M. J. Driscoll

Invited lectures and conference papers,
1997 to the present


  1. 19-21 June, Háskóli Íslands, Reykjavík, Dansk-islandsk håndskriftsymposium; paper: Den virtuelle genforening af Den Arnamagnæanske Håndskriftsamling.


  1. 6-9 May, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, Wassenaar, European Science Foundation Workshop Making Texts for the Next Century; paper: Encoding Old Norse/Icelandic primary sources using TEI-conformant SGML.


  1. 24-25 May, Library of Congress, Washington D.C., conference on Saga literature and the shaping of Icelandic culture; paper: The long and winding road: Manuscript transmission in post-medieval Iceland.
  2. 2-7 July, University of Sydney, Australia, 11th International Saga Conference; plenary paper: From minuscule to megabyte: Old Norse philology in the digital age.


  1. 31 August-1 September, Institionen för nordiske språk, Uppsala Universitet, conference on Fornaldarsagornas struktur och ideologi; paper: Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda: The stories that wouldn't die.


  1. 21 March, Dipartimento di ricerca linguistica, letteraria e filologica, Università degli studi di Macerata; guest lecture: From minuscule to megabyte: The development of the Scandinavian written tradition and its digitisation today.


  1. 12-14 June, Deutsches Seminar, Abteilung für Nordische Philologie, Universität Zürich: Tagung zum thema Text, Reihe, Transmission. Unfestigkeit als Phänomen skandinavischer Erzählprosa 1500-1800; paper: Magnús í Tjaldanesi.


  1. 12 February, Department of Anglo Saxon, Norse and Celtic, University of Cambridge; guest lecture (Departmental Lecture Series): The true history of lies: Prose fiction in late medieval and early modern Iceland.
  2. 3-6 June, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Third International Conference New Technologies and Standards: Digitization of National Heritage; plenary paper: The Text Encoding Initiative.


  1. 13-15 April, Senter for middelalderstudier, Universitetet i Bergen, seminar on Creating the medieval saga - versions, variability & editorial approaches; paper: Where are we, how did we get here, and where do we go now? Thoughts on Old Icelandic scholarly editing.


  1. 17 May, 京都大学 (Kyoto University), TEI Day 2006 in Kyoto; paper: XML markup of biographical and prosopographical data.
  2. 6-7 June, Deutsches Seminar, Abteilung für Nordische Philologie, Universität Zürich, seminar on Inszenierungen von Schrift: Übersetzung, Vokalität, Schriftbewusstsein in den skandinavischen Literaturen des Mittelalters; paper: Sagan af Skanderbeg.


  1. 10-11 May, Institutionen för utbildning, kultur och medier, Uppsala Universitet, European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop Exploring New Methods for Prosopography in the Humanities and the Social Sciences; paper: XML markup of prosopographical data.
  2. 19 June, Department of English, University of Victoria, B.C., The Richard and Margaret Beck Lecture on Icelandic Literature: The value of books: Magnús í Tjaldanesi and the end of manuscript culture in Iceland.
  3. 20 June, Humanities Computing and Media Centre, University of Victoria, B.C., Digital Humanities Summer Institute; keynote paper: Everything but the smell: Towards a more artefactual digital philology.
  4. 20-21 July, Cambridge University, conference on Learning and Understanding in the Old Norse World; paper: Skanderbeg: An Albanian hero in Icelandic clothing.


  1. 14-15 February, Università di Trento - Dipartimento di Studi Letterari, Linguistici e Filologici, conference On Editing Old Scandinavian Texts: Problems and Perspectives; paper: A new edition of the Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda.
  2. 19-20 June, Università di Pavia - Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Medieval Texts - Contemporary Media: the art and science of editing in the digital age; paper: Some thoughts on editorial theory and practice in the digital age.
  3. 21 November, University College London, Viking Society General Meeting; honorary lecture: Of fragments shored against ruins; of Magnús í Tjaldanesi.


  1. 4-5 June, Helsingin yliopisto, NOS-HS Explorative Workshop, The common people and the processes of literacy in the Nordic countries: Excursions to the scribal and print cultures in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; paper: The relation between scribal and print cultures in 18th- and 19th-century Iceland.
  2. 9 June, Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; guest lecture: Magnús Jónsson: Last man standing.


  1. 3-5 March, Università degli Studi di Verona, conference III Incontro di Filologia Digitale; paper: Mapping the manuscript matrix.
  2. 27-28 March, Fordham University, New York City, conference New directions in medieval Scandinavian studies; plenary lecture: Tristan in Iceland: The continuing saga.
  3. 30 September-3 October, Universität Freiburg, conference Dreams of fame and honour: Late medieval prose fiction 1400-1700; paper: Tistran & Indiana in Iceland.
  4. 14-15 October, University of Wisconsin, Madison, conference Riddarasögur colloquium: Exploring French-Scandinavian literary relations in the Middle Ages; paper: Some lesser-known post-medieval Icelandic romances.
  5. 5 November, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Copenhagen, CERL (Consortium of European Research Libraries) seminar Virtual visits to lost libraries; paper: handrit.is and the virtual reunification of the Arnamagnæan manuscript collection.
  6. 9 December, Selskab for nordisk filologi, Copenhagen; paper: Tristans kyske kærlighed: En dansk trivialroman fra det 18. århundrede på Island.


  1. 25 February, Universitetet i Stavanger; lecture: Towards a more artefactual philology.
  2. 28-29 April, Università degli Studi Ca' Foscari, Venezia; lectures on Old Norse-Icelandic subjects.
  3. 2-3 May, Vilniaus Universitetas; lectures on Old Norse-Icelandic subjects.
  4. 20-21 May, Københavns Universitet, Interdisciplinary Symposium on Literature and Identity Formation; paper: ± Icelandic: Defining Íslenzk menning.
  5. 15-16 September, Narodna Biblioteka Srbije, Beograd, EMBARK Workshop; paper: The TEI Gaiji module: Representing non-standard characters and glyphs.
  6. 21 October, Maison de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Séminaire: TEI et encodage des sources; paper: Using the 'Choice' and 'Gaiji' mechanisms to produce multi-level representations of primary sources.
  7. 28 October, Maison de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Séminaire: Les manuscrits post-Gutenberg; paper: Manuscript culture in post-Reformation Iceland.
  8. 17-18 November, Københavns Universitet, Supporting Digital Humanities; paper (with Eric Haswell): XML for quantitative codicology.
  9. 8-9 December, Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών (National Hellenic Research Foundation), Athens, COMSt Team 2 Workshop: Specific issues in Oriental philology; paper: Old and new philology.


  1. 20 January, Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences sociales de l'Université de Bretagne occidentale, Brest, Séminaire: Histoires des Bretagnes : les conservateurs de la mémoire; paper: Arthurian material in some lesser-known post-medieval Icelandic romances.
  2. 27 January, Maison de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Séminaire: Exploration et exploitation des sources encodées en TEI; paper (with Eric Haswell and Silvia Hufnagel): Quantitative codicology.
  3. 3 February, Maison de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Séminaire: Autour de la collection arnamagnéenne : expériences dans les domaines de la conservation, de la valorisation et de l´exploitation du patrimoine écrit; paper: The Arnamagnæan manuscript collection.
  4. 17 February, Maison de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Séminaire: La valeur des sagas comme documents historiques; paper: What's truth got to do with it? The Icelandic school of saga studies.
  5. 29 March, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Séminaire: Encodage de documents et de collections; paper: The handrit project (with Örn Hrafnkelsson).
  6. 27 April, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Séminaire: L'emprunt dans les sagas; paper: The matière de Bretagne in late- and post-medieval Icelandic romances.
  7. 18 June, Svenska Forskningsinstitutet i Istanbul; paper: Alexander the Great in Old Norse-Icelandic.
  8. 10 August, 15th International Saga Conference, Aarhus universitet; keynote lecture: Why we should care about rímur.


  1. 13-15 February, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, symposium: New approaches to historical collections; paper: Old wine in new bottles? Digital resources and research questions.
  2. 3-6 June, University of Victoria, B.C., Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada Conference; The Richard and Margaret Beck Lecture on Icelandic Literature: The Icelandic rímur.
  3. 13-15 June, Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, colloquium: The agents and artefacts of vernacular literacy practices in late pre-modern Europe; lecture: Reading and writing in late pre-modern Iceland.


  1. 28-30 March, Hólar í Hjaltadal, seminar: Sr. Hallgrímur og Hólar í 400 ár: Málþing um prent- og handritamenningu á Íslandi; lecture: Handritamenning á Íslandi.
  2. 3-5 April, Det Teologiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, conference: Material philology and the Dead Sea Scrolls: New approaches for new text editions; keynote lecture: Toward a more artefactual philological praxis.
  3. 20-22 August, Helsingin yliopisto, conference: Reading and writing from below: Exploring the margins of modernity; paper: Herdís & Ólína: The poetry of everyday life.


  1. 9 May, Landsbókasafn Íslands-Háskólabókasafn, Reykjavík, seminar: Handritamenning síðari alda; paper: Til gamans og dægrastyttingar: Handrit Guðbrands á Hvítadal.
  2. 10-14 August, Zürich, conference: 15th International Saga Conference; roundtable convener: New directions in Fornaldarsaga studies.
  3. 10-11 September, Ulster University, Derry, conference: Post-print manuscript culture in Ireland, Scotland and Iceland; keynote paper: Writing in the twilight: Icelandic scribes on the cusp of the modern era.
  4. 16 October, Uppsala Universitet, seminar: Medieval short narratives between languages and cultures: The Miracles of the Virgin Mary; paper: The miracles of Mary: The Icelandic tradition.
  5. 24 November, Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka, Riga, seminar: Translating Edda songs; paper: The early editions and translations of the Poetic Edda.


  1. 22-23 February, Technische Universität Darmstadt, seminar: Maschinen und Manuskripte: Forschung mit Schriftquellen im digitalen Zeitalter; paper: The legendary legacy: Crunching 600 years of saga manuscript data.
  2. 29 February, Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, Cambridge, ASNC Graduate seminar; paper: Stories for all time: The transmission and reception of the Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda.
  3. 3 November, Ulster University, Derry; Leverhulme lecture: Gaelic influence in medieval Iceland.
  4. 25-26 November, University College Cork, conference: Rediscovering the Vikings; paper: Stories for all time: The Icelandic Fornaldarsögur.
  5. 2 December, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies; lecture: Manuscript culture in late pre-modern Iceland.


  1. 2 March, Aberystwyth University; Leverhulme lecture: The legend of Tristan in saga, ballad and rhyme.
  2. 10-11 March, Ulster University, Derry, conference: An Fhiannaíocht; keynote lecture: The Icelandic rímur.
  3. 29-31 March, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, conference: Miracles of the Virgin Mary: Medieval narratives through time and space; lecture: Miracles of the Virgin in Old Icelandic.
  4. 6-7 April, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, conference: Manuscript after print: The influence of print on post-Gutenberg manuscript culture; lecture: Print features in the manuscripts of Magnús í Tjaldanesi.
  5. 28 April, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies; lecture: Iceland's medieval manuscripts.
  6. 26-27 May, University College Cork, conference: The paper manuscript; paper: The paper manuscript in post-medieval Iceland.
  7. 15-16 June, Université de Caen Normandie, Deuxième congrès de l'Association pour les études nordiques; keynote lecture: The French connection: Translations of French literature in Icelandic manuscripts, ca. 1400-1900.
  8. 3-6 July, Leeds, International Medieval Congress; paper: Icelandic manuscripts in 18th-century Ireland: The collection of the Rev. James Johnstone.
  9. 27 October, Københavns Universitet, inaugural lecture: Writing in the twilight: The manuscripts of Magnús í Tjaldanesi.
  10. 30 November, Miðaldastofa Háskóla Íslands; lecture: Writing in the twilight: The manuscripts of Magnús í Tjaldanesi.


  1. 18-20 April, Sapienza Università di Roma, conference: Textual philology facing liquid modernity: Identifying objects, evaluating methods, exploiting media; paper: Textual and generic fluidity in late medieval and early modern Iceland.
  2. 12-17 August, Reykjavík, 17th International Saga Conference; paper: Magnús Jónsson and the Íslendingasögur.
  3. 18 October, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies; lecture: The Icelandic rímur.


  1. 24 January, Københavns Universitet, Perspectives on textual scholarship and editorial practice: A seminar of the research group Textual Scholarship; paper: The genesis of the Arnamagnæan method.
  2. 1-4 July, Leeds, International Medieval Congress; paper: How has the literature of the Icelandic middle ages come down to us?
  3. 7 November, Miðaldastofa Háskóla Íslands; lecture: Kæri Fiðr: Assessing the legacy of Finnur Jónsson.
  4. 15-17 November, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet, seminar: Literature and formats; paper: Sizes and formats of Icelandic manuscript books, ca. 1200-1900.
  5. 21-23 November, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 12th Annual Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age; paper: Keeping track of every book on every subject in every language, anno 1539.


  1. 24 June, Ulster University, Derry; presentation (delivered remotely): Hernando Colón's Book of Books: El libro de los epítomes.


  1. 28 September-1 October, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet, conference: IX Festival Literatura Copenhague; paper: Enhver bog på ethvert sprog og om ethvert emne: Hernando Colóns universalbibliotek.


  1. 3 May, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet, Erasmus+ workshop: Zur Zukunft des Europäischen Kulturerbes; paper: Copenhagen University's Arnamagnæan Manuscript Collection and the question of the repatriation of cultural artefacts.
  2. 2-3 June, Københavns Universitet, seminar: Grímur Thorkelin's Irish and Icelandic manuscripts; paper: The Johnstone collection of Icelandic manuscripts at Trinity College Library.
  3. 31 August-3 October, Københavns Universitet, COST training school Paper in motion; lecture: The transcription and description of primary sources using TEI-conformant XML.
  4. 26 September, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; invited lecture: The Spanish manuscripts in the Arnamagnæan Collection and Hernando Colón's Libro de los epítomes.


  1. 25 January, University College Cork; invited paper: Popular romance in late pre-modern Iceland.
  2. 10-12 May, conference: Novel approaches to Digital Codicology, Centre d'Études Supérieures de la Renaissance, Tours; keynote lecture: Getting physical: The origin, development and future of <physDesc>.
  3. 5 December, Skandinavistikos centras, Vilniaus Universitetas; guest lecture: Icelandic manuscripts and texts: An introduction.
  4. 6 December, Skandinavistikos centras, Vilniaus Universitetas; guest lecture: Popular romance in late pre-modern Iceland.
  5. 7 December, Skandinavistikos centras, Vilniaus Universitetas; guest lecture: The Icelandic rímur.
  6. 7 December, Filologijos fakultetas, Vilniaus Universitetas; guest lecture: Every book in every language on every subject: Hernando Colón's universal library and the Libro de los epítomes.


  1. 18 July, University of Edinburgh; seminar: Grímur Thorkelin: An Icelander in 18th-century Britain; paper: Thorkelin, Jamieson and the lexicography of Scots.
  2. 14-15 November, Københavns Universitet; seminar: Thorkelin as scholar and editor; paper: Introduction: Thorkelin as scholar and editor.

Last update: 2025-01-07