp. 137-42.
  2. Traditionality and antiquarianism in the post-Reformation lygisaga, Northern antiquity: The post-medieval reception of Edda and saga, ed. Andrew Wawn (London, 1994), pp. 83-99.
  3. On the nomenclature of certain cucurbitaceous plants, Strengleikar slegnir Robert Cook, 25. nóvember 1994 (Reykjavík, 1994), pp. 10-14 (available here).


  1. Ágrip af Nóregskonungasǫgum: A twelfth-century synoptic history of the kings of Norway (London, 1995; 2nd ed. 2008), xxv + 126 pp. [edition and translation] (available here).


  1. Brynjulfur OddsSon á þessa bók med rietttrú: En krambodbog med sagatekster fra det 19. århundrede, Nordisk arkivnyt 3 (1996), pp. 150-51.
  2. Forty Old Icelandic Tales, translated with an introduction by W. Bryant Bachman, Jr. (New York, 1992), Journal of English and Germanic philology 95.2 (1996), pp. 287-90 [review].


The unwashed children of Eve (Enfield Lock: Hisarlik Press, 1997)
  1. In praise of strong women, Frejas psalter: En psalter i 40 afdelinger til brug for Jonna Louis-Jensen (København, 1997), pp. 29-33.
  2. The oral, the written, and the in-between: Textual instability in the post-Reformation lygisaga, Medieval insular literature between the oral and the written II, ed. Hildegard L.C. Tristram, ScriptOralia XCIX (Tübingen, 1997), pp. 193-220. [Note: This article was first published in the volume (Re)Oraliserung, ed. Hildegard L.C. Tristram, ScriptOralia LXXXIV (Tübingen, 1996), but contained so many typographical errors that the editor decided to republish it in the later volume; this earlier version should therefore be avoided at all costs.]
  3. Words, words, words: Textual variation in Skikkjurímur, Skáldskaparmál 4 (1997), pp. 227-37.
  4. The unwashed children of Eve: The production, dissemination and reception of popular literature in post-Reformation Iceland (Enfield Lock, 1997), xii + 384 pp.
  5. Orm Storolfsson's tale, The complete sagas of Icelanders I-V (Reykjavík, 1997), III, pp. 455-67 [translation].
  6. Af stórum og litlum bókstöfum, Bókahnútur brugðinn Ólöfu Benediktsdóttur fimmtugri, 4. febrúar 1997 (Reykjavík, 1997), pp. 23-25.


  1. The virtual reunification of the Arnamagnæan manuscript collection, The digital demotic, ed. Lou Burnard et al. (London, 1998), pp. 55-64.
  2. Thou green avocato, charm of sense, Petersillie dyrket til Peter Springborg den 28. januar 1998 (København, 1998), 3 pp. (available here).
  3. The turning of the turbot; or, Having thorns in the wrong side, Guðrúnarhvöt kveðin Guðrúnu Ásu Grímsdóttur fimmtugri, 23. september 1998 (Reykjavík, 1998), pp. 67-69 (available here).


  1. Skikkjurímur, Norse romance II: The knights of the round table, ed. Marianne E. Kalinke, Arthurian archives IV (Cambridge, 1999), pp. 267-329 [edition and translation].
  2. The digitisation of manuscripts in the Arnamagnæan Collection, Care and conservation of manuscripts 4: Proceedings of the fourth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen 13-14 October 1997 (Copenhagen, 1999), pp. 8-11.


  1. Encoding Old Norse/Icelandic primary sources using TEI-conformant SGML, Literary and linguistic computing 15.1 (2000), pp. 81-91.
  2. Nafnavesen; eða: Er þetta hægt, Matthías?, Ægisif, reist Bergljótu Soffíu Kristjánsdóttur fimmtugri 28. september 2000 (Reykjavík, 2000), pp. 62-65 (available here).


  1. North and south, Arnarflug: rejselekture for Örn Ólafsson på hans 60-års fødselsdag, 4. april 2001 (København, 2001), 2 pp. (available here).
  2. A ginger nut, Jocoseria Arna-Marianiana: Seksogtyve udvalgte dels kortvillige, dels alvorlige Historier, hvorved Mariane Overgaard kan opbygges (København, 2001), 2 pp. (available here).


  1. The MASTER project: Defining standards for electronic manuscript catalogue records, Care and conservation of manuscripts 6: Proceedings of the sixth international seminar held at the Royal Library, Copenhagen 19th-20th October 2000, ed. Gillian Fellows-Jensen & Peter Springborg (Copenhagen, 2002), pp. 8-17.
  2. Stray thoughts on abbreviations in some modern European languages, Grace-notes played for Michael Chesnutt on the occasion of his 60th birthday, 18 September 2002 (Copenhagen, 2002), 5 pp. (available here).


  1. Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda: The stories that wouldn't die, Fornaldarsagornas struktur och ideologi, ed. Ármann Jakobsson, Annette Lassen & Agneta Ney, Nordiska texter och undersökningar XXVIII (Uppsala, 2003), pp. 257-67.


  1. Postcards from the edge: An overview of marginalia in Icelandic manuscripts, Variants 2-3 (2004), pp. 21-36 (also available here).
  2. The view from the North: Some Scandinavian digitisation projects, Преглед Националног центра за дигитализацију / Review of the National Center for Digitization 4 (2004), pp. 22-30 (available here).
  3. The experience of the Arnamagnæan Institute, Copenhagen, Information theories and applications 11 (2004), pp. 221-24 (available here).
  4. The Text Encoding Initiative, Преглед Националног центра за дигитализацију / Review of the National Center for Digitization 5 (2004), pp. 5-18.


  1. Late prose fiction (lygisögur), A companion to Old Norse-Icelandic literature and culture, ed. Rory McTurk, Blackwell companions to literature and culture XXXI (Maldon, MA, 2005), pp. 190-204.
  2. Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 19, no. 1, April 2004, Variants 4 (2005), pp. 337-40 [review].


Fjórar sögur frá hendi Jóns Oddssonar Hjaltalín (Reykjavík: Stofnun Árna Magnússonar, 2006)
  1. Fjórar sögur frá hendi Jóns Oddssonar Hjaltalín: Sagan af Marroni sterka, Ágrip af Heiðarvíga sögu, Sagan af Zadig, Fimmbræðra saga (Reykjavík: Stofnun Árna Magnússonar, 2006), lxxiv + 177 pp. [text edition].
  2. P5-MS: A general purpose tagset for manuscript description, Digital Medievalist 2.1 (2006), DOI: https://doi.org/10.16995/dm.12..
  3. Levels of transcription, Electronic textual editing, ed. John Unsworth, Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe & Lou Burnard (New York, 2006), pp. 254-61.
  4. XML markup of biographical and prosopographical data, Proceedings of the TEI Day 2006 in Kyoto, ed. Christian Wittern (Kyoto, 2006), pp. 75-83.
  5. [Contribution to] Interrogating genre in the Fornaldarsögur: Round-table discussion, Viking and medieval Scandinavia 2 (2006), pp. 293-94.


  1. Skanderbeg: An Albanian hero in Icelandic clothing, Learning and understanding in the Old Norse world: Essays in honour of Margaret Clunies Ross, ed. Judy Quinn, Kate Heslop & Tarrin Wills, Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe XVIII (Turnhout, 2007), pp. 423-46. [Albanian translation in Skënderbeu në vendet nordike, ed. Xhevat Lloshi & John Quanrud (Tiranë, 2018), pp. 145-87.]
  2. Hinn hálærdi Barón Holberg , Encyclopædica Brittanica (Hafniæ, 2007), pp. 37-41 (available here).


  1. The best medicine in the bitterest of herbs: An eighteenth-century moral tale, Romance and love in late medieval and early modern Iceland: Essays in honor of Marianne Kalinke, ed. Kirsten Wolf & Johanna Denzin, Islandica LIV (Ithaca, N.Y., 2008), pp. 231-56.
  2. Einar Skúlason's Geisli: A Critical Edition, ed. Martin Chase. University of Toronto Press 2005, Speculum 83.1 (2008), pp. 189-91 [review].


  1. Plans for a new edition of the Fornaldarsögur, anno 1937, Fornaldarsagaerne: Myter og virkelighed, ed. Agneta Ney, Ármann Jakobsson & Annette Lassen (København, 2009), pp. 17-25.
  2. Líkafrón og lagsmenn tveir, Greppaminni: Rit til heiðurs Vésteini Ólasyni sjötugum, ed. Margrét Eggertsdóttir et al. (Reykjavík, 2009), pp. 115-27.
  3. Marking up abbreviations in Old Norse-Icelandic manuscripts, Medieval texts — contemporary media: The art and science of editing in the digital age, ed. Maria Grazia Saibene & Marina Buzzoni (Pavia, 2009), pp. 13-34 (available here).
  4. A new edition of the fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda: Some basic questions, On editing Old Scandinavian texts: Problems and perspectives, ed. Fluvio Ferrari & Massimiliano Bampi (Trento, 2009), pp. 71-84 (available here).
  5. Care and conservation of manuscripts 11: Proceedings of the eleventh international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen, 24th–25th April 2008 (Copenhagen, 2009), xi + 313 pp. [co-editor, with Ragnheiður Mósesdóttir].


  1. The words on the page: Thoughts on philology, old and new, Creating the medieval saga: Versions, variability, and editorial interpretations of Old Norse saga literature, ed. Judy Quinn & Emily Lethbridge, Viking Collection XVIII (Odense, 2010), pp. 85-102 (also available here).
  2. Early essays in exegesis, Margarítur hristar Margréti Eggertsdóttur fimmtugri 25. nóvember 2010 (Reykjavík, 2010), pp. 65-67.
  3. The ENRICH project: Towards a European digital manuscript library, Digitalia: Rivista del digitale nei beni culturali 5.2 (2010), pp. 117-22.


  1. Care and conservation of manuscripts 12: Proceedings of the twelfth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen, 14th–16th October 2009 (Copenhagen, 2011), x + 355 pp. [editor].
  2. ENRICH: The way to seamless access to information on manuscripts and early printed books, Care and conservation of manuscripts 12: Proceedings of the twelfth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen, 14th–16th October 2009 (Copenhagen, 2011), pp. 1-9 [with Eric Haswell].
  3. Arthurian ballads, rímur, chapbooks and folktales, The Arthur of the North: The Arthurian legend in the Norse and Rus' realms, ed. Marianne Kalinke, Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages (Cardiff, 2011), pp. 168-95.
  4. Handrit.is and the virtual reunification of the Arnamagnæan manuscript collection, Virtual visits to lost libraries: Reconstruction of and access to dispersed collections, ed. Ivan Boserup & David J. Shaw, CERL Papers XI (London, 2011), pp. 87-93.


  1. Um gildi gamalla bóka: Magnús Jónsson í Tjaldanesi und das Ende der isländischen Handschriftenkultur, Text – Reihe – Transmission: Unfestigkeit als Phänomen skandinavischer Erzählprosa 1500-1800, ed. Jürg Glauser & Anna Katharina Richter, Beiträge zur Nordischen Philologie XLII (Tübingen & Basel, 2012), pp. 255-82.
  2. What's truth got to do with it? Views on the historicity of the sagas, Самые забавные лживые саги: Сборник статей в честь Г. В. Глазыриной / Skemmtiligastar lygisögur: Studies in honour of Galina Glazyrina, ed. Tatjana Jackson & Elena A. Melnikova (Moscow, 2012), pp. 15-27.
  3. Care and conservation of manuscripts 13: Proceedings of the thirteenth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen, 13th–15th April 2011 (Copenhagen, 2012), x + 571 pp. [editor].


White field, black seeds (Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2013)
  1. Arthurian material in some lesser-known post-medieval Icelandic romances, Histoires des Bretagnes IV (Brest, 2013), pp. 83-94.
  2. White field, black seeds: Nordic literacy practices in the long nineteenth century (Helsinki, 2013), 216 pp. [co-editor, with Anna Kuismin].
  3. The long and winding road: Manuscript culture in late pre-modern Iceland, White field, black seeds: Nordic literacy practices in the long nineteenth century, ed. Anna Kuismin & M. J. Driscoll (Helsinki, 2013), pp. 50-63.
  4. Icelandic literature (postmedieval), The Virgil encyclopedia, ed. Jan Ziolkowski & Richard Thomas (Maldon, MA, 2013), pp. 642-43.


  1. Care and conservation of manuscripts 14: Proceedings of the fourteenth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen, 17th–19th October 2012 (Copenhagen, 2014), x + 417 pp. [editor].
  2. A brief history of manuscript cataloguing, electronic and otherwise, Handritasyrpa: Rit til heiðurs Sigurgeiri Steingrímssyni sjötugum, 2. október 2013, ed. Rósa Þorsteinsdóttir (Reykjavík, 2014), pp. 291-301.
  3. De islandske fornaldarsagaer: Historier fra nordens oldtid, Arne Magnusson 350 år: Fem foredrag i anledning af 350-året for Arne Magnussons fødsel, ed. Alex Speed Kjeldsen (København, 2014), pp. 13-23 (available here).


Digital scholarly editing (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2016)
  1. 66 håndskrifter fra Arne Magnussons samling // 66 manuscripts from the Arnamagnæan collection (Copenhagen, 2015), 238 pp. [co-editor, with Svanhildur Óskarsdóttir].
  2. The Legendary Sagas: Origins and Development, edited by Annette Lassen, Agneta Ney and Ármann Jakobsson (Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press, 2012), Journal of English and Germanic philology 114.1 (2015), pp. 132-34 [review].


  1. Lucian and Gedula, Opuscula XIV (Copenhagen, 2016), pp. 105-75.
  2. Care and conservation of manuscripts 15: Proceedings of the fifteenth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen, 2–4 April 2014 (Copenhagen, 2016), x + 394 pp. [editor].
  3. Digital scholarly editing: Theories & practices (Cambridge, 2016), xv + 272 pp. [co-editor, with Elena Pierazzo] (available for download here). [Greek translation: Ψηφιακές Φιλολογικές Εκδόσεις: Θεωρίες και Πρακτικές (Ζωγράφου: Κάλλιποσ, 2023); available for download here.]


Mirrors of virtue: Manuscript and print in late pre-modern Iceland (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2017)
  1. Mirrors of virtue: Manuscript and print in late pre-modern Iceland, Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana XLIX (Copenhagen, 2017), xx + 432 pp. [co-editor, with Margrét Eggertsdóttir].
  2. Pleasure and pastime: The manuscripts of Guðbrandur á Hvítadal, Mirrors of virtue: Manuscript and print in late pre-modern Iceland, ed. Margrét Eggertsdóttir & Matthew James Driscoll (Copenhagen, 2017), pp. 225-76.
  3. Last man standing, Skandinavische Schriftlandschaften: Vänbok till Jürg Glauser, ed. Klaus Müller-Wille et al., Beiträge zur Nordischen Philologie LIX (Tübingen, 2017), pp. 248-52.
  4. The legendary legacy: Crunching 600 years of saga manuscript data, Kodikologie und Paläographie im digitalen Zeitalter / Codicology and palaeography in the digital age IV, ed. Hannah Busch, Franz Fischer & Patrick Sahle (Norderstedt, 2017), pp. 71-79.


  1. The legendary legacy: Transmission and reception of the Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda, Viking Collection XXIV (Odense, 2018), 457 pp. [co-editor, with Silvia Hufnagel, Philip Lavender & Beeke Stegmann].
  2. Nyt og gammelt fra Peter Springborg: En artikelsamling udgivet i anledning af 80-årsdagen, Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana LI (København, 2018), 471 pp. [co-editor, with Annette Lassen].
  3. Minor Knowledge and Microhistory: Manuscript Culture in the Nineteenth Century. By Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon and Davíð Ólafsson. New York and London: Routledge. 2017, The Library 7.19.1 (March, 2018), pp. 91-92 [review].
  4. Text editions [Danish], Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe I-II, ed. Joep Leerssen (Amsterdam, 2018), II, pp. 789-91 (online version available here).
  5. Care and conservation of manuscripts 16: Proceedings of the sixteenth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen, 13–15 April 2016 (Copenhagen, 2018), x + 482 pp. [editor].
  6. Philosophers as filler, Gott skálkaskjól veitt Gottskálki Jenssyni sextugum (Reykjavík, 2018), pp. 60-63.
  7. Gellert's Gräfin in Iceland, Deutsch-isländische Beziehungen: Festschrift für Hubert Seelow zum 70. Geburtstag, ed. Lena Rohrbach & Sebastian Kürschner (Berlin, 2018), pp. 157-66.


  1. The French connection: Some Icelandic translations of French literature in manuscript and print, ca. 1400-1900, Tabularia (2019), http://journals.openedition.org/tabularia/3422.
  2. Herdís & Ólína: The poetry of everyday life, Shaping the rings of the Scandinavian fellowship: Festschrift in honour of Ērika Sausverde, ed. Ieva Steponavičiūtė Aleksiejūnienė & Loreta Vaicekauskienė (Vilnius, 2019), pp. 21-37 (PDF available here).
  3. The genesis of the Arnamagnæan method, Textual philology facing liquid modernity: Identifying objects, evaluating methods, exploiting media, ed. Andrea Chegai, Michela Rosellini & Elena Spangenberg Yanes, Storie e linguaggi 5.1 (2019), pp. 83-91.
  4. The Rev. James Johnstone, septentrionalist and man of mystery, From text to artefact: Studies in honour of Anne Mette Hansen, ed. Katarzyna Kapitan, Beeke Stegmann & Seán Vrieland (Leeds, 2019), pp. 5-17 (open access version available here: http://kismet.press/).
  5. The paper manuscript in post-medieval Iceland, Paper and the paper manuscript: A context for the transmission of Gaelic literature, ed. Pádraig Ó Macháin (Cork, 2019), pp. 8-20.


  1. Vikings!, The Vikings reimagined: Reception, recovery, engagement, ed. Tom Birkett & Roderick Dale (Berlin, 2020), pp. 19-27.
  2. Comments from the first opponent at the doctoral defence of Þorgeir Sigurðsson, Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði 41 (2020), pp. 317-20.


Hidden harmonies: Manuscript and print on the North Atlantic fringe, 1500-1900 (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2021)
  1. Spænsk handrit í safni Árna Magnússonar, Á fjarlægum ströndum: Tengsl Spánar og Íslands í tímans rás, ed. Kristín Guðrún Jónsdóttir & Erla Erlendsdóttir (Reykjavík, 2021), pp. 323-40.
  2. Indledning til bind 2: Overleveringen af norsk-islandsk middelalderlitteratur, Dansk editionshistorie I-IV, ed. Johnny Kondrup et al. (København, 2021), II, pp. 22-33.
  3. Udgivelse af norrøn litteratur 1879-1936, Dansk editionshistorie I-IV, ed. Johnny Kondrup et al. (København, 2021), II, pp. 215-311.
  4. Lucian og Gedula: The missing link, Orðlof veitt Þorbjörgu Helgadóttur sjötugri 18. maí 2021 (Reykjavík, 2021), pp. 50-51.
  5. Care and conservation of manuscripts 17: Proceedings of the seventeenth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen, 11–13 April 2018 (Copenhagen, 2021), xii + 709 pp. [editor].
  6. Hidden harmonies: Manuscript and print on the North Atlantic fringe, 1500-1900, Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana LIV (Copenhagen, 2021), xvii + 516 pp. [co-editor, with Nioclás Mac Cathmhaoil].
  7. Writing in the twilight: The manuscripts of Magnús í Tjaldanesi, Hidden harmonies: Manuscript and print on the North Atlantic fringe, 1500-1900, ed. M. J. Driscoll & Nioclás Mac Cathmhaoil (Copenhagen, 2021), pp. 187-223.


  1. Finnur Jónsson: Editor of everything, Old Norse-Icelandic philology and national identity in the long nineteenth century, ed. Gylfi Gunnlaugsson & Clarence E. Glad, National cultivation of culture XXVIII (Leiden, 2022), pp. 417-39.
  2. Rímur, Oxford bibliographies in medieval studies, ed. Christopher Kleinhenz (New York, 2022); DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780195396584-0297.
  3. Forgotten books: The application of unseen species models to the survival of culture, Science, Vol. 375, Issue 6582, pp. 765-69; DOI: 10.1126/science.abl7655 [co-author, with Mike Kestemont, Folgert Karsdorp, Elisabeth de Bruijn, Katarzyna A. Kapitan, Pádraig Ó Macháin, Daniel Sawyer, Remco Sleiderink & Anne Chao].
  4. The Arnamagnæan Manuscript Collection: Academic world heritage, Academic heritage at LERU universities, ed. Paul Ayris, Katrien Maes, Bart Raymaekers & Sébastien Soubiran (Leuven, 2022), pp. 28-31; https://www.leru.org/files/Publications/Academic-heritage-at-LERU-universities.pdf [co-author, with Anne Mette Hansen & Tarrin Wills].
  5. Opuscula XX, Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana LV (Copenhagen, 2022), viii + 357 pp. [editor].
  6. A note on the provenance of AM 795 4to, Opuscula XX (Copenhagen, 2022), pp. 326-34.


  1. Fornaldarsögur, Oxford bibliographies in medieval studies, ed. Christopher Kleinhenz (New York, 2023), DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780195396584-0316.
  2. Care and conservation of manuscripts 18: Proceedings of the eighteenth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen, 14–16 April 2021 (Copenhagen, 2023), x + 454 pp. [editor].
  3. A biological reading of a palimpsest, iScience, Volume 26, Issue 6 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.106786 [co-author, with Laura Cristina Viñas Caron, Ismael Rodríguez Palomo, Natasha Fazlić, Jiří Vnouček, Sarah Fiddyment & Matthew Collins].


Scripta minora: Selected essays on Icelandic manuscripts and texts (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2024)
  1. Rímur, Cambridge history of Old Norse-Icelandic literature, ed. Heather O'Donoghue & Eleanor Parker (Cambridge, 2024), pp. 452-73.
  2. Scripta minora: Selected essays on Icelandic manuscripts and texts, ed. Anne Mette Hansen, René Hernández Vera & N. Kıvılcım Yavuz (Copenhagen, 2024).
  3. Artichokes, Sonetter sungne til Simonetta Battista i anledning af hendes tresårsfødselsdag den 26. august 2024 (Reykjavík, 2024), pp. 52-54.


  1. Taming the beast: Transcribing Hernando Colón's Libro de los epítomes, Philologia Hispalensis [forthcoming] [co-author, with Alessandro Gnasso].
  2. Care and conservation of manuscripts 19: Proceedings of the nineteenth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen, 19–21 April 2023 (Copenhagen, 2025 [forthcoming]), [editor].

Last update: 2025-01-07