Den virtuelle genforening af Den Arnamagnæanske Håndskriftsamling.
Making Texts for the Next Century; paper:
Encoding Old Norse/Icelandic primary sources using TEI-conformant SGML.
Saga literature and the shaping of Icelandic culture; paper:
The long and winding road: Manuscript transmission in post-medieval Iceland.
From minuscule to megabyte: Old Norse philology in the digital age.
Fornaldarsagornas struktur och ideologi; paper:
Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda: The stories that wouldn't die.
From minuscule to megabyte: The development of the Scandinavian written tradition and its digitisation today.
Text, Reihe, Transmission. Unfestigkeit als Phänomen skandinavischer Erzählprosa 1500-1800; paper:
Magnús í Tjaldanesi.
The true history of lies: Prose fiction in late medieval and early modern Iceland.
New Technologies and Standards: Digitization of National Heritage; plenary paper:
The Text Encoding Initiative.
Creating the medieval saga - versions, variability & editorial approaches; paper:
Where are we, how did we get here, and where do we go now? Thoughts on Old Icelandic scholarly editing.
TEI Day 2006 in Kyoto; paper:
XML markup of biographical and prosopographical data.
Inszenierungen von Schrift: Übersetzung, Vokalität, Schriftbewusstsein in den skandinavischen Literaturen des Mittelalters; paper:
Sagan af Skanderbeg.
Exploring New Methods for Prosopography in the Humanities and the Social Sciences; paper:
XML markup of prosopographical data.
The value of books: Magnús í Tjaldanesi and the end of manuscript culture in Iceland.
Everything but the smell: Towards a more artefactual digital philology.
Learning and Understanding in the Old Norse World; paper:
Skanderbeg: An Albanian hero in Icelandic clothing.
On Editing Old Scandinavian Texts: Problems and Perspectives; paper:
A new edition of the Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda.
Medieval Texts - Contemporary Media: the art and science of editing in the digital age; paper:
Some thoughts on editorial theory and practice in the digital age.
Of fragments shored against ruins; of Magnús í Tjaldanesi.
The common people and the processes of literacy in the Nordic countries: Excursions to the scribal and print cultures in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; paper:
The relation between scribal and print cultures in 18th- and 19th-century Iceland.
Magnús Jónsson: Last man standing.
III Incontro di Filologia Digitale; paper:
Mapping the manuscript matrix.
New directions in medieval Scandinavian studies; plenary lecture:
Tristan in Iceland: The continuing saga.
Dreams of fame and honour: Late medieval prose fiction 1400-1700; paper:
Tistran & Indiana in Iceland.
Riddarasögur colloquium: Exploring French-Scandinavian literary relations in the Middle Ages; paper:
Some lesser-known post-medieval Icelandic romances.
Virtual visits to lost libraries; paper: and the virtual reunification of the Arnamagnæan manuscript collection.
Tristans kyske kærlighed: En dansk trivialroman fra det 18. århundrede på Island.
Towards a more artefactual philology.
Interdisciplinary Symposium on Literature and Identity Formation; paper:
± Icelandic: Defining Íslenzk menning.
The TEI Gaiji module: Representing non-standard characters and glyphs.
TEI et encodage des sources; paper:
Using the 'Choice' and 'Gaiji' mechanisms to produce multi-level representations of primary sources.
Les manuscrits post-Gutenberg; paper:
Manuscript culture in post-Reformation Iceland.
Supporting Digital Humanities; paper (with Eric Haswell):
XML for quantitative codicology.
Specific issues in Oriental philology; paper:
Old and new philology.
Histoires des Bretagnes : les conservateurs de la mémoire; paper:
Arthurian material in some lesser-known post-medieval Icelandic romances.
Exploration et exploitation des sources encodées en TEI; paper (with Eric Haswell and Silvia Hufnagel):
Quantitative codicology.
Autour de la collection arnamagnéenne : expériences dans les domaines de la conservation, de la valorisation et de l´exploitation du patrimoine écrit; paper:
The Arnamagnæan manuscript collection.
La valeur des sagas comme documents historiques; paper:
What's truth got to do with it? The Icelandic school of saga studies.
The handrit project(with Örn Hrafnkelsson).
The matière de Bretagne in late- and post-medieval Icelandic romances.
Alexander the Great in Old Norse-Icelandic.
Why we should care about rímur.
New approaches to historical collections; paper:
Old wine in new bottles? Digital resources and research questions.
The Icelandic rímur.
The agents and artefacts of vernacular literacy practices in late pre-modern Europe; lecture:
Reading and writing in late pre-modern Iceland.
Sr. Hallgrímur og Hólar í 400 ár: Málþing um prent- og handritamenningu á Íslandi; lecture:
Handritamenning á Íslandi.
Material philology and the Dead Sea Scrolls: New approaches for new text editions; keynote lecture:
Toward a more artefactual philological praxis.
Reading and writing from below: Exploring the margins of modernity; paper:
Herdís & Ólína: The poetry of everyday life.
Handritamenning síðari alda; paper:
Til gamans og dægrastyttingar: Handrit Guðbrands á Hvítadal.
15th International Saga Conference; roundtable convener:
New directions in Fornaldarsaga studies.
Post-print manuscript culture in Ireland, Scotland and Iceland; keynote paper:
Writing in the twilight: Icelandic scribes on the cusp of the modern era.
Medieval short narratives between languages and cultures: The Miracles of the Virgin Mary; paper:
The miracles of Mary: The Icelandic tradition.
Translating Edda songs; paper:
The early editions and translations of the Poetic Edda.
Maschinen und Manuskripte: Forschung mit Schriftquellen im digitalen Zeitalter; paper:
The legendary legacy: Crunching 600 years of saga manuscript data.
Stories for all time: The transmission and reception of the Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda.
Gaelic influence in medieval Iceland.
Rediscovering the Vikings; paper:
Stories for all time: The Icelandic Fornaldarsögur.
Manuscript culture in late pre-modern Iceland.
The legend of Tristan in saga, ballad and rhyme.
An Fhiannaíocht; keynote lecture:
The Icelandic rímur.
Miracles of the Virgin Mary: Medieval narratives through time and space; lecture:
Miracles of the Virgin in Old Icelandic.
Manuscript after print: The influence of print on post-Gutenberg manuscript culture; lecture:
Print features in the manuscripts of Magnús í Tjaldanesi.
Iceland's medieval manuscripts.
The paper manuscript; paper:
The paper manuscript in post-medieval Iceland.
The French connection: Translations of French literature in Icelandic manuscripts, ca. 1400-1900.
Icelandic manuscripts in 18th-century Ireland: The collection of the Rev. James Johnstone.
Writing in the twilight: The manuscripts of Magnús í Tjaldanesi.
Writing in the twilight: The manuscripts of Magnús í Tjaldanesi.
Textual philology facing liquid modernity: Identifying objects, evaluating methods, exploiting media; paper:
Textual and generic fluidity in late medieval and early modern Iceland.
17th International Saga Conference; paper:
Magnús Jónsson and the Íslendingasögur.
The Icelandic rímur.
Perspectives on textual scholarship and editorial practice: A seminar of the research group Textual Scholarship; paper:
The genesis of the Arnamagnæan method.
How has the literature of the Icelandic middle ages come down to us?
Kæri Fiðr: Assessing the legacy of Finnur Jónsson.
Literature and formats; paper:
Sizes and formats of Icelandic manuscript books, ca. 1200-1900.
12th Annual Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age; paper:
Keeping track of every book on every subject in every language, anno 1539.
Hernando Colón's Book of Books: El libro de los epítomes.
IX Festival Literatura Copenhague; paper:
Enhver bog på ethvert sprog og om ethvert emne: Hernando Colóns universalbibliotek.
Zur Zukunft des Europäischen Kulturerbes; paper:
Copenhagen University's Arnamagnæan Manuscript Collection and the question of the repatriation of cultural artefacts.
Grímur Thorkelin's Irish and Icelandic manuscripts; paper:
The Johnstone collection of Icelandic manuscripts at Trinity College Library.
Paper in motion; lecture:
The transcription and description of primary sources using TEI-conformant XML.
The Spanish manuscripts in the Arnamagnæan Collection and Hernando Colón's Libro de los epítomes.
Popular romance in late pre-modern Iceland.
Novel approaches to Digital Codicology, Centre d'Études Supérieures de la Renaissance, Tours; keynote lecture:
Getting physical: The origin, development and future of <physDesc>.
Icelandic manuscripts and texts: An introduction.
Popular romance in late pre-modern Iceland.
The Icelandic rímur.
.Every book in every language on every subject: Hernando Colón's universal library and the Libro de los epítomes
Grímur Thorkelin: An Icelander in 18th-century Britain; paper:
Thorkelin, Jamieson and the lexicography of Scots.
Thorkelin as scholar and editor; paper:
Introduction: Thorkelin as scholar and editor.
Last update: 2025-01-07