Stories for all time: The Icelandic fornaldarsögur
Encoding guidelines for manuscript catalogue records
edited by M. J. Driscoll
Version 1.1


This document describes a narrow subset of the Text Encoding Initiative's P5 Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange as used by the research project Stories for all time: The Icelandic fornaldarsögur (FASNL), based at Nordisk Forskningsinstitut (NFI), a research institute within the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Copenhagen.

Compared to other TEI customisations (e.g. the ENRICH Schema), this customisation is considerably more data-centric, largely owing to the project's focus on quantitative codicology. Many aspects of manuscripts which would otherwise be included in an XML description are omitted here; in many cases, a fuller record may be available from other sources, e.g. the union catalogue.

The format is formally expressed by a schema which is generated from the XML source of these guidelines. It is a conformant subset of Release 2.9.1 of the Text Encoding Initiative's Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange (TEI P5). The schema defined by this document is available in RELAX NG at the following location:

The overall structure of a TEI-conformant XML document can be summarised as follows:
<TEI xmlns="">
<!-- metadata describing the manuscript -->
<!-- (optional) metadata describing, and links to, digital images of the manuscript -->
<!-- (optional) transcription of the manuscript -->
Note that although facsimile and text are both optional, one of them must be present.

The present document pertains only to the first of these aspects, manuscript description, in part using material derived from the P5 release of the TEI Guidelines.

1 Manuscript description metadata

Each manuscript must be described within the teiHeader element of a TEI-conformant document, as specified in the TEI Guidelines, chapter 2. For FASNL project purposes, the following components of the TEI Header must be provided, and must conform to the constraints specified here.

The following example shows the minimal required structure:
   <availability status="free">
    <licence target="">Distributed by
         the University of Copenhagen under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
         3.0 Unported License.</licence>
   <authority>Nordisk Forskningsinstitut, Københavns Universitet</authority>
   <msDesc xml:id="examplexml:lang="en">
<!-- [full manuscript description ]-->
  <change when="2016-01-01who="#ABC">
<!-- [revision information] -->

Taking these in turn:

The msDesc element is used to provide detailed information about a single manuscript. For FASNL purposes, this must carry the attributes mentioned above, to supply a unique internal identifier for the manuscript, and to specify the language of its description respectively.

The value for xml:id must be derived from the shelfmark, so as to create a valid QName. In the system we employ in the project, the description of a manuscript with the shelfmark AM 11 fol. would have as its id AM02-0011-en while GKS 2450 4to would be GKS04-2450-en.

The value for xml:lang, as elsewhere, must be supplied in the form of a valid language identifier (see below). Note that xml:lang does not indicate the language of the manuscript itself; this information is encoded under textLang, as described below ( textLang).

The msDesc element has the following component elements, each of which is further described in the remainder of this section.

The first four of these are mandatory; the fifth is optional. msPart should only be used for composite manuscripts, i.e. manuscripts comprising two or more originally distinct manuscript parts now kept together as a unit, and msFrag for scattered manuscripts, i.e. manuscripts one or more parts of which have become separated from the original codex and may now be kept in different repositories.

1.1 The manuscript identifier (<msIdentifier>)

The msIdentifier element provides an unambiguous means of uniquely identifying a particular manuscript. This must be done in a structured way, by providing information about the holding institution and call number, shelfmark or other identifier used to indicate its location within that institution.

  • msIdentifier (manuscript identifier) contains the information required to identify the manuscript being described.

The following elements are used within msIdentifier to identify a manuscript and its holding institution:

  • repository contains the name of a repository within which manuscripts are stored, possibly forming part of an institution.
  • idno (identifier) supplies any form of identifier used to identify some object, such as a bibliographic item, a person, a title, an organization, etc. in a standardized way.
  • altIdentifier (alternative identifier) contains an alternative or former structured identifier used for a manuscript, such as a former catalogue number.

repository and idno are both mandatory within the msIdentifier. altIdentifier is optional.

This example shows the minimal required structure of msIdentifier:
 <repository ref="#LBS">Landsbókasafn</repository>
 <idno>JS 8 fol.</idno>

repository is a member of the attribute class att.canonical, and thus can use the attribute ref to reference a single standardised source of information about the entity being named. repository may therefore be empty, since all details about the repository, including its name and location, can be recorded in the authority file designated for this purpose. This authority file is described in another section of this document (2.3 Repositories). The value of the ref attribute points to a record in the authority file.

This example points to a record having the xml:id AMIS in the repository authority file. Although it is not an error to supply a textual description of the repository as shown here, it should nonetheless be avoided to prevent redundancy. A correctly configured formatting application will ignore the content of repository and retrieve the repository information from the authority file.
<repository ref="#AMIS">Arnamagnæan Collection, Reykjavík</repository>

The idno element is mandatory, and must contain the shelfmark of the manuscript. Manuscript repositories will usually have a preferred form of citation for their manuscript shelfmarks, including rules about punctuation, spacing, abbreviations etc., which should ideally be adhered to.

It is possible to add the altIdentifier element in order to reference to a former shelfmark or a different form of identification, e.g. by nickname. The type of alternative Identifier is indicated using the type. Possible values are:
the alternative Identifier is a former shelfmark
the alternative Identifier is a nickname
 <repository ref="#AMIS"/>
 <idno>GKS 1005 fol.</idno>
 <altIdentifier type="nickname">

1.2 Manuscript contents (<msContents>)

The msContents element is used to describe the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part. It comprises a single titlePage element with an ana attribute, followed by a series of msItem elements, each of which provides a more detailed description of a single item contained within the manuscript.

  • msContents (manuscript contents) describes the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of structured manuscript items.
This example shows the content model of msContents:
 <titlePage ana="#later"/>
 <msItem class="fasn="1">
<!-- [content of msItem] -->
 <msItem class="riddn="2">
<!-- [content of msItem] -->
<!-- [further msItem elements as necessary] -->

1.2.1 <titlePage>

titlePage can be used to indicate the presence or absence of a title page in a manuscript; if a title page is present, you should indicate whether the title page is contemporaneous with the rest of the manuscript or was added later.

  • titlePage (title page) contains the title page of a text, appearing within the front or back matter.
    ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.

The ana attribute is required on titlePage and must take one of the following values:

The is no title page present in the manuscript.
A title page is present and it is contemporaneous with the rest of the manuscript.
A title page is present and has been added at some time after the manuscript's creation.
Example of a manuscript without a title page:
<titlePage ana="#no"/>
Example of a manuscript with a title page which is contemporary with the rest of the manuscript:
<titlePage ana="#contemporary"/>
The text on the title page can be transcribed, using one or more titlePart elements, with type attributes as necessary.
<titlePage ana="#contemporary">
 <titlePart type="main">Historien om Rolf Krage, Konge i Danmark</titlePart>
 <titlePart type="sub">Af det Islandske sprog, udsat paa dansk.</titlePart>

1.2.2 <msItem>

Each item in a manuscript or manuscript part must be described within a distinct msItem, and must be classified using the class attribute and numbered using the n attribute. Another attribute, defective, is optional. A valid manuscript description must contain at least one msItem. Nesting of msItem elements is permitted where appropriate.

  • msItem (manuscript item) describes an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part.
    n(number) gives a number (or other label) for an element, which is not necessarily unique within the document.
    classidentifies the text types or classifications applicable to this item by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned. Suggested values include: 1] fas; 2] ridd; 3] edd; 4] isl; 5] kvad; 6] kon; 7] islt; 8] rimur; 9] forns; 10] avint; 11] konth; 12] almb; 13] riddst
    defective [att.msExcerpt]indicates whether the passage being quoted is defective, i.e. incomplete through loss or damage.

The value of the class attribute should specify the identifier used for the appropriate text classification within a taxonomy element, which thus functions as an authority file for text types, and is described in another section of this document (2.4 Text classes).

The defective attribute is optional and should only be used to indicate that a text is incomplete because of loss or damage. If defective is used, it must carry the value true. The absence of defective from an msItem element is understood to indicate that the item in question is not defective, i.e. complete.

This example shows the encoding of a manuscript item which belongs to the text class fornaldarsögur. The value of class points to a record in classDecl having the xml:id value fas. The example also shows a value of 1 on the attribute n, indicating that this is the first item in the manuscript. Further, the item in question is marked as being incomplete by the use of the defective attribute.
<msItem class="fasdefective="truen="1">
 <locus from="1r:1to="8v:17"/>
 <title ref="#snfdsvtype="uniform">Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum í Dana og
   Svía veldi</title>
The ref attribute should be used when the item in question is a fornaldarsaga; see below title.
This example demonstrates the method for nesting msItem elements, which is useful in cases such as this, where a saga comprises several individual þættir. The value of the n attribute on the nested msItem elements indicates the depth of nesting.
<msItem class="riddn="2">
 <locus from="23rto="80r"/>
 <title type="uniform">Mágus saga jarls</title>
 <msItem class="riddn="2.1">
  <title type="uniform">Hrólfs þáttur skuggafífls</title>
 <msItem class="riddn="2.2">
  <title type="uniform">Vilhjálms þáttur Laissonar</title>
 <msItem class="riddn="2.3">
  <title type="uniform">Geirarðs þáttur frækna</title>
</msItem> <locus>

A locus element should be included within msItem in order to specify the location (or locations) of that item within the manuscript being described.

  • locus defines a location within a manuscript or manuscript part, usually as a (possibly discontinuous) sequence of folio references.
    fromspecifies the starting point of the location in a normalized form, typically a page number.
    tospecifies the end-point of the location in a normalized form, typically as a page number.

Start and end points must be, at a minimum, specified as folios (e.g. 1r, 45r, 78v). If desired, it is possible to supplement this information with line numbers of one or both of the start and end points of the text. If provided, line numbers must be separated from the folio by a colon character, as shown in the example below.

Although not required to be empty, the content of the locus element should ideally be omitted; a formatting application is expected to be able to construct it automatically from the values of the from and to attributes.

This example shows the encoding of a manuscript item which begins on folio 3 verso and ends on folio 17 recto:
<locus from="3vto="17r"/>
As mentioned, it is also possible, but generally not necessary, to write out the range of folios as the content of the element:
<locus from="3vto="17r">f. 3v-17r</locus>
This example shows the encoding of a manuscript item which begins on line 1 of folio 1 recto and ends on line 17 of folio 8 verso.
<locus from="1r:1to="8v:17"/> <title>

The title element contains the title of the individual manuscript item and is required to appear at least once (multiple titles are possible). This title should be provided in a uniform format, that is, the standardised title by which the work is generally known. The form of the title found in the manuscript itself can also be given using the rubric or finalRubric elements; see below rubric, incipit, explicit and finalRubric.

  • title contains a title for any kind of work.
    typeclassifies the title according to some convenient typology.
    ref(reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition or identity for the entity being named by means of one or more URIs.

The indication of the type of title is given by the type attribute, which is required and must take one of the following values:

The title given is a uniform title, i.e. the standard or canonical title by which an individual work is known in e.g. Anonymous classics: a list of uniform headings for European literatures, published by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.
The title is given is a general description of the work in question rather than a standard title. supplied should be used when it is not possible to assign a uniform title, for example if there is no corresponding entry in the reference literature or provided in a manuscript catalogue.
An alternative title by which the work is also known.
In this example, most catalogues give the title of the item as Þjalar Jóns saga but it is also known as Jóns saga Svipdagssonar.
<title type="uniform">Þjalar Jóns saga</title>
<title type="parallel">Jóns saga Svipdagssonar</title>
In this example, the reference sources do not provide a corresponding uniform title. The title is therefore given as written in the manuscript catalogue, and the value of type is supplied.
<title type="supplied">Prayer</title>

As mentioned above, the ref attribute on title must be used when the item in question is a fornaldarsaga. The abbreviations for the various sagas are as follows:

Áns saga bogsveigis
Ásmundar saga kappabana
Bósa saga og Herrauðs
Egils saga einhenda og Ásmundar berserkjabana
Eiríks saga víðförla
Frá Fornjóti og hans ættmönnum
Friðþjófs saga frækna
Göngu-Hrólfs saga
Gautreks saga og Gjafa-Refs
Gríms saga loðinkinna
Heiðreks saga konungs og Hervarar (Hervarar saga)
Hálfdanar saga Brönufóstra
Hálfdanar saga Eysteinssonar
Hrólfs saga Gautrekssonar
Hrómundar saga Gripssonar
Héðins saga og Högna (Sörla þáttur)
Hrólfs saga kraka
Hálfs saga konungs og Hálfsrekka
Hjálmþés saga og Ölvis
Helga þáttur Þórissonar
Illuga saga Gríðarfóstra
Jóns saga Svipdagssonar (Þjalar-Jóns saga)
Ketils saga hængs
Norna-Gests þáttur
Örvar-Odds saga
Ragnars saga loðbrókar
Ragnarssona þáttur
Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum í Dana og Svíaveldi
Sörla saga sterka
Sturlaugs saga starfsama
Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar
Þorsteins þáttur bæjarmagns
Tóka þáttur Tókasonar
Af Upplendinga konungum
Völsunga saga
Yngvars saga víðförla <textLang>

  • textLang (text language) describes the languages and writing systems identified within the bibliographic work being described, rather than its description.
    mainLang(main language) supplies a code which identifies the chief language used in the bibliographic work.
    otherLangs(other languages) one or more codes identifying any other languages used in the bibliographic work.

textLang is required to indicate the language of the text within msItem. The mainLang attribute is used to encode the predominant language of a text. In cases where a manuscript is written in more than one language, use otherLangs to encoding the additional languages. Abbreviations for each language are taken from the ISO 639-1 codes. All those used have been hard-wired into the schema.

In the following example, the manuscript is principally in Icelandic but with some material in Latin and German:
<textLang mainLang="isotherLangs="la de"/>
Note: The standard code for Old Norse-Icelandic is non, which can be found in the expanded list of ISO 639-2 codes. For the purposes of this project, however, it is unnecessary to distinguish between Old and Modern Icelandic, so is should be used for both. <rubric>, <incipit>, <explicit> and <finalRubric>

  • rubric contains the text of any rubric or heading attached to a particular manuscript item, that is, a string of words through which a manuscript signals the beginning of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, which is in some way set off from the text itself, usually in red ink, or by use of different size or type of script, or some other such visual device.
  • incipit contains the incipit of a manuscript item, that is the opening words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric which might precede it, of sufficient length to identify the work uniquely; such incipits were, in former times, frequently used a means of reference to a work, in place of a title.
  • explicit contains the explicit of a manuscript item, that is, the closing words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric or colophon which might follow it.
  • finalRubric contains the string of words that denotes the end of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, usually set off from the text itself by red ink, by a different size or type of script, or by some other such visual device.
  • colophon contains the colophon of a manuscript item: that is, a statement providing information regarding the date, place, agency, or reason for production of the manuscript.

All of these elements are optional. rubric is used to encode headings in the text. Usually these are or contain some form of title and are frequently written in a larger, more ornate script than the rest of the text. There may be more than one rubric, in which case multiple rubric elements may be used. incipit and explicit encode the first and last words of a text respectively and are sometimes used to identify a text when no title is given. Usually these are five to ten words long, but this will vary depending on the text; ideally they should form a complete syntactic unit. finalRubric should be used when the last words of the text give its title, as in the example below. colophon is used where the scribe provides information on himself or the place, date or circumstaces under which the text was copied.

<rubric>Sagann af Eireke Rauda</rubric>
<incipit>Olafur heet k<ex>on</ex>ung<ex>ur</ex> er kallaþ<ex>ur</ex> var Oleyfur
<finalRubric>og end<ex>ar</ex> hier so sauguna af Eireke hinum rauda</finalRubric>
Note that transcriptions from the text should be given in semi-diplomatic form, i.e. preserving the orthography of the original as much as possible, but with expanded abbreviations, where the expansions are clearly marked using, as a minimum, the ex element.
<rubric>Hervarar þättur hin<ex>n</ex> gamle fin<ex>n</ex>st so skrifadur sem hier
epter fÿlger.</rubric>
The unexpanded forms can also be given, using am and ex within choice:
<rubric>Hervarar þättur hin<choice>
 </choice> gamle
 </choice>st so skrifadur sem hier epter
The elements abbr and expan can also be used, although this results in markup which is unnecessarily heavy.
<rubric>Hervarar þättur
 </choice> so
skrifadur sem hier epter fÿlger.</rubric>

For more information on recommended transcription practice see the project's transcription guidelines. <filiation>

The filiation element is a container for listing one or more manuscripts which are related to the manuscript described by the current record. Each of these manuscript relations is expressed using ref, as explained below.

  • filiation contains information concerning the manuscript's filiation, i.e. its relationship to other surviving manuscripts of the same text, its protographs, antigraphs and apographs.
  • ref (reference) defines a reference to another location, possibly modified by additional text or comment.
    type [att.typed]characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
    target [att.pointing]specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
    ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.

Each ref child of filiation is required to carry the three attributes type, target and ana.

The value of type is can be either ms (manuscript) or book. The value of target is a list of one or more URI pointers to the xml:id of a manuscript record or records. The value of ana is one of the three following values:

The manuscript described in the current record derives from or is of the same tradition as the manuscript referenced by target but is not a direct copy of it.
The manuscript described in the current record is a direct copy of the manuscript referenced by target.
The manuscript referenced by target is a direct copy of the manuscript described in the current record.

In the following example, the manuscript being described is derived from, but is not a direct copy of, MS 9999, and is also the source from which the MS 1111 was copied:
 <ref ana="#apographtarget="#MS_1111"

 <ref ana="#protographtarget="#MS_9999"

</filiation> <note>

  • note contains a note or annotation.

In some cases, a cataloguer may wish to include information on a manuscript item which does not fit elsewhere. note should be used for this purpose. The note element is optional.

<note>This is the shorter version of the saga, comprising only 11 chapters rather
than the usual 14.</note>

1.3 Physical description (<physDesc>)

  • physDesc (physical description) contains a full physical description of a manuscript or manuscript part, optionally subdivided using more specialized elements from the model.physDescPart class.

Under the general heading ‘physical description’ we subsume a large number of elements which are useful for the codicological description of a given manuscript. These include:

The physDesc element acts as a container for a specific structure comprised of the specialised elements described in the remainder of this section, each of which itself requires a very precise content model, and may also require certain specific attributes, as the following example demonstrates:
 <objectDesc form="codex">
  <supportDesc material="chart">
    <num type="front-flyleafvalue="2"/>
    <num type="book-blockvalue="367"/>
    <num type="back-flyleafvalue="1"/>
    <dimensions type="leaf">
     <height quantity="200unit="mm"/>
     <width quantity="160unit="mm"/>
    <watermark ana="#no"/>
   <foliation ana="#later pag"/>
   <condition ana="#good"/>
   <layout columns="1writtenLines="4 30">
    <num atLeast="6atMost="20type="wpl"/>
    <dimensions type="written">
     <height quantity="130unit="mm"/>
     <width quantity="175unit="mm"/>
 <handDesc hands="3">
  <handNote scope="majorscript="cursiva"/>
  <handNote scope="major"

  <handNote scope="major"

 <decoDesc ana="#low">
  <decoNote type="initial">Initials slightly larger, but without colour or
 <additions ana="#high">
  <p>Lots of marginalia throughout the manuscript, particularly on leaves originally
     left blank.</p>
  <binding ana="#plaincontemporary="true">
   <p>The binding is not in particularly good condition; it is covered in a vellum
       leaf containing texts in Latin, one of them a Psalm of David. </p>

1.3.1 Object description (<objectDesc>)

The objectDesc element is used to group together those parts of the physical description which relate specifically to the text-bearing object, its format, constitution, layout etc.

  • objectDesc contains a description of the physical components making up the object which is being described.
    forma short project-specific name identifying the physical form of the carrier, for example as a codex, roll, fragment, partial leaf, cutting etc.

The form attribute is used to indicate the specific type of text-bearing object being described. It is required and its value must be one of the following:

A bound codex
A loose leaf
A scroll
Any other format

The objectDesc element has two parts: a description of the support ( Support description (supportDesc)), i.e. the physical carrier on which the text is inscribed, and a description of the layout Layout description (layoutDesc), i.e. the way text is organised on the page (or other surface). Support description (<supportDesc>)

  • supportDesc (support description) groups elements describing the physical support for the written part of a manuscript.
    materiala short project-defined name for the material composing the majority of the support

The material attribute on supportDesc is used briefly to summarise the materials used for the support. For FASNL project purposes, it must have one of the following values:

A combination of materials
Support material unknown <support>

The support element groups together information about the physical carrier.

  • support contains a description of the materials etc. which make up the physical support for the written part of a manuscript.
The following example shows the required structure of objectDesc and its child elements:
<objectDesc form="codex">
 <supportDesc material="chart">
   <num type="front-flyleafvalue="4"/>
   <num type="book-blockvalue="206"/>
   <num type="back-flyleafvalue="6"/>
    <height quantity="167unit="mm"/>
    <width quantity="132unit="mm"/>
   <watermark ana="#yes"/>
</objectDesc> <num>

The num element is used under support to indicate the number of leaves present in a manuscript.

  • num (number) contains a number, written in any form.
    typeindicates the type of numeric value.
    valuesupplies the value of the number in standard form.

The value of the type attribute must be one of the following:

Flyleaves which come before the main book block.
The assemblage of leaves making up the main part of the manuscript.
Flyleaves which come after the main book block.

At least one and no more than three num elements must be present. In the case of a single num element, the type attribute must carry the value book-block. If flyleaves are present either at the front or back of the manuscript, further num elements may be used as necessary. <dimensions>

dimensions as a child of support records the physical size of a manuscript's support.

Leaf dimensions are encoded using two child elements, height and width, each of which must carry a unit attribute. The measured values for height and width of a manuscript's support should be encoded in one of two ways:

  • Where leaf size is consistent throughout the entire manuscript, the quantity attribute is used.
  • If leaf size varies, the attributes atLeast and atMost should be used to provide minimum and maximum values, respectively.
  • height contains a measurement measured along the axis at right angles to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. parallel to the spine for a codex or book.
    atLeast [att.ranging]gives a minimum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
    atMost [att.ranging]gives a maximum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
    quantity [att.dimensions]specifies the length in the units specified
    unit [att.dimensions]names the unit used for the measurement
  • width contains a measurement measured along the axis parallel to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. perpendicular to the spine of a book or codex.
    atLeast [att.ranging]gives a minimum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
    atMost [att.ranging]gives a maximum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
    quantity [att.dimensions]specifies the length in the units specified
    unit [att.dimensions]names the unit used for the measurement <watermark>

watermark is required, and is used solely to record either the presence or absence of a watermark. No further information about a watermark is necessary.

  • watermark contains a word or phrase describing a watermark or similar device.
    ana(analysis) Indicates the presence or absence of a watermark.

The ana attribute is required and must take one of the following values:

No watermarks are visible in the manuscript.
One or more watermarks are visible.

Note that the absence of the watermark element in this context should not be interpreted as equal to an ana value of no. For obvious reasons the watermark element will only be present in cases where the support is paper (or mixed). <foliation>

The foliation element may be used to indicate the scheme, medium or location of folio, page or column numbers written in the manuscript.

  • foliation describes the numbering system or systems used to count the leaves or pages in a codex.
    ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.

The ana attribute on foliation is used to encode two separate but related pieces of information: when the manuscript was foliated and how. The value of ana must be a whitespace-separated sequence of two of the following:

The manuscript is columnated, i.e. numbered by column.
Foliation is contemporary with the manuscript.
The manuscript is foliated, i.e. numbered by folio.
Foliation occurred some time after the manuscript was produced.
Manuscript is not foliated.
The manuscript is paginated, i.e. numbered by page.

Note that in the case of a manuscript which has not been foliated, the single value no can be used.

The following example shows the encoding of foliation for a manuscript which was foliated by folio at the time of its creation:

<foliation ana="#contemporary fol"/>

The following example shows the encoding of foliation for a manuscript is not foliated:

<foliation ana="#no"/>

Where there is multiple foliation, e.g. original columnation and later foliation, more than one foliation element should be used.

<foliation ana="#contemporary col"/>
<foliation ana="#later fol"/>

As in other cases, more information can be provided within the element:

<foliation ana="#contemporary col">Original columnation.</foliation>
<foliation ana="#later fol">Foliated in red ink in the upper right-hand corner of
the recto side by Kr. Kålund.</foliation> <condition>
  • condition contains a description of the physical condition of the manuscript.
    ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.

The condition element is used to summarise the overall physical state of a manuscript. Physical state is given as a single value carried by the ana attribute. This must be one of the following three values:

Manuscript condition is fairly bad: some damage to pages and binding.
Manuscript condition is average.
Manuscript condition is relatively good: structural integrity is sound, with only minor signs of wear.

Here again, it is also possible to provide a prose description of a manuscript's condition using the condition element, but it is not required. Layout description (<layoutDesc>)

The second part of objectDesc is the layoutDesc element, which is used to describe and document the mise-en-page of the manuscript, that is the way in which text is arranged on the page, specifying the number of written lines and columns per page, the number of words per line and the size of the written area.

  • layoutDesc (layout description) collects the set of layout descriptions applicable to a manuscript.

layoutDesc has a very specific content model, as illustrated by the following example:

 <layout ana="#verse-prosecolumns="1"
  writtenLines="24 30">

  <num atLeast="16atMost="20type="wpl"/>
  <dimensions type="written">
   <height quantity="130unit="mm"/>
   <width quantity="175unit="mm"/>
</layoutDesc> <layout>
  • layout describes how text is laid out on the page, including information about any ruling, pricking, or other evidence of page-preparation techniques.
    ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
    columnsspecifies the number of columns per page
    writtenLinesspecifies the number of written lines per column

The ana attribute on layout is optional. It should be used when a manuscript's text includes verses (as is frequently the case with the fornaldarsögur). The attribute's values distinguish between two methods of writing verses: distinct from the prose, i.e. in verse lines, or in-line, i.e. as if it were prose. As such, ana and may take one of the following values, where appropriate:

Verses are present and are written separately from the prose.
Verses are present and are written in-line with the flow of the prose.
It has not been determined how verses are written.

Note that as ana is optional, its absence will be taken to imply that there are no verses anywhere in the manuscript.

The columns attribute is required, and takes a single integer as its value which indicates the number of columns per manuscript page. Note that even if there is only one column present, as is the case with most manuscripts, the columns attribute is still required.

The writtenLines attribute is also required and is used for encoding the number of written lines per page. This information may expressed as either a single integer, in the case of a manuscript containing the same number of written lines on each page, or as a whitespace-separated sequence of two integers if the number of written lines varies. In the above example, the number of written lines in the manuscript ranges from 24 to 30. <num>

In the context of layout, the num element is used to encode the number of words per line in the manuscript.

  • num (number) contains a number, written in any form.
    typeindicates the type of numeric value.
    atLeast [att.ranging]gives a minimum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
    atMost [att.ranging]gives a maximum estimated value for the approximate measurement.

All three of type, atLeast and atMost are required to be present on num in this context. The value of type must always be wpl (words per line). The atLeast and atMost attributes encode the lowest and highest number of words per line, respectively. Three pages are chosen at random in the manuscript, and word counts are made on those three pages, taking three or four lines from each. In the unlikely event that all lines sampled contain the same number of words, the atLeast and atMost attributes will both have the same value; otherwise the values will represent the highest and lowest number of those sampled. <dimensions>
  • dimensions contains a dimensional specification.
    typeindicates which aspect of the object is being measured.

As a child of layoutDesc, dimensions is a container element used to encode the height and width of the written area of the page. To this end, the type attribute is required, and must always carry the value written.

The written area should measured from the tops of the ascenders of the first written line to the base line of the last written line, and from the stem of the first letter to the end of the bowl or bar of the last letter. Flourished squiggles, tails and elongated ascenders and descenders are not included. If the written area has been marked by pencil, pen or drypoint these marks can be used for measurements.

The height and width of the written area are encoded using the height and width elements as children of dimensions. The measured values for height and width of the written area should be encoded in one of two ways:

  • Where written area is consistent throughout the entire manuscript, the quantity attribute is used.
  • If the size of the written area varies, the attributes atLeast and atMost should be used to provide minimum and maximum values, respectively.
  • height contains a measurement measured along the axis at right angles to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. parallel to the spine for a codex or book.
    unit [att.dimensions]names the unit used for the measurement
    quantity [att.dimensions]specifies the length in the units specified
    atLeast [att.ranging]gives a minimum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
    atMost [att.ranging]gives a maximum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
  • width contains a measurement measured along the axis parallel to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. perpendicular to the spine of a book or codex.
    unit [att.dimensions]names the unit used for the measurement
    quantity [att.dimensions]specifies the length in the units specified
    atLeast [att.ranging]gives a minimum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
    atMost [att.ranging]gives a maximum estimated value for the approximate measurement.

On both the height and width elements, the unit and quantity attributes are required. Measurements are expressed in millimetres, and as such the value of unit will always be mm. The quantity attribute is an integer expressing the number of millimetres. Measurements should be rounded to the nearest millimetre.

Note: dimensions can be used twice in the case of a manuscript with two (or more) scribes with major scope and differing page dimensions (e.g. Papp 8vo 7).

1.3.2 Hand description (<handDesc>)

  • handDesc (description of hands) contains a description of all the different kinds of writing used in a manuscript.
    handsspecifies the number of distinct hands identified within the manuscript
  • handNote (note on hand) describes a particular style or hand distinguished within a manuscript.
    scriptcharacterizes the particular script or writing style used by this hand, for example secretary, copperplate, Chancery, Italian, etc. Sample values include: 1] carolingian; 2] protogothic; 3] textualis; 4] cursiva; 5] hybrida; 6] semihybrida; 7] hum cursiva; 8] fractura; 9] chancery fractura; 10] chancery; 11] kurrent; 12] early kurrent; 13] late kurrent; 14] unknown
The handDesc element and its descendant element handNote (see below) are used to encode, in a highly structured manner, characteristics of the writing observed in a manuscript, as in the following example:
<handDesc hands="2">
 <handNote scope="major"

 <handNote scope="minor"


The hands attribute on handDesc carries an integer value which indicates the number of identifiable hands in the manuscript. If it apparent that more than one hand is present, but it is not possible to arrive at a definitive determination of the exact number of hands, then the value 999 should be used. This is interpreted as meaning 'several hands', with an implied uncertainly as to the precise number.

A handNote element is required for each of the identifiable hands in the manuscript. Each handNote element should have the three attributes scribeRef, scope and script.

The scribeRef attribute carries a reference code which points to a full description of the scribe in an authority file for persons (described in a later section - 2.1 Persons). If the name of a scribe is known but he can nevertheless not be identified with certainty, the value "ambig" is used to indicate ambiguity. In that case it is mandatory to supply the name and whatever information available in prose.

The scope attribute indicates the extent to which the hand is used in the manuscript and may take one of three values:

only this hand is found throughout the manuscript
this hand writes most of the manuscript
this hand appears only occasionally in the manuscript

The script attribute describes the type of script used by the hand. If a scribe uses more than one script, the dominant script type is chosen as value of script. Other script types can be specified in prose. For the purposes of this project the allowable values for script are as follows:

hum cursiva
chancery fractura

If desired, it it even possible to distinguish between:

early kurrent
late kurrent

1.3.3 Decoration description (<decoDesc>)

  • decoDesc (decoration description) contains a description of the decoration of a manuscript, either as a sequence of paragraphs, or as a sequence of topically organized decoNote elements.
    ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
  • decoNote (note on decoration) contains a note describing either a decorative component of a manuscript, or a fairly homogenous class of such components.
    typecharacterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.

The decoDesc element and its child element decoNote (see below) are used to encode, in a highly structured manner, characteristics of the decoration found in a manuscript.

The ana attribute on decoDesc is required and carries a value which indicates the relative level of decoration in the manuscript. The value of ana must be one of the following:

the manuscript has no decoration
there is very little decoration in the manuscript
the manuscript is moderately decorated
the manuscript is highly decorated
The following example demonstrates how to encode and manuscript having no decoration:
<decoDesc ana="#no"/>

For each type of decoration in the manuscript, a decoNote element can be used. The type attribute on decoNote is required, and should describe the type of decoration present. The allowable values for type are as follows:


If desired, a prose description of the decoration may also be provided as content of the decoNote element, as in the following example, but this is not required.

<decoDesc ana="#medium">
 <decoNote type="initials">Some initials in red.</decoNote>
 <decoNote type="vignette">A tailpiece.</decoNote>

1.3.4 <additions>

  • additions contains a description of any significant additions found within a manuscript, such as marginalia or other annotations.
    ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.

The additions element is used to encode information about any additions to the text, in particular marginalia.

The ana attribute on additions is required and carries a value which indicates the relative level of additions in the manuscript. The value of ana must be one of the following:

the manuscript has no additions
there are very few additions in the manuscript
the manuscript has a moderate number of additions
the manuscript has a high number of additions
If desired, a description of the additions may be provided using the standard phrase-level element p, as shown in the following example:
<additions ana="#low">
 <p>Text on leaves on the inner side of both front- and back-boards.</p>
It is also possible, although not required, to provide a much more detailed description of additions made to the manuscript, as shown in the following example:
<additions ana="#medium">
 <p>Pen trials, scribbles, words and sentences have been added to empty spaces or
   blank pages between items as well as in the margins. Some of these are of
   importance as they contain the names of previous owners, e.g. <q>Marteinn
     Jónsson 12/12 60</q> (<locus from="1rto="1r"/>) and <q>Björn Sigurðsson: Með
     eigin hendi</q> (<locus from="24rto="24r"/>).</p>
 <p>At the end of Hrólfs saga Gautrekssonar <locus from="92vrto="92v"/> written
   in different hand: <q>G G Amen</q>.</p>
 <p>At the end of Nikulás saga leikara (<locus from="131vto="131v"/>) is written:
 <q>Gudrun Bjorns dotter á bókina</q>.</p>

1.3.5 Binding description (<bindingDesc>)

  • bindingDesc (binding description) describes the present and former bindings of a manuscript, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of distinct binding elements, one for each binding of the manuscript.
  • binding contains a description of one binding, i.e. type of covering, boards, etc. applied to a manuscript.
    ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
    contemporaryspecifies whether or not the binding is contemporary with the majority of its contents

The ana attribute on binding is required and is used to encode information about the manuscript binding and its level of decoration. It must take one of the following values:

a plain binding with no decoration
the binding is moderately decorated
the binding is highly decorated; special attention has been invested in imparting pleasing aesthetic characteristics to the binding

The contemporary attribute is also required on binding, and carries a Boolean value, i.e. true or false, to indicate whether or not the binding is contemporaneous with the manuscript.

If desired, it is possible to supplement the required markup described above with a prose description of the binding, using standard phrase-level elements such as p.

The following example demonstrates encoding information about a plain binding contemporary with the manuscript's production:
 <binding ana="#plaincontemporary="true">
  <p>Plain leather cover without boards.</p>
The following example encodes information about a moderately-decorated binding added as a replacement to the original binding at some later date:
 <binding ana="#moderate"

  <p>Library binding, leather spine and corners.</p>

1.4 History

1.4.1 <origin>

  • origin contains any descriptive or other information concerning the origin of a manuscript or manuscript part.

The child elements of origin (origDate and origPlace) are used to encode, in a highly structured manner, information about the place and date of origin of a manuscript.

The following example demonstrates the encoding method for a manuscript produced ca. 1810 in Iceland.
 <origDate notAfter="1820notBefore="1800">ca. 1810</origDate>
 <origPlace key="IS"/>
</origin> <origDate>

  • origDate (origin date) contains any form of date, used to identify the date of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part.
    notBefore [att.datable.w3c]specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
    notAfter [att.datable.w3c]specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
    from [att.datable.w3c]indicates the starting point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
    to [att.datable.w3c]indicates the ending point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
    when [att.datable.w3c]supplies the value of the date or time in a standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.

The origDate element is required. Depending on the circumstances of, and level of certainly about, a manuscript's date of origin, one of three possible methods may be used to encode the date of origin:

  • If the manuscript was produced in a single year, and this date is known, the when attribute is used.
  • If the manuscript was produced over a span of two or more years, and these dates are known, the from and to attributes are used.
  • If the manuscript's exact date of production is not known but can be approximately determined via other means, such as palaeography and orthography, the notBefore and notAfter attributes are used.

Only one of these three methods should be used for the attributes on origDate. The element need not contain any text or child elements.

The following example demonstrates the encoding method for a manuscript known to have been produced in 1691:
<origDate when="1691"/>
The following example demonstrates the encoding method for a manuscript known to have been begun in 1815 and completed in 1827:
<origDate from="1815to="1827"/>
The following example demonstrates the encoding method for a manuscript whose date of production is not precisely known, but is estimated to have occurred at some point in the first quarter of the 18th century:
<origDate notAfter="1725notBefore="1701"/> <origPlace>

  • origPlace (origin place) contains any form of place name, used to identify the place of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part.
    keyprovides an externally-defined means of identifying the entity (or entities) being named, using a coded value of some kind.

The origPlace element is also required, and, like origDate, need not contain any text or child elements. The value of the key attribute should be the standard reference code for the country in which the manuscript was produced.

The following example demonstrates the encoding method for a manuscript produced in Iceland:
<origPlace key="IS"/> <provenance>

  • provenance contains any descriptive or other information concerning a single identifiable episode during the history of a manuscript or manuscript part, after its creation but before its acquisition.
  • name (name, proper noun) contains a proper noun or noun phrase.
    ref [att.canonical](reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition or identity for the entity being named by means of one or more URIs.
    role [att.naming]may be used to specify further information about the entity referenced by this name in the form of a set of whitespace-separated values, for example the occupation of a person, or the status of a place.
    typecharacterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.

The provenance element is optional. If information on the history of the manuscript is available, particularly with respect to individuals known to have been involved with the manuscript in some way, e.g. as owners, then this information should be encoded using name elements as children of provenance. Such elements in this context are required to carry three attributes: type, key and role.

For personal names, the value of type is always person.

ref carries a reference code which points to a full description of the person in an authority file (described in a later section - 2.1 Persons).

role identifies the nature of the relationship between the person and the manuscript. Some possible values include owner and commissioner.

The following example demonstrates the method of encoding various owners of a manuscript:
 <name ref="#SigEin005role="owner"
Sigríður Einarsdóttir</name>
 <name ref="#JonSig045role="owner"
Jón Sigurður Sigurðsson</name>
 <name ref="#SigJen001role="owner"
Sigurður Jensson</name>

1.5 Manuscript parts

The msPart element should be used in cases where what were originally physically separate manuscripts or parts of manuscripts have been bound together and/or share the same call number.

  • msPart (manuscript part) contains information about an originally distinct manuscript or part of a manuscript, which is now part of a composite manuscript.

Since each component of such a composite manuscript will in all likelihood have its own content, physical characterstics, history and so on, the structure of msPart is in the main identical to that of msDesc, allowing one to retain the top level of identity (msIdentifier), but to describe the individual parts separately as necessary. If the parts of a composite manuscript have their own identifiers, they should be tagged using the idno element, rather than the msIdentifier element.

2 Authority files

The FASNL project uses a system of authority files for persons, places, repositories and text classes referenced in manuscript descriptions. This prevents repetition of information and greatly reduces the possibility of error.

Each person, place, repository or text class is assigned a unique identifier using xml:id. These can them be pointed to, using key or ref, from within the manuscript record.

Examples are given below.

2.1 Persons

Persons are defined using the element person.
  • person provides information about an identifiable individual, for example a participant in a language interaction, or a person referred to in a historical source.
<person role="scribesex="1"

 <persName xml:lang="is">
  <forename sort="1">Jón</forename>
  <surname sort="2">Erlendsson</surname>
 <birth notAfter="1610notBefore="1600">ca. 1605</birth>
 <death when="1672-08">August 1672</death>
   <settlement ref="#VilVil01type="farm">Villingaholt</settlement>
 <occupation xml:lang="en">Priest</occupation>
  <ref target="#IsAev">Íslenzkar æviskrár</ref>
  <biblScope unit="volume">III</biblScope>
  <biblScope from="195to="196unit="page"/>
This is then referenced in the manuscript record like this:
<name ref="#JonErl001type="person">Jón Erlendsson</name>
<handNote scope="major"
Written, apart from
fol. 12, by Jón Erlendsson from Villingaholt in a clear, seventeenth-century Gothic
book hand.</handNote>

Note that the placeName element within residence contains a pointer to the corresponding place element, shown in the next section.

2.2 Places

Places are defined using the element place.
  • place contains data about a geographic location
<place xml:id="VilVil01">
 <placeName xml:lang="is">
  <settlement type="farm">Villingaholt</settlement>
  <region ref="#Villin01type="parish"/>
  <region ref="#Árnes01type="county"/>
  <region ref="#Sunnle01type="geog"/>
  <country ref="#IS"/>
  <geo>63.883997 -20.750909</geo>

2.3 Repositories

Repositories are defined using the element org (organisation).
  • org (organization) provides information about an identifiable organization such as a business, a tribe, or any other grouping of people.
<org xml:id="AMDK">
 <orgName xml:lang="en">Arnamagnæan Collection, Copenhagen</orgName>
 <orgName xml:lang="da">Nordisk Forskningsinstitut, Københavns Universitet</orgName>
  <settlement key="Copen01"/>
  <country key="DK"/>

2.4 Text classes

In order to establish the compilation patterns of manuscripts containing fornaldarsögur, the class attribute is required on every msItem within a manuscript description.
  • msItem (manuscript item) describes an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part.
    classidentifies the text types or classifications applicable to this item by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned. Suggested values include: 1] fas; 2] ridd; 3] edd; 4] isl; 5] kvad; 6] kon; 7] islt; 8] rimur; 9] forns; 10] avint; 11] konth; 12] almb; 13] riddst
The possible values of the attribute are defined in a classification declaration in the teiHeader.
  • classDecl (classification declarations) contains one or more taxonomies defining any classificatory codes used elsewhere in the text.
  • taxonomy defines a typology either implicitly, by means of a bibliographic citation, or explicitly by a structured taxonomy.
  • category contains an individual descriptive category, possibly nested within a superordinate category, within a user-defined taxonomy.
  • catDesc (category description) describes some category within a taxonomy or text typology, either in the form of a brief prose description or in terms of the situational parameters used by the TEI formal textDesc.
The class declarations are based on the indices to Páll Eggert Ólason's Skrá um handritasöfn Landsbókasafnsins and are the same as those used by
<category xml:id="fas">
  <term xml:lang="is">Fornaldarsögur</term>
  <term xml:lang="da">Oldtidssagaer</term>
  <term xml:lang="en">Legendary sagas</term>
The most common classes found in fornaldarsaga manuscripts, in addition to fornaldarsögur, are:
Riddarasögur (Indigenous chivalric romances)
Eddukvæði (Eddic poetry)
Íslendingasögur (Icelandic family sagas)
Kveðskapur (Poetry of various kinds, other than Eddic)
Konungasögur (Kings' sagas)
Íslendingaþættir (Short tales of Icelanders)
Rímur (Metrical romances)
Fornaldarsögur síðari tíma (Post-mediaeval legendary sagas)
Ævintýri (Exempla)
Konungasagnaþættir (Short tales of Norwegian kings)
Almúgabækur (Chapbooks)
Riddarasögur síðari tíma (Post-mediaeval chivalric romances)

3 Customisation section

In the following section a brief survey of the modifications made vis-à-vis the TEI schema is presented. In general, the idea has been to put as much information into the encoding as possible, avoiding wherever possible the use of natural language. This is done both to make data-input easier for the cataloguers and reduce the risk of error, and also to make the data more easily searchable.

Included in the FASNL schema are the four basic key TEI modules <header>, <core>, <tei> and <textstructure>. Also included are the five specialised modules <namesdates>, <msdescription>, <analysis>, <figures> and <transcr>. A good many unwanted elements have been deleted, however, and several optional attributes have been made compulsory and their range of possible values constrained. Finally, the content model for a small number of elements has been simplified. Formal definitions for all the elements can be found in section 4 below (4 Formal definitions.

On the msDesc (manuscript description) element the attributes xml:id, which provides a unique identifier for the element, and xml:lang, which indicates the language of the element content, have been made madatory.

The sub-elements of msDesc, msIdentifier, msContents, physDesc, history and additional, have all been made mandatory, apart from additional; also optional are msPart, which is only used for composite manuscripts, and msFrag, which is used for scattered manuscripts.

The msContents element must contain at least one msItem element, on which the attributes class and n must be present. Each msItem, in turn, must contain the elements locus, title and textLang, each with their required attributes.

The attributes from and to are required on the locus element.

On the title element the type attribute is required; possible values are uniform | supplied | parallel.

The textLang element has been made empty and requires the mainLang attribute.

The attribute ana (analysis) is used on a number of elements in order to provide basic information on the presence or absence of a feature or its relative level or extent. All are required (if the element is used).

The elements are:

4 Formal definitions

Schema FASNL_msDesc: Elements


<abbr> (abbreviation) contains an abbreviation of any sort. [3.5.5. Abbreviations and Their Expansions]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.source (@source) att.typed (type, @subtype)
typeallows the encoder to classify the abbreviation according to some convenient typology. Sample values include: 1] suspension; 2] contraction; 3] brevigraph; 4] superscription; 5] acronym; 6] title; 7] organization; 8] geographic
Derived fromatt.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
the abbreviation provides the first letter(s) of the word or phrase, omitting the remainder.
the abbreviation omits some letter(s) in the middle.
the abbreviation comprises a special symbol or mark.
the abbreviation includes writing above the line.
the abbreviation comprises the initial letters of the words of a phrase.
the abbreviation is for a title of address (Dr, Ms, Mr, …)
the abbreviation is for the name of an organization.
the abbreviation is for a geographic name.

The type attribute is provided for the sake of those who wish to classify abbreviations at their point of occurrence; this may be useful in some circumstances, though usually the same abbreviation will have the same type in all occurrences. As the sample values make clear, abbreviations may be classified by the method used to construct them, the method of writing them, or the referent of the term abbreviated; the typology used is up to the encoder and should be carefully planned to meet the needs of the expected use. For a typology of Middle English abbreviations, see [ID PETTY in TEI Guidelines]

Member of
Contained by
May contain

The abbr tag is not required; if appropriate, the encoder may transcribe abbreviations in the source text silently, without tagging them. If abbreviations are not transcribed directly but expanded silently, then the TEI header should so indicate.

 <expan>North Atlantic Treaty Organization</expan>
 <abbr cert="low">NorATO</abbr>
 <abbr cert="high">NATO</abbr>
 <abbr cert="highxml:lang="fr">OTAN</abbr>
 <expan>senatus populusque romanorum</expan>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element abbr
   attribute type { teidata.enumerated }?,


<accMat> (accompanying material) contains details of any significant additional material which may be closely associated with the manuscript being described, such as non-contemporaneous documents or fragments bound in with the manuscript at some earlier historical period. [ Accompanying Material]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: physDesc
May contain
<accMat>A copy of a tax form from 1947 is included in the envelope
with the letter. It is not catalogued separately.</accMat>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element accMat


<acquisition> contains any descriptive or other information concerning the process by which a manuscript or manuscript part entered the holding institution. [10.8. History]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod))
Contained by
msdescription: history
May contain
<acquisition>Left to the <name type="place">Bodleian</name> by
<name type="person">Richard Rawlinson</name> in 1755.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element acquisition


<add> (addition) contains letters, words, or phrases inserted in the source text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.4.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.transcriptional (@status, @cause, @seq) (att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) ) (att.written (@hand)) att.placement (@place) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

In a diplomatic edition attempting to represent an original source, the add element should not be used for additions to the current TEI electronic edition made by editors or encoders. In these cases, either the corr or supplied element are recommended.

In a TEI edition of a historical text with previous editorial emendations in which such additions or reconstructions are considered part of the source text, the use of add may be appropriate, dependent on the editorial philosophy of the project.

The story I am
going to relate is true as to its main facts, and as to the
consequences <add place="above">of these facts</add> from which
this tale takes its title.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element add


<additional> groups additional information, combining bibliographic information about a manuscript, or surrogate copies of it with curatorial or administrative information. [10.9. Additional Information]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
msdescription: msDesc msFrag msPart
May contain
core: listBibl
msdescription: adminInfo surrogates
<!-- record history here -->
<!-- custodial history here -->
<!-- information about surrogates here -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- full bibliography here -->
Content model
  <elementRef key="adminInfominOccurs="0"/>
  <elementRef key="surrogates"

  <elementRef key="listBiblminOccurs="0"/>
Schema Declaration
element additional
   ( adminInfo?, surrogates?, listBibl? )


<additions> contains a description of any significant additions found within a manuscript, such as marginalia or other annotations. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) (@rend, @style, @rendition) (@facs) (@change) (@cert, @resp)
ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
Status Required
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: physDesc
May contain
 <p>There are several marginalia in this manuscript. Some consist of
   single characters and others are figurative. On 8v is to be found a drawing of
   a mans head wearing a hat. At times sentences occurs: On 5v:
 <q xml:lang="is">Her er skrif andres isslendin</q>,
   on 19r: <q xml:lang="is">þeim go</q>,
   on 21r: <q xml:lang="is">amen med aund ok munn halla rei knar hofud summu all huad
     batar þad mælgi ok mal</q>,
   On 21v: some runic letters and the sentence <q xml:lang="la">aue maria gracia plena dominus</q>.</p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element additions
   attribute ana
      list { ( "#no" | "#low" | "#medium" | "#high" | "#unknown" )+ }


<addName> (additional name) contains an additional name component, such as a nickname, epithet, or alias, or any other descriptive phrase used within a personal name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.personal (@full, @sort) (att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
 <addName type="epithet">the Great</addName>
 <roleName>Emperor of Prussia</roleName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element addName


<adminInfo> (administrative information) contains information about the present custody and availability of the manuscript, and also about the record description itself. [10.9.1. Administrative Information]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
msdescription: additional
May contain
core: note
header: availability
msdescription: custodialHist recordHist
  <source>Record created <date>1 Aug 2004</date>
  <p>Until 2015 permission to photocopy some materials from this
     collection has been limited at the request of the donor. Please ask repository staff for details
     if you are interested in obtaining photocopies from Series 1:
  <p>Collection donated to the Manuscript Library by the Estate of
     Edgar Holden in 1993. Donor number: 1993-034.</p>
Content model
  <elementRef key="recordHist"

  <elementRef key="availability"

  <elementRef key="custodialHist"

  <classRef key="model.noteLike"

Schema Declaration
element adminInfo
   ( recordHist?, availability?, custodialHist?, model.noteLike? )


<affiliation> contains an informal description of a person's present or past affiliation with some organization, for example an employer or sponsor. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))
Member of
Contained by
May contain

If included, the name of an organization may be tagged using either the name element as above, or the more specific orgName element.

<affiliation>Junior project officer for the US <name type="org">National Endowment for
   the Humanities</name>
<affiliation notAfter="1960-01-01"
Paid up member of the
<orgName>Australian Journalists Association</orgName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element affiliation


<age> specifies the age of a person. [ Personal Characteristics]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod))
valuesupplies a numeric code representing the age or age group
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count

This attribute may be used to complement a more detailed discussion of a person's age in the content of the element

Member of
Contained by
namesdates: person personGrp
May contain

As with other culturally-constructed traits such as sex, the way in which this concept is described in different cultural contexts may vary. The normalizing attributes are provided as a means of simplifying that variety to Western European norms and should not be used where that is inappropriate. The content of the element may be used to describe the intended concept in more detail, using plain text.

<age notAfter="1986value="2">under 20 in the early eighties</age>
Content model
 <macroRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element age
   attribute value { teidata.count }?,


<altIdentifier> (alternative identifier) contains an alternative or former structured identifier used for a manuscript, such as a former catalogue number. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Contained by
msdescription: msFrag msIdentifier msPart
May contain

An identifying number of some kind must be supplied if known; if it is not known, this should be stated.

 <settlement>San Marino</settlement>
 <repository>Huntington Library</repository>
Content model
  <classRef expand="sequenceOptional"

  <elementRef key="institution"

  <elementRef key="repository"

  <elementRef key="collection"

  <elementRef key="idno"/>
  <elementRef key="noteminOccurs="0"/>
Schema Declaration
element altIdentifier


<am> (abbreviation marker) contains a sequence of letters or signs present in an abbreviation which are omitted or replaced in the expanded form of the abbreviation. [ Abbreviation and Expansion]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source))
Member of
Contained by
May contain
do you <abbr>Mr<am>.</am>
</abbr> Jones?
 <ex>ustorum duo</ex>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.pPart.transcriptional"/>
Schema Declaration
element am
   ( text | model.gLike | model.pPart.transcriptional )*


<author> in a bibliographic reference, contains the name(s) of an author, personal or corporate, of a work; for example in the same form as that provided by a recognized bibliographic name authority. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
header: titleStmt
msdescription: msItem
May contain

Particularly where cataloguing is likely to be based on the content of the header, it is advisable to use a generally recognized name authority file to supply the content for this element. The attributes key or ref may also be used to reference canonical information about the author(s) intended from any appropriate authority, such as a library catalogue or online resource.

In the case of a broadcast, use this element for the name of the company or network responsible for making the broadcast.

Where an author is unknown or unspecified, this element may contain text such as Unknown or Anonymous. When the appropriate TEI modules are in use, it may also contain detailed tagging of the names used for people, organizations or places, in particular where multiple names are given.

<author>British Broadcasting Corporation</author>
<author>La Fayette, Marie Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne, comtesse de (1634–1693)</author>
<author>Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation</author>
 <persName>Beaumont, Francis</persName> and
<persName>John Fletcher</persName>
 <orgName key="BBC">British Broadcasting
   Corporation</orgName>: Radio 3 Network
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element author


<authority> (release authority) supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for making a work available, other than a publisher or distributor. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<authority>John Smith</authority>
Content model
 <macroRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element authority {, }


<availability> supplies information about the availability of a text, for example any restrictions on its use or distribution, its copyright status, any licence applying to it, etc. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.declarable (@default)
statussupplies a code identifying the current availability of the text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
the text is freely available.
the status of the text is unknown. [Default]
the text is not freely available.
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
msdescription: adminInfo
May contain
core: p
header: licence

A consistent format should be adopted

<availability status="restricted">
 <p>Available for academic research purposes only.</p>
<availability status="free">
 <p>In the public domain</p>
<availability status="restricted">
 <p>Available under licence from the publishers.</p>
 <licence target="">
  <p>The MIT License
     applies to this document.</p>
  <p>Copyright (C) 2011 by The University of Victoria</p>
  <p>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
     of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
     in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
     to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
     copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
     furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:</p>
  <p>The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
     all copies or substantial portions of the Software.</p>
     THE SOFTWARE.</p>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.availabilityPart"/>
  <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element availability
   attribute status { "free" | "unknown" | "restricted" }?,
   ( model.availabilityPart | model.pLike )+


<bibl> (bibliographic citation) contains a loosely-structured bibliographic citation of which the sub-components may or may not be explicitly tagged. [3.11.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2.7. The Source Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.declarable (@default) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.sortable (@sortKey) att.docStatus (@status)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

Contains phrase-level elements, together with any combination of elements from the biblPart class

<bibl>Blain, Clements and Grundy: Feminist Companion to Literature in English (Yale,
 <title level="a">The Interesting story of the Children in the Wood</title>. In
<author>Victor E Neuberg</author>, <title>The Penny Histories</title>.
<bibl subtype="book_chaptertype="article"

<title level="a">The Staging of Impotence : France’s last
   congrès</title> dans
<bibl type="monogr">
  <title level="m">Theatrum mundi : studies in honor of Ronald W.
     Tobin</title>, éd.
  </editor> et
 <pubPlace>Charlottesville, Va.</pubPlace>,
 <publisher>Rookwood Press</publisher>,
 <date when="2003">2003</date>.
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.highlighted"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <classRef key="model.pPart.edit"/>
  <classRef key="model.segLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.ptrLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.biblPart"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element bibl


<biblScope> (scope of bibliographic reference) defines the scope of a bibliographic reference, for example as a list of page numbers, or a named subdivision of a larger work. [ Scopes and Ranges in Bibliographic Citations]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.citing (@unit, @from, @to)
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
May contain

When a single page is being cited, use the from and to attributes with an identical value. When no clear endpoint is provided, the from attribute should be used without to. For example, if the citation has ‘p. 3ff’ as a page reference.

<biblScope>pp 12–34</biblScope>
<biblScope from="12to="34unit="page"/>
<biblScope unit="volume">II</biblScope>
<biblScope unit="page">12</biblScope>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element biblScope


<binding> contains a description of one binding, i.e. type of covering, boards, etc. applied to a manuscript. [ Binding Descriptions]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) (@rend, @style, @rendition) (@facs) (@change) (@cert, @resp)
ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
Status Required
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
contemporaryspecifies whether or not the binding is contemporary with the majority of its contents
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.xTruthValue

The value true indicates that the binding is contemporaneous with its contents; the value false that it is not. The value unknown should be used when the date of either binding or manuscript is unknown

Contained by
msdescription: bindingDesc
May contain
core: p
msdescription: condition decoNote
<binding contemporary="true">
 <p>Contemporary blind stamped leather over wooden boards with evidence of a fore edge clasp
   closing to the back cover.</p>
 <binding contemporary="false">
  <p>Quarter bound by the Phillipps' binder, Bretherton, with his sticker on the front
 <binding contemporary="false">
  <p>Rebound by an unknown 19th c. company; edges cropped and gilt.</p>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
  <elementRef key="condition"/>
  <elementRef key="decoNote"/>
Schema Declaration
element binding
   attribute ana
         ( "#none" | "#plain" | "#moderate" | "#decorative" | "#unknown" )+
   attribute contemporary { teidata.xTruthValue }?,
   ( model.pLike | condition | decoNote )+


<bindingDesc> (binding description) describes the present and former bindings of a manuscript, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of distinct binding elements, one for each binding of the manuscript. [ Binding Descriptions]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: physDesc
May contain
core: p
msdescription: binding condition decoNote
 <p>Sewing not visible; tightly rebound over
   19th-cent. pasteboards, reusing panels of 16th-cent. brown leather with
   gilt tooling à la fanfare, Paris c. 1580-90, the centre of each
   cover inlaid with a 17th-cent. oval medallion of red morocco tooled in
   gilt (perhaps replacing the identifying mark of a previous owner); the
   spine similarly tooled, without raised bands or title-piece; coloured
   endbands; the edges of the leaves and boards gilt.Boxed.</p>
Content model
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
   <elementRef key="decoNote"/>
   <elementRef key="condition"/>
  <elementRef key="binding"

Schema Declaration
element bindingDesc
   ( ( model.pLike | decoNote | condition )+ | binding+ )


<birth> contains information about a person's birth, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))
Member of
Contained by
namesdates: person personGrp
May contain
<birth>Before 1920, Midlands region.</birth>
<birth when="1960-12-10">In a small cottage near <name type="place">Aix-la-Chapelle</name>,
early in the morning of <date>10 Dec 1960</date>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element birth


<body> (text body) contains the whole body of a single unitary text, excluding any front or back matter. [4. Default Text Structure]
Moduletextstructure — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.declaring (@decls)
Contained by
textstructure: text
May contain
msdescription: msDesc
textstructure: div
Content model
  <classRef key=""

  <sequence minOccurs="0">
   <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
   <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

    <classRef key=""/>
    <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0">
   <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
   <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

    <classRef key=""/>
    <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
   <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

    <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
    <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

     <classRef key=""/>
     <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
   <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

    <classRef key="model.div1Like"/>
    <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

     <classRef key=""/>
     <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
    <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

     <classRef key="model.common"/>
     <classRef key=""

    <alternate minOccurs="0">
     <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

      <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
      <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

       <classRef key=""/>
       <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
     <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

      <classRef key="model.div1Like"/>
      <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

       <classRef key=""/>
       <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
  <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
   <classRef key=""

Schema Declaration
element body
      ( model.divTop, ( | model.divTop )* )?,
      ( model.divGenLike, ( | model.divGenLike )* )?,
         ( model.divLike, ( | model.divGenLike )* )+
       | ( model.div1Like, ( | model.divGenLike )* )+
       | (
            ( model.common,* )+,
               ( model.divLike, ( | model.divGenLike )* )+
             | ( model.div1Like, ( | model.divGenLike )* )+
      ( model.divBottom,* )*


<c> (character) represents a character. [17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories]
Moduleanalysis — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.segLike (@function) (att.datcat (@datcat, @valueDatcat)) (att.fragmentable (@part)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May containEmpty element

Contains a single character, a <g> element, or a sequence of graphemes to be treated as a single character. The type attribute is used to indicate the function of this segmentation, taking values such as letter, punctuation, or digit etc.

Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.xtext"/>
Schema Declaration
element c


<catchwords> describes the system used to ensure correct ordering of the quires making up a codex or incunable, typically by means of annotations at the foot of the page. [10.3.7. Catchwords, Signatures, Secundo Folio]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<catchwords>Vertical catchwords in the hand of the scribe placed along
the inner bounding line, reading from top to bottom.</catchwords>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element catchwords {, macro.phraseSeq }


<catDesc> (category description) describes some category within a taxonomy or text typology, either in the form of a brief prose description or in terms of the situational parameters used by the TEI formal textDesc. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
header: category
May contain
<catDesc>Prose reportage</catDesc>
 <textDesc n="novel">
  <channel mode="w">print; part issues</channel>
  <constitution type="single"/>
  <derivation type="original"/>
  <domain type="art"/>
  <factuality type="fiction"/>
  <interaction type="none"/>
  <preparedness type="prepared"/>
  <purpose degree="hightype="entertain"/>
  <purpose degree="mediumtype="inform"/>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.limitedPhrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.catDescPart"/>
Schema Declaration
element catDesc
   ( text | model.limitedPhrase | model.catDescPart )*


<category> contains an individual descriptive category, possibly nested within a superordinate category, within a user-defined taxonomy. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
May contain
<category xml:id="b1">
 <catDesc>Prose reportage</catDesc>
<category xml:id="b2">
 <catDesc>Prose </catDesc>
 <category xml:id="b11">
 <category xml:id="b12">
<category xml:id="LIT">
 <catDesc xml:lang="pl">literatura piękna</catDesc>
 <catDesc xml:lang="en">fiction</catDesc>
 <category xml:id="LPROSE">
  <catDesc xml:lang="pl">proza</catDesc>
  <catDesc xml:lang="en">prose</catDesc>
 <category xml:id="LPOETRY">
  <catDesc xml:lang="pl">poezja</catDesc>
  <catDesc xml:lang="en">poetry</catDesc>
 <category xml:id="LDRAMA">
  <catDesc xml:lang="pl">dramat</catDesc>
  <catDesc xml:lang="en">drama</catDesc>
Content model
   <elementRef key="catDesc"

   <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

    <classRef key="model.descLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.glossLike"/>
  <elementRef key="category"

Schema Declaration
element category
   ( ( catDesc+ | ( model.descLike | model.glossLike )* ), category* )


<cb> (column break) marks the beginning of a new column of a text on a multi-column page. [3.10.3. Milestone Elements]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.edition (@ed, @edRef) att.spanning (@spanTo) att.breaking (@break)
Member of
Contained by
May containEmpty element

On this element, the global n attribute indicates the number or other value associated with the column which follows the point of insertion of this cb element. Encoders should adopt a clear and consistent policy as to whether the numbers associated with column breaks relate to the physical sequence number of the column in the whole text, or whether columns are numbered within the page. The cb element is placed at the head of the column to which it refers.


Markup of an early English dictionary printed in two columns:

<cb n="1"/>
 <form>Well</form>, <sense>a Pit to hold Spring-Water</sense>:
<sense>In the Art of <hi rend="italic">War</hi>, a Depth the Miner
   sinks into the Ground, to find out and disappoint the Enemies Mines,
   or to prepare one</sense>.
<entryFree>To <form>Welter</form>, <sense>to wallow</sense>, or
<sense>lie groveling</sense>.</entryFree>
<!-- remainder of column -->
<cb n="2"/>
 <form>Wey</form>, <sense>the greatest Measure for dry Things,
   containing five Chaldron</sense>.
 <form>Whale</form>, <sense>the greatest of
Content model
Schema Declaration
element cb


<change> documents a change or set of changes made during the production of a source document, or during the revision of an electronic file. [2.6. The Revision Description 2.4.1. Creation 11.7. Identifying Changes and Revisions]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes att.ascribed (@who) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.docStatus (@status) (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
targetpoints to one or more elements that belong to this change.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Contained by
msdescription: recordHist
May contain

The who attribute may be used to point to any other element, but will typically specify a <respStmt> or person element elsewhere in the header, identifying the person responsible for the change and their role in making it.

It is recommended that changes be recorded with the most recent first. The status attribute may be used to indicate the status of a document following the change documented.

 <title> ... </title>
 <editor xml:id="LDB">Lou Burnard</editor>
 <respStmt xml:id="BZ">
  <resp>copy editing</resp>
  <name>Brett Zamir</name>
<!-- ... -->
<revisionDesc status="published">
 <change status="publicwhen="2008-02-02"
Finished chapter 23</change>
 <change status="draftwhen="2008-01-02"
Finished chapter 2</change>
 <change n="P2.2when="1991-12-21"
Added examples to section 3</change>
 <change when="1991-11-11who="#MSM">Deleted chapter 10</change>
   <change xml:id="DRAFT1">First draft in pencil</change>
   <change notBefore="1880-12-09"
First revision, mostly
       using green ink</change>
   <change notBefore="1881-02-13"
Final corrections as
       supplied to printer.</change>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element change
   attribute target { list { teidata.pointer+ } }?,


<choice> groups a number of alternative encodings for the same point in a text. [3.4. Simple Editorial Changes]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Member of
Contained by
May contain

Because the children of a choice element all represent alternative ways of encoding the same sequence, it is natural to think of them as mutually exclusive. However, there may be cases where a full representation of a text requires the alternative encodings to be considered as parallel.

Note also that choice elements may self-nest.

Where the purpose of an encoding is to record multiple witnesses of a single work, rather than to identify multiple possible encoding decisions at a given point, the <app> element and associated elements discussed in section 12.1. The Apparatus Entry, Readings, and Witnesses should be preferred.


An American encoding of Gulliver's Travels which retains the British spelling but also provides a version regularized to American spelling might be encoded as follows.

<p>Lastly, That, upon his solemn oath to observe all the above
articles, the said man-mountain shall have a daily allowance of
meat and drink sufficient for the support of <choice>
 </choice> of our subjects,
with free access to our royal person, and other marks of our
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.choicePart"/>
  <elementRef key="choice"/>
Schema Declaration
element choice {, ( model.choicePart | choice )* }


<classDecl> (classification declarations) contains one or more taxonomies defining any classificatory codes used elsewhere in the text. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration 2.3. The Encoding Description]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
header: taxonomy
 <taxonomy xml:id="LCSH">
  <bibl>Library of Congress Subject Headings</bibl>
<!-- ... -->
 <keywords scheme="#LCSH">
  <term>Political science</term>
  <term>United States -- Politics and government —
     Revolution, 1775-1783</term>
Content model
 <elementRef key="taxonomy"

Schema Declaration
element classDecl {, taxonomy+ }


<collation> contains a description of how the leaves or bifolia are physically arranged. [10.7.1. Object Description]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
msdescription: supportDesc
May contain
<collation>The written leaves preceded by an original flyleaf,
conjoint with the pastedown.</collation>
  <formula>1-5.8 6.6 (catchword, f. 46, does not match following text)
     7-8.8 9.10, 11.2 (through f. 82) 12-14.8 15.8(-7)</formula>
  <catchwords>Catchwords are written horizontally in center
     or towards the right lower margin in various manners:
     in red ink for quires 1-6 (which are also signed in red
     ink with letters of the alphabet and arabic numerals);
     quires 7-9 in ink of text within yellow decorated frames;
     quire 10 in red decorated frame; quire 12 in ink of text;
     quire 13 with red decorative slashes; quire 14 added in
     cursive hand.</catchwords>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element collation {, macro.specialPara }


<collection> contains the name of a collection of manuscripts, not necessarily located within a single repository. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Contained by
May containEmpty element
 <settlement>San Marino</settlement>
 <repository>Huntington Library</repository>
 <idno>El 26 C 9</idno>
 <msName>The Ellesmere Chaucer</msName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.xtext"/>
Schema Declaration
element collection


<colophon> contains the colophon of a manuscript item: that is, a statement providing information regarding the date, place, agency, or reason for production of the manuscript. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msItem
May contain
<colophon>Ricardus Franciscus Scripsit Anno Domini
<colophon>Explicit expliceat/scriptor ludere eat.</colophon>
<colophon>Explicit venenum viciorum domini illius, qui comparavit Anno
domini Millessimo Trecentesimo nonagesimo primo, Sabbato in festo
sancte Marthe virginis gloriose. Laus tibi criste quia finitur
libellus iste.</colophon>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element colophon {, macro.phraseSeq }


<condition> contains a description of the physical condition of the manuscript. [ Condition]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) (@rend, @style, @rendition) (@facs) (@change) (@cert, @resp)
ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
Status Required
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
Contained by
May contain
 <p>There are lacunae in three places in this
   manuscript. After 14v two
   leaves has been cut out and narrow strips leaves remains in the spine. After
   68v one gathering is missing and after 101v at least one gathering of 8 leaves
   has been lost. </p>
 <p>Several leaves are damaged with tears or holes or have a
   irregular shape. Some of the damages do not allow the lines to be of full
   length and they are apparently older than the script. There are tears on fol.
   2r-v, 9r-v, 10r-v, 15r-18v, 19r-v, 20r-22v, 23r-v, 24r-28v, 30r-v, 32r-35v,
   37r-v, 38r-v, 40r-43v, 45r-47v, 49r-v, 51r-v, 53r-60v, 67r-v, 68r-v, 70r-v,
   74r-80v, 82r-v, 86r-v, 88r-v, 89r-v, 95r-v, 97r-98v 99r-v, 100r-v. On fol. 98
   the corner has been torn off. Several leaves are in a bad condition due to
   moist and wear, and have become dark, bleached or
   wrinkled. </p>
 <p>The script has been
   touched up in the 17th century with black ink. The touching up on the following
   fols. was done by
 <name>Bishop Brynjólf Sveinsson</name>: 1v, 3r, 4r, 5r,
   6v, 8v,9r, 10r, 14r, 14v, 22r,30v, 36r-52v, 72v, 77r,78r,103r, 104r,. An
   AM-note says according to the lawman
 <name>Sigurður Björnsson</name> that the rest of the
   touching up was done by himself and another lawman
 <name>Sigurður Jónsson</name>.
 <name>Sigurður Björnsson</name> did the touching up
   on the following fols.: 46v, 47r, 48r, 49r-v, 50r, 52r-v.
 <name>Sigurður Jónsson</name> did the rest of the
   touching up in the section 36r-59r containing
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element condition
   attribute ana { list { ( "#poor" | "#average" | "#good" | "#unknown" )+ } },


<corr> (correction) contains the correct form of a passage apparently erroneous in the copy text. [3.4.1. Apparent Errors]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

If all that is desired is to call attention to the fact that the copy text has been corrected, corr may be used alone:

I don't know,
Juan. It's so far in the past now — how <corr>can we</corr> prove
or disprove anyone's theories?

It is also possible, using the choice and sic elements, to provide an uncorrected reading:

I don't know, Juan. It's so far in the past now —
how <choice>
 <sic>we can</sic>
 <corr>can we</corr>
</choice> prove or
disprove anyone's theories?
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element corr


<country> contains the name of a geo-political unit, such as a nation, country, colony, or commonwealth, larger than or administratively superior to a region and smaller than a bloc. [13.2.3. Place Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod))
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The recommended source for codes to represent coded country names is ISO 3166.

<country key="DK">Denmark</country>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element country


<custEvent> (custodial event) describes a single event during the custodial history of a manuscript. [ Availability and Custodial History]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Contained by
msdescription: custodialHist
May contain
<custEvent type="photography">Photographed by David Cooper on <date>12 Dec 1964</date>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element custEvent


<custodialHist> (custodial history) contains a description of a manuscript's custodial history, either as running prose or as a series of dated custodial events. [ Availability and Custodial History]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
msdescription: adminInfo
May contain
core: p
msdescription: custEvent
 <custEvent notAfter="1963-02"
Conserved between March 1961 and February 1963 at
   Birgitte Dalls Konserveringsværksted.</custEvent>
 <custEvent notAfter="1988-05-30"
Photographed in
   May 1988 by AMI/FA.</custEvent>
 <custEvent notAfter="1989-11-13"
Dispatched to Iceland
   13 November 1989.</custEvent>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike"

  <elementRef key="custEvent"

Schema Declaration
element custodialHist {, ( model.pLike+ | custEvent+ ) }


<damage> contains an area of damage to the text witness. [ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.damaged (@agent, @degree, @group) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.written (@hand))
Member of
Contained by
May contain

Since damage to text witnesses frequently makes them harder to read, the damage element will often contain an unclear element. If the damaged area is not continuous (e.g. a stain affecting several strings of text), the group attribute may be used to group together several related damage elements; alternatively the <join> element may be used to indicate which damage and unclear elements are part of the same physical phenomenon.

The damage, gap, del, unclear and supplied elements may be closely allied in use. See section Use of the gap, del, damage, unclear, and supplied Elements in Combination for discussion of which element is appropriate for which circumstance.

<l>The Moving Finger wri<damage agent="watergroup="1">es; and</damage> having writ,</l>
<l>Moves <damage agent="watergroup="1">
  <supplied>on: nor all your</supplied>
 </damage> Piety nor Wit</l>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element damage


<date> contains a date in any format. [3.5.4. Dates and Times 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.6. The Revision Description Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 15.2.3. The Setting Description 13.3.6. Dates and Times]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<date when="1980-02">early February 1980</date>
Given on the <date when="1977-06-12">Twelfth Day
of June in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-seven of the Republic
the Two Hundredth and first and of the University the Eighty-Sixth.</date>
<date when="1990-09">September 1990</date>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element date
   ( text | model.gLike | model.phrase | )*


<death> contains information about a person's death, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))
Member of
Contained by
namesdates: person personGrp
May contain
<death when="1902-10-01"/>
<death when="1960-12-10">Passed away near <name type="place">Aix-la-Chapelle</name>, after suffering from cerebral palsy. </death>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element death


<decoDesc> (decoration description) contains a description of the decoration of a manuscript, either as a sequence of paragraphs, or as a sequence of topically organized decoNote elements. [10.7.3. Bindings, Seals, and Additional Material]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) (@rend, @style, @rendition) (@facs) (@change) (@cert, @resp)
ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
Status Required
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: physDesc
May contain
core: p
msdescription: decoNote summary
 <p>The start of each book of the Bible with a 10-line historiated
   illuminated initial; prefaces decorated with 6-line blue initials with red
   penwork flourishing; chapters marked by 3-line plain red initials; verses
   with 1-line initials, alternately blue or red.</p>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="1minOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.pLike"

  <sequence maxOccurs="1minOccurs="1">
   <elementRef key="summaryminOccurs="0"/>
   <elementRef key="decoNote"

Schema Declaration
element decoDesc
   attribute ana
      list { ( "#no" | "#low" | "#medium" | "#high" | "#unknown" )+ }
   ( model.pLike+ | ( summary?, decoNote+ ) )


<decoNote> (note on decoration) contains a note describing either a decorative component of a manuscript, or a fairly homogenous class of such components. [10.7.3. Bindings, Seals, and Additional Material]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (type, @subtype)
typecharacterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived fromatt.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
Member of
Contained by
May contain
 <decoNote type="initial">
  <p>The start of each book of the Bible with
     a 10-line historiated illuminated initial;
     prefaces decorated with 6-line blue initials
     with red penwork flourishing; chapters marked by
     3-line plain red initials; verses with 1-line initials,
     alternately blue or red.</p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element decoNote
   attribute type
    | "diagram"
    | "initial"
    | "marginal"
    | "miniature"
    | "mixed"
    | "paratext"
    | "secondary"
    | "other"
    | "illustration"
    | "printmark"
    | "publishmark"
    | "vignette"
    | "frieze"
    | "map"
    | "unspecified"


<del> (deletion) contains a letter, word, or passage deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise indicated as superfluous or spurious in the copy text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.4.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.transcriptional (@status, @cause, @seq) (att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) ) (att.written (@hand)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

This element should be used for deletion of shorter sequences of text, typically single words or phrases. The <delSpan> element should be used for longer sequences of text, for those containing structural subdivisions, and for those containing overlapping additions and deletions.

The text deleted must be at least partially legible in order for the encoder to be able to transcribe it (unless it is restored in a supplied tag). Illegible or lost text within a deletion may be marked using the gap tag to signal that text is present but has not been transcribed, or is no longer visible. Attributes on the gap element may be used to indicate how much text is omitted, the reason for omitting it, etc. If text is not fully legible, the unclear element (available when using the additional tagset for transcription of primary sources) should be used to signal the areas of text which cannot be read with confidence in a similar way.

Degrees of uncertainty over what can still be read, or whether a deletion was intended may be indicated by use of the <certainty> element (see 21. Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility).

There is a clear distinction in the TEI between del and surplus on the one hand and gap or unclear on the other. del indicates a deletion present in the source being transcribed, which states the author's or a later scribe's intent to cancel or remove text. surplus indicates material present in the source being transcribed which should have been so deleted, but which is not in fact. gap or unclear, by contrast, signal an editor's or encoder's decision to omit something or their inability to read the source text. See sections Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription and Use of the gap, del, damage, unclear, and supplied Elements in Combination for the relationship between these and other related elements used in detailed transcription.

 <del rend="overtyped">Mein</del> Frisch <del rend="overstriketype="primary">schwebt</del>
weht der Wind
<del rend="overstrike">
 <gap quantity="5reason="illegible"

Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element del


<depth> contains a measurement measured across the spine of a book or codex, or (for other text-bearing objects) perpendicular to the measurement given by the ‘width’ element. [10.3.4. Dimensions]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence))
Member of
Contained by
May containEmpty element

If used to specify the width of a non text-bearing portion of some object, for example a monument, this element conventionally refers to the axis facing the observer, and perpendicular to that indicated by the ‘width’ axis.

<depth quantity="4unit="in"/>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.xtext"/>
Schema Declaration
element depth {, att.dimensions.attributes, macro.xtext }


<dim> contains any single measurement forming part of a dimensional specification of some sort. [10.3.4. Dimensions]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence))
Member of
Contained by
May containEmpty element

The specific elements width, height, and depth should be used in preference to this generic element wherever appropriate.

<dim extent="4.67 intype="circumference"/>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.xtext"/>
Schema Declaration
element dim


<dimensions> contains a dimensional specification. [10.3.4. Dimensions]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence))
typeindicates which aspect of the object is being measured.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
Member of
Contained by
May contain
msdescription: depth dim height width

Contains no more than one of each of the specialized elements used to express a three-dimensional object's height, width, and depth, combined with any number of other kinds of dimensional specification.

<dimensions type="leaves">
 <height scope="range">157-160</height>
<dimensions type="ruled">
 <height scope="most">90</height>
 <width scope="most">48</width>
<dimensions unit="in">

This element may be used to record the dimensions of any text-bearing object, not necessarily a codex. For example:

<dimensions type="panels">
 <height scope="all">7004</height>
 <width scope="all">1803</width>
 <dim type="reliefunit="mm">345</dim>

This might be used to show that the inscribed panels on some (imaginary) monument are all the same size (7004 by 1803 cm) and stand out from the rest of the monument by 345 mm.


When simple numeric quantities are involved, they may be expressed on the quantity attribute of any or all of the child elements, as in the following example:

<dimensions type="leaves">
 <height scope="range">157-160</height>
 <width quantity="105"/>
<dimensions type="ruled">
 <height quantity="90scope="most"

 <width quantity="48scope="mostunit="cm"/>
<dimensions unit="in">
 <height quantity="12"/>
 <width quantity="10"/>

<s:report test="count(tei:width)> 1">The element <s:name/> may appear once only
<s:report test="count(tei:height)> 1">The element <s:name/> may appear once only
<s:report test="count(tei:depth)> 1">The element <s:name/> may appear once only
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <elementRef key="dim"/>
  <classRef key="model.dimLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element dimensions
   attribute type { "leaf" | "binding" | "slip" | "written" | "boxed" },
   ( dim | model.dimLike )*


<district> contains the name of any kind of subdivision of a settlement, such as a parish, ward, or other administrative or geographic unit. [13.2.3. Place Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod))
Member of
Contained by
May contain
 <district type="ward">Jericho</district>
 <district type="area">South Side</district>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element district


<div> (text division) contains a subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1. Divisions of the Body]
Moduletextstructure — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.divLike (@org, @sample) (att.fragmentable (@part)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.declaring (@decls) att.written (@hand)
Member of
Contained by
textstructure: body div
May contain
msdescription: msDesc
textstructure: div
 <div type="part">
  <head>Fallacies of Authority</head>
  <p>The subject of which is Authority in various shapes, and the object, to repress all
     exercise of the reasoning faculty.</p>
  <div n="1type="chapter">
   <head>The Nature of Authority</head>
   <p>With reference to any proposed measures having for their object the greatest
       happiness of the greatest number [...]</p>
   <div n="1.1type="section">
    <head>Analysis of Authority</head>
    <p>What on any given occasion is the legitimate weight or influence to be attached to
         authority [...] </p>
   <div n="1.2type="section">
    <head>Appeal to Authority, in What Cases Fallacious.</head>
    <p>Reference to authority is open to the charge of fallacy when [...] </p>

<s:report test="ancestor::tei:l"> Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div.

<s:report test="ancestor::tei:p or ancestor::tei:ab and not(ancestor::tei:floatingText)"> Abstract model violation: p and ab may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div.
Content model
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0">
    <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

      <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
      <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
     <classRef key=""

     <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

      <classRef key="model.common"/>
      <classRef key=""

     <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

       <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
       <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
      <classRef key=""

   <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

    <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
    <classRef key=""

Schema Declaration
element div
      ( model.divTop | )*,
            ( ( model.divLike | model.divGenLike ),* )+
          | (
               ( model.common,* )+,
               ( ( model.divLike | model.divGenLike ),* )*
         ( model.divBottom,* )*


<editor> contains a secondary statement of responsibility for a bibliographic item, for example the name of an individual, institution or organization, (or of several such) acting as editor, compiler, translator, etc. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
header: titleStmt
msdescription: msItem
May contain

A consistent format should be adopted.

Particularly where cataloguing is likely to be based on the content of the header, it is advisable to use generally recognized authority lists for the exact form of personal names.

<editor>Eric Johnson</editor>
<editor role="illustrator">John Tenniel</editor>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element editor


<education> contains a description of the educational experience of a person. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))
Member of
Contained by
namesdates: person personGrp
May contain
<education>Left school at age 16</education>
<education from="1986-01-01"
Attended <name>Cherwell School</name>
<education notAfter="1690-06"
Anthony Hammond
smuggled her into the University of Cambridge, where she was
disguised as his male cousin, Jack. She remained there for some
months learning grammar, logic, rhetoric, and ethics</education>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element education


<encodingDesc> (encoding description) documents the relationship between an electronic text and the source or sources from which it was derived. [2.3. The Encoding Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Member of
Contained by
header: teiHeader
May contain
core: p
header: classDecl
 <p>Basic encoding, capturing lexical information only. All
   hyphenation, punctuation, and variant spellings normalized. No
   formatting or layout information preserved.</p>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.encodingDescPart"/>
  <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element encodingDesc
   ( model.encodingDescPart | model.pLike )+


<event> contains data relating to any kind of significant event associated with a person, place, or organization. [13.3.1. Basic Principles]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) att.sortable (@sortKey)
whereindicates the location of an event by pointing to a place element
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Member of
Contained by
May contain
msdescription: msDesc
namesdates: event
 <event type="matwhen="1972-10-12">
 <event type="gradwhen="1975-06-23">
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"

   <classRef key="model.pLike"

   <classRef key="model.labelLike"

  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <elementRef key="linkGrp"/>
   <elementRef key="link"/>
  <elementRef key="event"

Schema Declaration
element event
   attribute where { teidata.pointer }?,
      ( model.pLike+ | model.labelLike+ ),
      ( model.noteLike | model.biblLike | linkGrp | link )*,


<ex> (editorial expansion) contains a sequence of letters added by an editor or transcriber when expanding an abbreviation. [ Abbreviation and Expansion]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source))
Member of
Contained by
May containEmpty element
The address is Southmoor <choice>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.xtext"/>
Schema Declaration
element ex {, att.editLike.attributes, macro.xtext }


<expan> (expansion) contains the expansion of an abbreviation. [3.5.5. Abbreviations and Their Expansions]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source))
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The content of this element should usually be a complete word or phrase. The ex element provided by the transcr module may be used to mark up sequences of letters supplied within such an expansion.

The address is Southmoor <choice>
<expan xml:lang="la">
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element expan


<explicit> contains the explicit of a manuscript item, that is, the closing words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric or colophon which might follow it. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.msExcerpt (@defective)
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msItem
May contain
<explicit>sed libera nos a malo.</explicit>
<rubric>Hic explicit oratio qui dicitur dominica.</rubric>
<explicit type="defective">ex materia quasi et forma sibi
<explicit type="reverse">saued be shulle that doome of day the at
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element explicit


<extent> describes the approximate size of a text stored on some carrier medium or of some other object, digital or non-digital, specified in any convenient units. [2.2.3. Type and Extent of File 2.2. The File Description Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 10.7.1. Object Description]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
header: fileDesc
msdescription: supportDesc
May contain
<extent>3200 sentences</extent>
<extent>between 10 and 20 Mb</extent>
<extent>ten 3.5 inch high density diskettes</extent>

The <measure> element may be used to supplied normalised or machine tractable versions of the size or sizes concerned.

 <measure quantity="4.2unit="MiB">About four megabytes</measure>
 <measure quantity="245unit="pages">245 pages of source
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element extent {, macro.phraseSeq }


<facsimile> contains a representation of some written source in the form of a set of images rather than as transcribed or encoded text. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.declaring (@decls)
Member of
Contained by
textstructure: TEI
May contain
figures: formula
 <graphic url="page1.png"/>
  <graphic url="page2-highRes.png"/>
  <graphic url="page2-lowRes.png"/>
 <graphic url="page3.png"/>
 <graphic url="page4.png"/>
 <surface lrx="200lry="300ulx="0uly="0">
  <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
Content model
  <elementRef key="frontminOccurs="0"/>
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.graphicLike"/>
   <elementRef key="surface"/>
   <elementRef key="surfaceGrp"/>
  <elementRef key="backminOccurs="0"/>
Schema Declaration
element facsimile
   ( front?, ( model.graphicLike | surface | surfaceGrp )+, back? )


<faith> specifies the faith, religion, or belief set of a person. [ Personal Characteristics]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.canonical (@key, @ref)
Member of
Contained by
namesdates: person personGrp
May contain
<faith ref="">Manichaeism</faith>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element faith


<fileDesc> (file description) contains a full bibliographic description of an electronic file. [2.2. The File Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
header: teiHeader
May contain

The major source of information for those seeking to create a catalogue entry or bibliographic citation for an electronic file. As such, it provides a title and statements of responsibility together with details of the publication or distribution of the file, of any series to which it belongs, and detailed bibliographic notes for matters not addressed elsewhere in the header. It also contains a full bibliographic description for the source or sources from which the electronic text was derived.

  <title>The shortest possible TEI document</title>
  <p>Distributed as part of TEI P5</p>
  <p>No print source exists: this is an original digital text</p>
Content model
   <elementRef key="titleStmt"/>
   <elementRef key="editionStmt"

   <elementRef key="extentminOccurs="0"/>
   <elementRef key="publicationStmt"/>
   <elementRef key="seriesStmt"

   <elementRef key="notesStmt"

  <elementRef key="sourceDesc"

Schema Declaration
element fileDesc


<filiation> contains information concerning the manuscript's filiation, i.e. its relationship to other surviving manuscripts of the same text, its protographs, antigraphs and apographs. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msItem
May contain
  <title>Beljakovski sbornik</title>
  <filiation type="protograph">Bulgarian</filiation>
  <filiation type="antigraph">Middle Bulgarian</filiation>
  <filiation type="apograph">
   <ref target="#DN17">Dujchev N 17</ref>
<!-- ... -->
<msDesc xml:id="DN17">
<!-- ... -->

In this example, the reference to ‘Dujchev N17’ includes a link to some other manuscript description which has the identifier DN17.

  <p>The "Guan-ben" was widely current among mathematicians in the
     Qing dynasty, and "Zhao Qimei version" was also read. It is
     therefore difficult to know the correct filiation path to follow.
     The study of this era is much indebted to Li Di. We explain the
     outline of his conclusion here. Kong Guangsen
     (1752-1786)(17) was from the same town as Dai Zhen, so he obtained
     "Guan-ben" from him and studied it(18). Li Huang (d. 1811)
     (19) took part in editing Si Ku Quan Shu, so he must have had
     "Guan-ben". Then Zhang Dunren (1754-1834) obtained this version,
     and studied "Da Yan Zong Shu Shu" (The General Dayan
     Computation). He wrote Jiu Yi Suan Shu (Mathematics
     Searching for One, 1803) based on this version of Shu Xue Jiu
     Zhang (20).</p>
  <p>One of the most important persons in restoring our knowledge
     concerning the filiation of these books was Li Rui (1768(21)
     -1817)(see his biography). ... only two volumes remain of this
     manuscript, as far as chapter 6 (chapter 3 part 2) p.13, that is,
     question 2 of "Huan Tian San Ji" (square of three loops),
     which later has been lost.</p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element filiation


<finalRubric> contains the string of words that denotes the end of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, usually set off from the text itself by red ink, by a different size or type of script, or by some other such visual device. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msItem
May contain
<finalRubric>Explicit le romans de la Rose ou l'art
d'amours est toute enclose.</finalRubric>
<finalRubric>ok lúkv ver þar Brennu-Nials savgv</finalRubric>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element finalRubric


<floruit> contains information about a person's period of activity. [ Personal Characteristics]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source))
Member of
Contained by
namesdates: person personGrp
May contain
<floruit notAfter="1100notBefore="1066"/>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element floruit


<foliation> describes the numbering system or systems used to count the leaves or pages in a codex. [ Foliation]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) (@rend, @style, @rendition) (@facs) (@change) (@cert, @resp)
ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
Status Required
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
Contained by
msdescription: supportDesc
May contain
<foliation>Contemporary foliation in red
roman numerals in the centre
of the outer margin.</foliation>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element foliation
   attribute ana
          | "#contemporary"
          | "#later"
          | "#pag"
          | "#col"
          | "#fol"
          | "#unknown"


<forename> contains a forename, given or baptismal name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.personal (@full, @sort) (att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element forename


<formula> contains a mathematical or other formula. [14.2. Formulæ and Mathematical Expressions]
Modulefigures — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.notated (@notation)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: hi
figures: formula
<formula notation="tex">$E=mc^2$</formula>
<formula notation="none">E=mc<hi rend="sup">2</hi>
<formula notation="mathml">
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.graphicLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.hiLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element formula
   ( text | model.graphicLike | model.hiLike )*


<fw> (forme work) contains a running head (e.g. a header, footer), catchword, or similar material appearing on the current page. [11.6. Headers, Footers, and Similar Matter]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.placement (@place) att.written (@hand)
typeclassifies the material encoded according to some useful typology. Sample values include: 1] header; 2] footer; 3] pageNum(page number) ; 4] lineNum(line number) ; 5] sig(signature) ; 6] catch(catchword)
Status Recommended
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
a running title at the top of the page
a running title at the bottom of the page
(page number) a page number or foliation symbol
(line number) a line number, either of prose or poetry
(signature) a signature or gathering symbol
(catchword) a catch-word
Member of
Contained by
May contain

Where running heads are consistent throughout a chapter or section, it is usually more convenient to relate them to the chapter or section, e.g. by use of the rend attribute. The fw element is intended for cases where the running head changes from page to page, or where details of page layout and the internal structure of the running heads are of paramount importance.

<fw place="bottomtype="sig">C3</fw>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element fw
   attribute type { teidata.enumerated }?,


<gap> indicates a point where material has been omitted in a transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in the TEI header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is illegible, invisible, or inaudible. [3.4.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.timed (@start, @end) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source))
reasongives the reason for omission. Sample values include sampling, inaudible, irrelevant, cancelled.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
handin the case of text omitted from the transcription because of deliberate deletion by an identifiable hand, indicates the hand which made the deletion.
Deprecatedwill be removed on 2017-08-01
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
agentin the case of text omitted because of damage, categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified. Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
damage results from rubbing of the leaf edges
damage results from mildew on the leaf surface
damage results from smoke
Member of
Contained by
May containEmpty element

The gap, unclear, and del core tag elements may be closely allied in use with the damage and supplied elements, available when using the additional tagset for transcription of primary sources. See section Use of the gap, del, damage, unclear, and supplied Elements in Combination for discussion of which element is appropriate for which circumstance.

The gap tag simply signals the editors decision to omit or inability to transcribe a span of text. Other information, such as the interpretation that text was deliberately erased or covered, should be indicated using the relevant tags, such as del in the case of deliberate deletion.

<gap quantity="4reason="illegible"
<gap quantity="1reason="sampling"
 <gap atLeast="4atMost="8"

<gap extent="unknownreason="lost"
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.descLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.certLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element gap
   attribute reason { list { teidata.word+ } }?,
   attribute hand { teidata.pointer }?,
   attribute agent { teidata.enumerated }?,
   ( model.descLike | model.certLike )*


<genName> (generational name component) contains a name component used to distinguish otherwise similar names on the basis of the relative ages or generations of the persons named. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.personal (@full, @sort) (att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
 <genName>the Younger</genName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element genName


<geo> (geographical coordinates) contains any expression of a set of geographic coordinates, representing a point, line, or area on the surface of the earth in some notation. [ Varieties of Location]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.declaring (@decls)
Member of
Contained by
May containCharacter data only

Uses of geo can be associated with a coordinate system, defined by a <geoDecl> element supplied in the TEI header, using the decls attribute. If no such link is made, the assumption is that the content of each geo element will be a pair of numbers separated by whitespace, to be interpreted as latitude followed by longitude according to the World Geodetic System.

<geoDecl datum="WGS84xml:id="WGS">World Geodetic System</geoDecl>
<geoDecl datum="OSGB36xml:id="OS">Ordnance Survey</geoDecl>
<!-- ... -->
 <desc>A tombstone plus six lines of
   Anglo-Saxon text, built into the west tower (on the south side
   of the archway, at 8 ft. above the ground) of the
   Church of St. Mary-le-Wigford in Lincoln.</desc>
 <geo decls="#WGS">53.226658 -0.541254</geo>
 <geo decls="#OS">SK 97481 70947</geo>
<geo>41.687142 -74.870109</geo>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element geo {, att.declaring.attributes, text }


<handDesc> (description of hands) contains a description of all the different kinds of writing used in a manuscript. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
handsspecifies the number of distinct hands identified within the manuscript
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: physDesc
May contain
core: p
header: handNote
msdescription: summary
 <handNote scope="major">Written throughout in <term>angelicana formata</term>.</handNote>
<handDesc hands="2">
 <p>The manuscript is written in two contemporary hands, otherwise
   unknown, but clearly those of practised scribes. Hand I writes
   ff. 1r-22v and hand II ff. 23 and 24. Some scholars, notably
   Verner Dahlerup and Hreinn Benediktsson, have argued for a third hand
   on f. 24, but the evidence for this is insubstantial.</p>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike"

   <elementRef key="summaryminOccurs="0"/>
   <elementRef key="handNote"

Schema Declaration
element handDesc
   attribute hands { teidata.count }?,
   ( model.pLike+ | ( summary?, handNote+ ) )


<handNote> (note on hand) describes a particular style or hand distinguished within a manuscript. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.handFeatures (script, @scribe, @scribeRef, @scriptRef, @medium, @scope)
scriptcharacterizes the particular script or writing style used by this hand, for example secretary, copperplate, Chancery, Italian, etc. Sample values include: 1] carolingian; 2] protogothic; 3] textualis; 4] cursiva; 5] hybrida; 6] semihybrida; 7] hum cursiva; 8] fractura; 9] chancery fractura; 10] chancery; 11] kurrent; 12] early kurrent; 13] late kurrent; 14] unknown
Derived fromatt.handFeatures
Status Required
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of separated by whitespace
Sample values include:
hum cursiva
chancery fractura
early kurrent
late kurrent
Contained by
msdescription: handDesc
May contain
<handNote scope="sole">
 <p>Written in insular
   phase II half-uncial with interlinear Old English gloss in an Anglo-Saxon pointed
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element handNote
   attribute script { list { } },


<handShift> marks the beginning of a sequence of text written in a new hand, or the beginning of a scribal stint. [ Document Hands]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.handFeatures (@scribe, @scribeRef, @script, @scriptRef, @medium, @scope) att.source (@source)
newindicates a handNote element describing the hand concerned.
Status Recommended
Datatype teidata.pointer

This attribute serves the same function as the hand attribute provided for those elements which are members of the att.transcriptional class. It may be renamed at a subsequent major release.

Member of
Contained by
May containEmpty element

The handShift element may be used either to denote a shift in the document hand (as from one scribe to another, on one writing style to another). Or, it may indicate a shift within a document hand, as a change of writing style, character or ink. Like other milestone elements, it should appear at the point of transition from some other state to the state which it describes.

<l>When wolde the cat dwelle in his ynne</l>
<handShift medium="greenish-ink"/>
<l>And if the cattes skynne be slyk <handShift medium="black-ink"/> and gaye</l>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element handShift
   attribute new { teidata.pointer }?,


<height> contains a measurement measured along the axis at right angles to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. parallel to the spine for a codex or book. [10.3.4. Dimensions]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence))
Member of
Contained by
May containEmpty element

If used to specify the height of a non text-bearing portion of some object, for example a monument, this element conventionally refers to the axis perpendicular to the surface of the earth.

<height quantity="7unit="in"/>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.xtext"/>
Schema Declaration
element height


<hi> (highlighted) marks a word or phrase as graphically distinct from the surrounding text, for reasons concerning which no claim is made. [ Emphatic Words and Phrases 3.3.2. Emphasis, Foreign Words, and Unusual Language]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.written (@hand)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<hi rend="gothic">And this Indenture further witnesseth</hi>
that the said <hi rend="italic">Walter Shandy</hi>, merchant,
in consideration of the said intended marriage ...
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element hi {, att.written.attributes, macro.paraContent }


<history> groups elements describing the full history of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.8. History]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
msdescription: msDesc msFrag msPart
May contain
core: p
  <p>Written in Durham during the mid twelfth
  <p>Recorded in two medieval
     catalogues of the books belonging to Durham Priory, made in 1391 and
  <p>Given to W. Olleyf by William Ebchester, Prior (1446-56)
     and later belonged to Henry Dalton, Prior of Holy Island (Lindisfarne)
     according to inscriptions on ff. 4v and 5.</p>
  <p>Presented to Trinity College in 1738 by
     Thomas Gale and his son Roger.</p>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike"

   <elementRef key="summaryminOccurs="0"/>
   <elementRef key="originminOccurs="0"/>
   <elementRef key="provenance"

   <elementRef key="acquisition"

Schema Declaration
element history
   ( model.pLike+ | ( summary?, origin?, provenance*, acquisition? ) )


<idno> (identifier) supplies any form of identifier used to identify some object, such as a bibliographic item, a person, a title, an organization, etc. in a standardized way. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.2.5. The Series Statement Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.sortable (@sortKey)
typecategorizes the identifier, for example as an ISBN, Social Security number, etc.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Member of
Contained by
May contain
header: idno

idno should be used for labels which identify an object or concept in a formal cataloguing system such as a database or an RDF store, or in a distributed system such as the World Wide Web. Some suggested values for type on idno are ISBN, ISSN, DOI, and URI.

<idno type="ISBN">978-1-906964-22-1</idno>
<idno type="ISSN">0143-3385</idno>
<idno type="DOI">10.1000/123</idno>
<idno type="URI"></idno>
<idno type="URI"></idno>
<idno type="LT">Thomason Tract E.537(17)</idno>
<idno type="Wing">C695</idno>
<idno type="oldCat">
 <g ref="#sym"/>345

In the last case, the identifier includes a non-Unicode character which is defined elsewhere by means of a <glyph> or <char> element referenced here as #sym.

Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <elementRef key="idno"/>
Schema Declaration
element idno
   attribute type { teidata.enumerated }?,
   ( text | model.gLike | idno )*


<incipit> contains the incipit of a manuscript item, that is the opening words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric which might precede it, of sufficient length to identify the work uniquely; such incipits were, in former times, frequently used a means of reference to a work, in place of a title. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.msExcerpt (@defective)
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msItem
May contain
<incipit>Pater noster qui es in celis</incipit>
<incipit defective="true">tatem dedit hominibus alleluia.</incipit>
<incipit type="biblical">Ghif ons huden onse dagelix broet</incipit>
<incipit>O ongehoerde gewerdighe christi</incipit>
<incipit type="lemma">Firmiter</incipit>
<incipit>Ideo dicit firmiter quia ordo fidei nostre probari non potest</incipit>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element incipit


<institution> contains the name of an organization such as a university or library, with which a manuscript is identified, generally its holding institution. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))
Contained by
May containEmpty element
 <institution>University of Oxford</institution>
 <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
 <idno>MS. Bodley 406</idno>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.xtext"/>
Schema Declaration
element institution


<item> contains one component of a list. [3.7. Lists 2.6. The Revision Description]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.sortable (@sortKey)
Contained by
core: list
May contain

May contain simple prose or a sequence of chunks.

Whatever string of characters is used to label a list item in the copy text may be used as the value of the global n attribute, but it is not required that numbering be recorded explicitly. In ordered lists, the n attribute on the item element is by definition synonymous with the use of the <label> element to record the enumerator of the list item. In glossary lists, however, the term being defined should be given with the <label> element, not n.

<list rend="numbered">
 <head>Here begin the chapter headings of Book IV</head>
 <item n="4.1">The death of Queen Clotild.</item>
 <item n="4.2">How King Lothar wanted to appropriate one third of the Church revenues.</item>
 <item n="4.3">The wives and children of Lothar.</item>
 <item n="4.4">The Counts of the Bretons.</item>
 <item n="4.5">Saint Gall the Bishop.</item>
 <item n="4.6">The priest Cato.</item>
 <item> ...</item>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element item


<l> (verse line) contains a single, possibly incomplete, line of verse. [3.12.1. Core Tags for Verse 3.12. Passages of Verse or Drama 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.fragmentable (@part)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<l met="x/x/x/x/x/real="/xx/x/x/x/">Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?</l>

<s:report test="ancestor::tei:l[not(.//tei:note//tei:l[. = current()])]"> Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain lines or lg elements.
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.inter"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element l
   ( text | model.gLike | model.phrase | model.inter | )*


<layout> describes how text is laid out on the page, including information about any ruling, pricking, or other evidence of page-preparation techniques. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) (@rend, @style, @rendition) (@facs) (@change) (@cert, @resp)
ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
columnsspecifies the number of columns per page
Status Required
Datatype 1–2 occurrences of teidata.count separated by whitespace

If a single number is given, all pages have this number of columns. If two numbers are given, the number of columns per page varies between the values supplied.

ruledLinesspecifies the number of ruled lines per column
Status Optional
Datatype 1–2 occurrences of teidata.count separated by whitespace

If a single number is given, all columns have this number of ruled lines. If two numbers are given, the number of ruled lines per column varies between the values supplied.

writtenLinesspecifies the number of written lines per column
Status Required
Datatype 1–2 occurrences of teidata.count separated by whitespace

If a single number is given, all columns have this number of written lines. If two numbers are given, the number of written lines per column varies between the values supplied.

Contained by
msdescription: layoutDesc
May contain
<layout columns="1ruledLines="25 32">Most pages have between 25 and 32 long lines ruled in lead.</layout>
<layout columns="2ruledLines="42">
 <p>2 columns of 42 lines ruled in ink, with central rule
   between the columns.</p>
<layout columns="1 2writtenLines="40 50">
 <p>Some pages have 2 columns, with central rule
   between the columns; each column with between 40 and 50 lines of writing.</p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element layout
   attribute ana
      list { ( "#verse-separate" | "#verse-prose" | "#unknown" )+ }
   attribute columns { list { teidata.count, teidata.count? } },
   attribute ruledLines { list { teidata.count, teidata.count? } }?,
   attribute writtenLines { list { teidata.count, teidata.count? } },


<layoutDesc> (layout description) collects the set of layout descriptions applicable to a manuscript. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
msdescription: objectDesc
May contain
core: p
msdescription: layout summary
 <p>Most pages have between 25 and 32 long lines ruled in lead.</p>
 <layout columns="2ruledLines="42">
   <locus from="f12rto="f15v"/>
     2 columns of 42 lines pricked and ruled in ink, with
     central rule between the columns.</p>
 <layout columns="3">
  <p xml:lang="zh-TW">
   <locus from="f16"/>小孔的三欄可見.</p>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike"

   <elementRef key="summaryminOccurs="0"/>
   <elementRef key="layout"

Schema Declaration
element layoutDesc
   ( model.pLike+ | ( summary?, layout+ ) )


<lb> (line break) marks the start of a new (typographic) line in some edition or version of a text. [3.10.3. Milestone Elements 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.edition (@ed, @edRef) att.spanning (@spanTo) att.breaking (@break)
Member of
Contained by
May containEmpty element

By convention, lb elements should appear at the point in the text where a new line starts. The n attribute, if used, indicates the number or other value associated with the text between this point and the next lb element, typically the sequence number of the line within the page, or other appropriate unit. This element is intended to be used for marking actual line breaks on a manuscript or printed page, at the point where they occur; it should not be used to tag structural units such as lines of verse (for which the l element is available) except in circumstances where structural units cannot otherwise be marked.

The type attribute may be used to characterize the line break in any respect. The more specialized attributes break, ed, or edRef should be preferred when the intent is to indicate whether or not the line break is word-breaking, or to note the source from which it derives.


This example shows typographical line breaks within metrical lines, where they occur at different places in different editions:

<l>Of Mans First Disobedience,<lb ed="1674"/> and<lb ed="1667"/> the Fruit</l>
<l>Of that Forbidden Tree, whose<lb ed="1667 1674"/> mortal tast</l>
<l>Brought Death into the World,<lb ed="1667"/> and all<lb ed="1674"/> our woe,</l>

This example encodes typographical line breaks as a means of preserving the visual appearance of a title page. The break attribute is used to show that the line break does not (as elsewhere) mark the start of a new word.

 <lb/>With Additions, ne-<lb break="no"/>ver before Printed.
Content model
Schema Declaration
element lb


<lg> (line group) contains one or more verse lines functioning as a formal unit, e.g. a stanza, refrain, verse paragraph, etc. [3.12.1. Core Tags for Verse 3.12. Passages of Verse or Drama 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.divLike (@org, @sample) (att.fragmentable (@part)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.declaring (@decls)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

contains verse lines or nested line groups only, possibly prefixed by a heading.

<lg type="free">
 <l>Let me be my own fool</l>
 <l>of my own making, the sum of it</l>
<lg type="free">
 <l>is equivocal.</l>
 <l>One says of the drunken farmer:</l>
<lg type="free">
 <l>leave him lay off it. And this is</l>
 <l>the explanation.</l>

<sch:assert test="count(descendant::tei:lg|descendant::tei:l|descendant::tei:gap) > 0">An lg element
must contain at least one child l, lg or gap element.</sch:assert>

<s:report test="ancestor::tei:l[not(.//tei:note//tei:lg[. = current()])]"> Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain line groups.
Content model
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
   <classRef key="model.lLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.stageLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
   <elementRef key="lg"/>
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.lLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.stageLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
   <elementRef key="lg"/>
  <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
   <classRef key=""

Schema Declaration
element lg
      ( model.divTop | )*,
      ( model.lLike | model.stageLike | model.labelLike | lg ),
      ( model.lLike | model.stageLike | model.labelLike | | lg )*,
      ( model.divBottom,* )*


<licence> contains information about a licence or other legal agreement applicable to the text. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.pointing (@targetLang, @target, @evaluate) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod))
Member of
Contained by
header: availability
May contain

A licence element should be supplied for each licence agreement applicable to the text in question. The target attribute may be used to reference a full version of the licence. The when, notBefore, notAfter, from or to attributes may be used in combination to indicate the date or dates of applicability of the licence.

<licence target=""> Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand Licence
 <licence notBefore="2013-01-01"

  <p>The Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) Licence
     applies to this document.</p>
  <p>The licence was added on January 1, 2013.</p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element licence


<line> contains the transcription of a topographic line in the source document [11.2.2. Embedded Transcription]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes att.typed (@type, @subtype) (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.coordinated (@start, @ulx, @uly, @lrx, @lry, @points) att.written (@hand)
Member of
Contained by
transcr: line surface zone
May contain

This element should be used only to mark up writing which is topographically organized as a series of lines, horizontal or vertical. It should not be used to mark lines of verse (for which use l) nor to mark linebreaks within text which has been encoded using structural elements such as p (for which use lb).

  <line>As in Visions of — at</line>
  <line>night —</line>
  <line>All sorts of fancies running through</line>
  <line>the head</line>
  <line>Hope you enjoyed</line>
  <line>Wales, as they
  <line>to Mrs FitzHerbert</line>
  <line>Printed in England</line>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key=""/>
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.linePart"/>
Schema Declaration
element line
   ( text | | model.gLike | model.linePart )*


<list> contains any sequence of items organized as a list. [3.7. Lists]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.sortable (@sortKey) att.typed (type, @subtype)
typedescribes the nature of the items in the list. Suggested values include: 1] gloss; 2] index; 3] instructions; 4] litany; 5] syllogism
Derived fromatt.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
each list item glosses some term or concept, which is given by a label element preceding the list item.
each list item is an entry in an index such as the alphabetical topical index at the back of a print volume.
each list item is a step in a sequence of instructions, as in a recipe.
each list item is one of a sequence of petitions, supplications or invocations, typically in a religious ritual.
each list item is part of an argument consisting of two or more propositions and a final conclusion derived from them.

Previous versions of these Guidelines recommended the use of type on list to encode the rendering or appearance of a list (whether it was bulleted, numbered, etc.). The current recommendation is to use the rend or style attributes for these aspects of a list, while using type for the more appropriate task of characterizing the nature of the content of a list.


The formal syntax of the element declarations allows <label> tags to be omitted from lists tagged <list type="gloss">; this is however a semantic error.

Member of
Contained by
May contain

May contain an optional heading followed by a series of items, or a series of label and item pairs, the latter being optionally preceded by one or two specialized headings.

<list rend="numbered">
 <item>a butcher</item>
 <item>a baker</item>
 <item>a candlestick maker, with
 <list rend="bulleted">
   <item>rings on his fingers</item>
   <item>bells on his toes</item>
<list rend="bulletedtype="syllogism">
 <item>All Cretans are liars.</item>
 <item>Epimenides is a Cretan.</item>
 <item>ERGO Epimenides is a liar.</item>
<list rend="simpletype="litany">
 <item>God save us from drought.</item>
 <item>God save us from pestilence.</item>
 <item>God save us from wickedness in high places.</item>
 <item>Praise be to God.</item>

The following example treats the short numbered clauses of Anglo-Saxon legal codes as lists of items. The text is from an ordinance of King Athelstan (924–939):

<div1 type="section">
 <head>Athelstan's Ordinance</head>
 <list rend="numbered">
  <item n="1">Concerning thieves. First, that no thief is to be spared who is caught with
     the stolen goods, [if he is] over twelve years and [if the value of the goods is] over
  <list rend="numbered">
    <item n="1.1">And if anyone does spare one, he is to pay for the thief with his
         wergild — and the thief is to be no nearer a settlement on that account — or to
         clear himself by an oath of that amount.</item>
    <item n="1.2">If, however, he [the thief] wishes to defend himself or to escape, he is
         not to be spared [whether younger or older than twelve].</item>
    <item n="1.3">If a thief is put into prison, he is to be in prison 40 days, and he may
         then be redeemed with 120 shillings; and the kindred are to stand surety for him
         that he will desist for ever.</item>
    <item n="1.4">And if he steals after that, they are to pay for him with his wergild,
         or to bring him back there.</item>
    <item n="1.5">And if he steals after that, they are to pay for him with his wergild,
         whether to the king or to him to whom it rightly belongs; and everyone of those who
         supported him is to pay 120 shillings to the king as a fine.</item>
  <item n="2">Concerning lordless men. And we pronounced about these lordless men, from whom
     no justice can be obtained, that one should order their kindred to fetch back such a
     person to justice and to find him a lord in public meeting.
  <list rend="numbered">
    <item n="2.1">And if they then will not, or cannot, produce him on that appointed day,
         he is then to be a fugitive afterwards, and he who encounters him is to strike him
         down as a thief.</item>
    <item n="2.2">And he who harbours him after that, is to pay for him with his wergild
         or to clear himself by an oath of that amount.</item>
  <item n="3">Concerning the refusal of justice. The lord who refuses justice and upholds
     his guilty man, so that the king is appealed to, is to repay the value of the goods and
     120 shillings to the king; and he who appeals to the king before he demands justice as
     often as he ought, is to pay the same fine as the other would have done, if he had
     refused him justice.
  <list rend="numbered">
    <item n="3.1">And the lord who is an accessory to a theft by his slave, and it becomes
         known about him, is to forfeit the slave and be liable to his wergild on the first
         occasionp if he does it more often, he is to be liable to pay all that he owns.</item>
    <item n="3.2">And likewise any of the king's treasurers or of our reeves, who has been
         an accessory of thieves who have committed theft, is to liable to the same.</item>
  <item n="4">Concerning treachery to a lord. And we have pronounced concerning treachery to
     a lord, that he [who is accused] is to forfeit his life if he cannot deny it or is
     afterwards convicted at the three-fold ordeal.</item>

Note that nested lists have been used so the tagging mirrors the structure indicated by the two-level numbering of the clauses. The clauses could have been treated as a one-level list with irregular numbering, if desired.

<p>These decrees, most blessed Pope Hadrian, we propounded in the public council ... and they
confirmed them in our hand in your stead with the sign of the Holy Cross, and afterwards
inscribed with a careful pen on the paper of this page, affixing thus the sign of the Holy
<list rend="simple">
  <item>I, Eanbald, by the grace of God archbishop of the holy church of York, have
     subscribed to the pious and catholic validity of this document with the sign of the Holy
  <item>I, Ælfwold, king of the people across the Humber, consenting have subscribed with
     the sign of the Holy Cross.</item>
  <item>I, Tilberht, prelate of the church of Hexham, rejoicing have subscribed with the
     sign of the Holy Cross.</item>
  <item>I, Higbald, bishop of the church of Lindisfarne, obeying have subscribed with the
     sign of the Holy Cross.</item>
  <item>I, Ethelbert, bishop of Candida Casa, suppliant, have subscribed with thef sign of
     the Holy Cross.</item>
  <item>I, Ealdwulf, bishop of the church of Mayo, have subscribed with devout will.</item>
  <item>I, Æthelwine, bishop, have subscribed through delegates.</item>
  <item>I, Sicga, patrician, have subscribed with serene mind with the sign of the Holy

<sch:rule context="tei:list[@type='gloss']">
<sch:assert test="tei:label">The content of a "gloss" list should include a sequence of one or more pairs of a label element followed by an item element</sch:assert>
Content model
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
   <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

    <elementRef key="item"/>
    <classRef key=""

    <elementRef key="headLabel"

    <elementRef key="headItem"

    <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

     <elementRef key="label"/>
     <classRef key=""

     <elementRef key="item"/>
     <classRef key=""

  <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
   <classRef key=""

Schema Declaration
element list
   attribute type
    | "index"
    | "instructions"
    | "litany"
    | "syllogism"
    | teidata.enumerated
      ( model.divTop | )*,
         ( item,* )+
       | (
            ( label,*, item,* )+
      ( model.divBottom,* )*


<listBibl> (citation list) contains a list of bibliographic citations of any kind. [3.11.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2.7. The Source Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.sortable (@sortKey) att.declarable (@default) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
msdescription: msDesc
namesdates: relation
transcr: fw
 <head>Works consulted</head>
 <bibl>Blain, Clements and Grundy: Feminist Companion to
   Literature in English (Yale, 1990)
   <title>The Interesting story of the Children in the Wood</title>
   <title>The Penny Histories</title>
   <author>Victor E Neuberg</author>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"

  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.milestoneLike"/>
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <elementRef key="relation"/>
   <elementRef key="listRelation"/>
Schema Declaration
element listBibl
      ( model.biblLike | model.milestoneLike )+,
      ( relation | listRelation )*


<listChange> groups a number of change descriptions associated with either the creation of a source text or the revision of an encoded text. [2.6. The Revision Description 11.7. Identifying Changes and Revisions]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.sortable (@sortKey) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
orderedindicates whether the ordering of its child change elements is to be considered significant or not
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.truthValue
Default true
Contained by
May contain

When this element appears within the <creation> element it documents the set of revision campaigns or stages identified during the evolution of the original text. When it appears within the revisionDesc element, it documents only changes made during the evolution of the encoded representation of that text.

  <change when="1991-11-11who="#LB"> deleted chapter 10 </change>
  <change when="1991-11-02who="#MSM"> completed first draft </change>
  <listChange ordered="true">
   <change xml:id="CHG-1">First stage, written in ink by a writer</change>
   <change xml:id="CHG-2">Second stage, written in Goethe's hand using pencil</change>
   <change xml:id="CHG-3">Fixation of the revised passages and further revisions by
       Goethe using ink</change>
   <change xml:id="CHG-4">Addition of another stanza in a different hand,
       probably at a later stage</change>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <elementRef key="listChange"/>
  <elementRef key="change"/>
Schema Declaration
element listChange
   attribute ordered { teidata.truthValue }?,
   ( listChange | change )+


<listEvent> (list of events) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable event. [13.3.1. Basic Principles]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.declarable (@default) att.sortable (@sortKey)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
 <head>Battles of the American Civil War: Kentucky</head>
 <event when="1861-09-19xml:id="event01">
  <desc>The Battle of Barbourville was one of the early engagements of
     the American Civil War. It occurred September 19, 1861, in Knox
     County, Kentucky during the campaign known as the Kentucky Confederate
     Offensive. The battle is considered the first Confederate victory in
     the commonwealth, and threw a scare into Federal commanders, who
     rushed troops to central Kentucky in an effort to repel the invasion,
     which was finally thwarted at the <ref target="#event02">Battle of
       Camp Wildcat</ref> in October.</desc>
 <event when="1861-10-21xml:id="event02">
  <label>Camp Wild Cat</label>
  <desc>The Battle of Camp Wildcat (also known as Wildcat Mountain and Camp
     Wild Cat) was one of the early engagements of the American Civil
     War. It occurred October 21, 1861, in northern Laurel County, Kentucky
     during the campaign known as the Kentucky Confederate Offensive. The
     battle is considered one of the very first Union victories, and marked
     the first engagement of troops in the commonwealth of Kentucky.</desc>
 <event from="1864-06-11to="1864-06-12"

  <desc>The Battle of Cynthiana (or Kellar’s Bridge) was an engagement
     during the American Civil War that was fought on June 11 and 12, 1864,
     in Harrison County, Kentucky, near the town of Cynthiana. A part of
     Confederate Brigadier General John Hunt Morgan's 1864 Raid into
     Kentucky, the battle resulted in a victory by Union forces over the
     raiders and saved the town from capture.</desc>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"

  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <elementRef key="event"/>
   <elementRef key="listEvent"/>
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <elementRef key="relation"/>
   <elementRef key="listRelation"/>
Schema Declaration
element listEvent
   ( model.headLike*, ( event | listEvent )+, ( relation | listRelation )* )


<listOrg> (list of organizations) contains a list of elements, each of which provides information about an identifiable organization. [13.2.2. Organizational Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.declarable (@default) att.sortable (@sortKey)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
namesdates: listOrg org relation

The type attribute may be used to distinguish lists of organizations of a particular type if convenient.

  <desc>These people have, in most points, the same customs as the Egyptians, but
     use the costume of the Libyans. Their women wear on each leg a ring made of
     bronze [...]</desc>
  <desc>In summer they leave their flocks and herds upon the sea-shore, and go up
     the country to a place called Augila, where they gather the dates from the
     palms [...]</desc>
  <desc>[...] avoid all society or intercourse with their fellow-men, have no
     weapon of war, and do not know how to defend themselves. [...]</desc>
<!-- ... -->
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"

  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <elementRef key="org"/>
   <elementRef key="listOrg"/>
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <elementRef key="relation"/>
   <elementRef key="listRelation"/>
Schema Declaration
element listOrg
   ( model.headLike*, ( org | listOrg )+, ( relation | listRelation )* )


<listPerson> (list of persons) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable person or a group of people, for example the participants in a language interaction, or the people referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. The Person Element 15.2. Contextual Information 2.4. The Profile Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.declarable (@default) att.sortable (@sortKey)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The type attribute may be used to distinguish lists of people of a particular type if convenient.

<listPerson type="respondents">
 <personGrp xml:id="PXXX"/>
 <person age="midsex="2xml:id="P1234"/>
 <person age="midsex="1xml:id="P4332"/>
  <relation mutual="#P1234 #P4332"

Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"

  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.personLike"/>
   <elementRef key="listPerson"/>
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <elementRef key="relation"/>
   <elementRef key="listRelation"/>
Schema Declaration
element listPerson
      ( model.personLike | listPerson )+,
      ( relation | listRelation )*


<listPlace> (list of places) contains a list of places, optionally followed by a list of relationships (other than containment) defined amongst them. [2.2.7. The Source Description 13.3.4. Places]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.declarable (@default) att.sortable (@sortKey)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<listPlace type="offshoreIslands">
  <placeName>La roche qui pleure</placeName>
  <placeName>Ile aux cerfs</placeName>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"

  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.placeLike"/>
   <elementRef key="listPlace"/>
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <elementRef key="relation"/>
   <elementRef key="listRelation"/>
Schema Declaration
element listPlace
      ( model.placeLike | listPlace )+,
      ( relation | listRelation )*


<location> defines the location of a place as a set of geographical coordinates, in terms of other named geo-political entities, or as an address. [13.3.4. Places]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source))
Member of
Contained by
May contain
 <placeName>Abbey Dore</placeName>
  <geo>51.969604 -2.893146</geo>
<place type="buildingxml:id="BGbuilding">
 <placeName>Brasserie Georges</placeName>
  <country key="FR"/>
  <settlement type="city">Lyon</settlement>
  <district type="arrondissement">IIème</district>
  <district type="quartier">Perrache</district>
  <placeName type="street">
   <num>30</num>, Cours de Verdun</placeName>
<place type="imaginary">
  <placeName>The Pillars of <persName>Hercules</persName>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <elementRef key="precision"/>
  <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.placeNamePart"/>
  <classRef key="model.offsetLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.measureLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.addressLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element location
    | model.labelLikemodel.placeNamePartmodel.offsetLikemodel.measureLikemodel.addressLikemodel.noteLikemodel.biblLike


<locus> defines a location within a manuscript or manuscript part, usually as a (possibly discontinuous) sequence of folio references. [10.3.5. References to Locations within a Manuscript]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.pointing (@targetLang, @target, @evaluate)
schemeidentifies the foliation scheme in terms of which the location is being specified by pointing to some foliation element defining it, or to some other equivalent resource.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
fromspecifies the starting point of the location in a normalized form, typically a page number.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.word
tospecifies the end-point of the location in a normalized form, typically as a page number.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.word
Member of
Contained by
May containEmpty element

The target attribute should only be used to point to elements that contain or indicate a transcription of the locus being described, as in the first example above. To associate a locus element with a page image or other comparable representation, the global facs attribute should be used instead, as shown in the second example. Use of the target attribute to indicate an image is strongly deprecated. The facs attribute may be used to indicate one or more image files, as above, or alternatively it may point to one or more appropriate XML elements, such as the surface, zone element, <graphic>, or <binaryObject> elements.


When the location being defined consists of a single page, use the from and to attributes with an identical value. When no clear endpoint is given the from attribute should be used without to. For example, if the manuscript description being transcribed has ‘p. 3ff’ as the locus.


<!-- within ms description --><msItem n="1">
 <locus from="1rtarget="#F1r #F1v #F2r"
ff. 1r-2r</locus>
 <author>Ben Jonson</author>
 <title>Ode to himself</title>
 <rubric rend="italics"> An Ode<lb/> to him selfe.</rubric>
 <incipit>Com leaue the loathed stage</incipit>
 <explicit>And see his chariot triumph ore his wayne.</explicit>
  <name>Beal</name>, <title>Index 1450-1625</title>, JnB 380</bibl>
<!-- within transcription ... -->
<pb xml:id="F1r"/>
<!-- ... -->
<pb xml:id="F1v"/>
<!-- ... -->
<pb xml:id="F2r"/>
<!-- ... -->

The facs attribute is available globally when the transcr module is included in a schema. It may be used to point directly to an image file, as in the following example:

 <locus facs="images/08v.jpg images/09r.jpg images/09v.jpg images/10r.jpg images/10v.jpg">fols. 8v-10v</locus>
 <title>Birds Praise of Love</title>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.xtext"/>
Schema Declaration
element locus
   attribute scheme { teidata.pointer }?,
   attribute from { teidata.word },
   attribute to { teidata.word },


<locusGrp> groups a number of locations which together form a distinct but discontinuous item within a manuscript or manuscript part, according to a specific foliation. [10.3.5. References to Locations within a Manuscript]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
schemeidentifies the foliation scheme in terms of which all the locations contained by the group are specified by pointing to some foliation element defining it, or to some other equivalent resource.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Member of
Contained by
May contain
msdescription: locus
  <locus from="13to="26">Bl. 13--26</locus>
  <locus from="37to="58">37--58</locus>
  <locus from="82to="96">82--96</locus>
 <note>Stücke von Daniel Ecklin’s Reise ins h. Land</note>
Content model
 <elementRef key="locus"

Schema Declaration
element locusGrp
   attribute scheme { teidata.pointer }?,


<material> contains a word or phrase describing the material of which the object being described is composed. [10.3.2. Material and Object Type]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.canonical (@key, @ref)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The ref attribute may be used to point to one or more items within a taxonomy of types of material, defined either internally or externally.

  <material>Parchment</material> leaves with a
 <material>sharkskin</material> binding.</p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element material


<metamark> contains or describes any kind of graphic or written signal within a document the function of which is to determine how it should be read rather than forming part of the actual content of the document. [ Metamarks]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes att.spanning (@spanTo) att.placement (@place) (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
functiondescribes the function (for example status, insertion, deletion, transposition) of the metamark.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.word
targetidentifies one or more elements to which the metamark applies.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element metamark
   attribute function { teidata.word }?,
   attribute target { list { teidata.pointer+ } }?,


<mod> represents any kind of modification identified within a single document. [ Generic Modification]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.transcriptional (@status, @cause, @seq) (att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) ) (att.written (@hand)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.spanning (@spanTo)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<mod type="subst">
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element mod


<msContents> (manuscript contents) describes the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of structured manuscript items. [10.6. Intellectual Content]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.msExcerpt (@defective)
classidentifies the text types or classifications applicable to this object by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Contained by
msdescription: msDesc msFrag msPart
May contain
msdescription: msItem summary
textstructure: titlePage

Unless it contains a simple prose description, this element should contain at least one of the elements summary, msItem, or <msItemStruct>. This constraint is not currently enforced by the schema.

<msContents class="#sermons">
 <p>A collection of Lollard sermons</p>
 <msItem n="1">
  <locus>fols. 5r-7v</locus>
  <title>An ABC</title>
 <msItem n="2">
  <locus>fols. 7v-8v</locus>
  <title xml:lang="frm">Lenvoy de Chaucer a Scogan</title>
 <msItem n="3">
  <locus>fol. 8v</locus>
 <msItem n="4">
  <locus>fols. 8v-10v</locus>
  <title>Birds Praise of Love</title>
 <msItem n="5">
  <locus>fols. 10v-11v</locus>
  <title xml:lang="la">De amico ad amicam</title>
  <title xml:lang="la">Responcio</title>
   <biblScope>16 &amp; 19</biblScope>
 <msItem n="6">
  <locus>fols. 14r-126v</locus>
  <title>Troilus and Criseyde</title>
  <note>Bk. 1:71-Bk. 5:1701, with additional losses due to mutilation throughout</note>
Content model
 <elementRef key="summarymaxOccurs="1"

 <elementRef key="titlePage"

 <elementRef key="msItem"

Schema Declaration
element msContents
   attribute class { list { teidata.pointer+ } }?,


<msDesc> (manuscript description) contains a description of a single identifiable manuscript or other text-bearing object. [10.1. Overview]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.sortable (@sortKey) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.declaring (@decls)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
  <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
  <idno type="Bod">MS Poet. Rawl. D. 169.</idno>
   <author>Geoffrey Chaucer</author>
   <title>The Canterbury Tales</title>
   <p>A parchment codex of 136 folios, measuring approx
       28 by 19 inches, and containing 24 quires.</p>
   <p>The pages are margined and ruled throughout.</p>
   <p>Four hands have been identified in the manuscript: the first 44
       folios being written in two cursive anglicana scripts, while the
       remainder is for the most part in a mixed secretary hand.</p>
Content model
 <elementRef key="msIdentifier"

 <alternate maxOccurs="1minOccurs="1">
  <sequence maxOccurs="1minOccurs="1">
   <elementRef key="msContents"

   <elementRef key="physDescminOccurs="1"/>
   <elementRef key="historyminOccurs="1"/>
   <elementRef key="additional"

   <elementRef key="msPart"

  <sequence maxOccurs="1minOccurs="1">
   <alternate maxOccurs="1minOccurs="1">
    <elementRef key="msPart"

    <elementRef key="msFrag"

Schema Declaration
element msDesc
      ( msContents+, physDesc+, history+, additional?, msPart* )
    | ( msPart* | msFrag* )


<msFrag> (manuscript fragment) contains information about a fragment of a scattered manuscript now held as a single unit or bound into a larger manuscript. [10.11. Manuscript Fragments]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
msdescription: msDesc
May contain
  <msName xml:lang="la">Codex Suprasliensis</msName>
   <repository>Narodna in univerzitetna knjiznica</repository>
   <idno>MS Kopitar 2</idno>
   <summary>Contains ff. 10 to 42 only</summary>
   <repository>Biblioteka Narodowa</repository>
   <idno>BO 3.201</idno>
   <repository>Rossiiskaia natsional'naia biblioteka</repository>
Content model
   <elementRef key="altIdentifier"/>
   <elementRef key="msIdentifier"/>
  <classRef key="model.headLike"

   <classRef key="model.pLike"

    <elementRef key="msContents"

    <elementRef key="physDesc"

    <elementRef key="historyminOccurs="0"/>
    <elementRef key="additional"

Schema Declaration
element msFrag
      ( altIdentifier | msIdentifier ),
      ( model.pLike+ | ( msContents?, physDesc?, history?, additional? ) )


<msIdentifier> (manuscript identifier) contains the information required to identify the manuscript being described. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
msdescription: msDesc msFrag msPart
May contain
 <settlement>San Marino</settlement>
 <repository>Huntington Library</repository>

<s:report test="not(parent::tei:msPart) and (local-name(*[1])='idno' or local-name(*[1])='altIdentifier' or normalize-space(.)='')">An msIdentifier must contain either a repository or location of some type, or a manuscript name</s:report>
Content model
 <sequence maxOccurs="1minOccurs="1">
  <sequence maxOccurs="1minOccurs="1">
   <classRef expand="sequenceOptional"

   <elementRef key="institution"

   <elementRef key="repository"

   <elementRef key="collection"

   <elementRef key="idnominOccurs="1"/>
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <elementRef key="msName"/>
   <elementRef key="altIdentifier"/>
Schema Declaration
element msIdentifier
      ( msName | altIdentifier )*


<msItem> (manuscript item) describes an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes att.msExcerpt (@defective) (n, @xml:id, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) (@rend, @style, @rendition) (@ana) (@facs) (@change) (@cert, @resp)
n(number) gives a number (or other label) for an element, which is not necessarily unique within the document.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.text
classidentifies the text types or classifications applicable to this item by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned. Suggested values include: 1] fas; 2] ridd; 3] edd; 4] isl; 5] kvad; 6] kon; 7] islt; 8] rimur; 9] forns; 10] avint; 11] konth; 12] almb; 13] riddst
Status Required
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Suggested values include:
Fornaldarsögur síðari tíma
Riddarasögur síðari tíma
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msContents msItem
May contain
<msItem class="#saga">
 <locus>ff. 1r-24v</locus>
 <title>Agrip af Noregs konunga sögum</title>
 <incipit>regi oc h<ex>ann</ex> setiho
 <gap extent="7reason="illegible"/>sc
   heim se<ex>m</ex> þio</incipit>
 <explicit>h<ex>on</ex> hev<ex>er</ex>
  <ex>oc</ex>þa buit hesta .ij. aNan viþ
   fé enh<ex>on</ex>o<ex>m</ex> aNan til
 <textLang mainLang="non">Old Norse/Icelandic</textLang>
Content model
 <sequence maxOccurs="1minOccurs="1">
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <elementRef key="locus"/>
   <elementRef key="locusGrp"/>
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.titlepagePart"/>
   <classRef key="model.msItemPart"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element msItem
   attribute n { teidata.text },
   attribute class
          | "ridd"
          | "edd"
          | "isl"
          | "kvad"
          | "kon"
          | "islt"
          | "rimur"
          | "forns"
          | "avint"
          | "konth"
          | "almb"
          | "riddst"
          | teidata.pointer
      ( locus | locusGrp )*,
      ( model.titlepagePart | model.msItemPart | )+


<msName> (alternative name) contains any form of unstructured alternative name used for a manuscript, such as an ‘ocellus nominum’, or nickname. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Contained by
msdescription: msIdentifier
May containEmpty element
<msName>The Vercelli Book</msName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.xtext"/>
Schema Declaration
element msName {, att.typed.attributes, macro.xtext }


<msPart> (manuscript part) contains information about an originally distinct manuscript or part of a manuscript, which is now part of a composite manuscript. [10.10. Manuscript Parts]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
msdescription: msDesc msPart
May contain

As this last example shows, for compatibility reasons the identifier of a manuscript part may be supplied as a simple altIdentifier rather than using the more structured msIdentifier element. This usage is however deprecated.

  <altIdentifier type="catalog">
   <idno>48, Nr. 145</idno>
  <altIdentifier type="catalog">
   <collection>Wiener Liste</collection>
  <title xml:lang="la">Gregorius: Homiliae in Ezechielem</title>
  <origPlace key="tgn_7008085">Weissenburg (?)</origPlace>
  <origDate notAfter="0815"
IX. Jh., Anfang</origDate>
  <repository>Bibliothèque Municipale</repository>
  <idno>MS 3</idno>
  <msName>Maurdramnus Bible</msName>
  <summary xml:lang="lat">Miscellany of various texts; Prudentius, Psychomachia; Physiologus de natura animantium</summary>
  <textLang mainLang="lat">Latin</textLang>
  <objectDesc form="composite_manuscript"/>
   <idno>ms. 10066-77 ff. 140r-156v</idno>
   <summary xml:lang="lat">Physiologus</summary>
   <textLang mainLang="lat">Latin</textLang>
   <idno>MS 6</idno>
<!-- other information specific to this part here -->
<!-- more parts here -->
SchematronThe msIdentifier element is now allowed as a child of msPart, and it (with its altIdentifier children if needed) should be used instead of an altIdentifier directly within msPart.

<sch:report role="nonfatal"
WARNING: use of deprecated method — the use of the altIdentifier element as a direct child of the msPart element will be removed from the TEI on 2016-09-09</sch:report>
Content model
   <elementRef key="altIdentifier"/>
   <elementRef key="msIdentifier"/>
  <classRef key="model.headLike"

   <classRef key="model.pLike"

    <elementRef key="msContents"

    <elementRef key="physDesc"

    <elementRef key="historyminOccurs="0"/>
    <elementRef key="additional"

    <elementRef key="msPart"

Schema Declaration
element msPart
      ( altIdentifier | msIdentifier ),
       | ( msContents?, physDesc?, history?, additional?, msPart* )


<musicNotation> contains description of type of musical notation. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: physDesc
May contain
 <p>Square notation of 4-line red staves.</p>
<musicNotation>Neumes in <term>campo aperto</term> of the St. Gall type.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element musicNotation {, macro.specialPara }


<name> (name, proper noun) contains a proper noun or noun phrase. [3.5.1. Referring Strings]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.personal (@full, @sort) (att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) ) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.typed (type, @subtype)
typecharacterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived fromatt.typed
Status Required
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
Member of
Contained by
May contain

Proper nouns referring to people, places, and organizations may be tagged instead with persName, placeName, or orgName, when the TEI module for names and dates is included.

<name type="person">Thomas Hoccleve</name>
<name type="place">Villingaholt</name>
<name type="org">Vetus Latina Institut</name>
<name ref="#HOC001type="person">Occleve</name>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element name
   attribute type { "person" | "place" | "organisation" },
<nameLink> (name link) contains a connecting phrase or link used within a name but not regarded as part of it, such as van der or of. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
 <nameLink>van der</nameLink>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element nameLink


<nationality> contains an informal description of a person's present or past nationality or citizenship. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))
Member of
Contained by
namesdates: person personGrp
May contain
<nationality key="USnotBefore="1966"> Obtained US Citizenship in 1966</nationality>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element nationality


<note> contains a note or annotation. [3.8.1. Notes and Simple Annotation 2.2.6. The Notes Statement Notes and Statement of Language Notes within Entries]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.placement (@place) att.pointing (@targetLang, @target, @evaluate) att.source (@source) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.written (@hand)
anchoredindicates whether the copy text shows the exact place of reference for the note.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.truthValue
Default true

In modern texts, notes are usually anchored by means of explicit footnote or endnote symbols. An explicit indication of the phrase or line annotated may however be used instead (e.g. ‘page 218, lines 3–4’). The anchored attribute indicates whether any explicit location is given, whether by symbol or by prose cross-reference. The value true indicates that such an explicit location is indicated in the copy text; the value false indicates that the copy text does not indicate a specific place of attachment for the note. If the specific symbols used in the copy text at the location the note is anchored are to be recorded, use the n attribute.

targetEndpoints to the end of the span to which the note is attached, if the note is not embedded in the text at that point.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

This attribute is retained for backwards compatibility; it may be removed at a subsequent release of the Guidelines. The recommended way of pointing to a span of elements is by means of the range function of XPointer, as further described in range().

Member of
Contained by
May contain
In the following example, the translator has supplied a footnote containing an explanation of the term translated as "painterly":
And yet it is not only
in the great line of Italian renaissance art, but even in the
painterly <note place="bottomresp="#MDMH"

 <term xml:lang="de">Malerisch</term>. This word has, in the German, two
distinct meanings, one objective, a quality residing in the object,
the other subjective, a mode of apprehension and creation. To avoid
confusion, they have been distinguished in English as
<mentioned>picturesque</mentioned> and
<mentioned>painterly</mentioned> respectively.
</note> style of the
Dutch genre painters of the seventeenth century that drapery has this
psychological significance.

For this example to be valid, the code MDMH must be defined elsewhere, for example by means of a responsibility statement in the associated TEI header:

<respStmt xml:id="MDMH">
 <resp>translation from German to English</resp>
 <name>Hottinger, Marie Donald Mackie</name>

The global n attribute may be used to supply the symbol or number used to mark the note's point of attachment in the source text, as in the following example:

Mevorakh b. Saadya's mother, the matriarch of the
family during the second half of the eleventh century, <note anchored="truen="126"> The
alleged mention of Judah Nagid's mother in a letter from 1071 is, in fact, a reference to
Judah's children; cf. above, nn. 111 and 54. </note> is well known from Geniza documents
published by Jacob Mann.

However, if notes are numbered in sequence and their numbering can be reconstructed automatically by processing software, it may well be considered unnecessary to record the note numbers.

Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element note
   attribute anchored { teidata.truthValue }?,
   attribute targetEnd { list { teidata.pointer+ } }?,


<num> (number) contains a number, written in any form. [3.5.3. Numbers and Measures]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)
typeindicates the type of numeric value.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:

If a different typology is desired, other values can be used for this attribute.

valuesupplies the value of the number in standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
Values a numeric value.

The standard form used is defined by the TEI datatype data.numeric.

Member of
Contained by
May contain

Detailed analyses of quantities and units of measure in historical documents may also use the feature structure mechanism described in chapter 18. Feature Structures. The num element is intended for use in simple applications.

<p>I reached <num type="cardinalvalue="21">twenty-one</num> on
my <num type="ordinalvalue="21">twenty-first</num> birthday</p>
<p>Light travels at <num value="3E10">3×10<hi rend="sup">10</hi>
 </num> cm per second.</p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element num
   attribute type { "front-flyleaf" | "book-block" | "back-flyleaf" | "wpl" },
   attribute value { teidata.numeric }?,


<objectDesc> contains a description of the physical components making up the object which is being described. [10.7.1. Object Description]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
forma short project-specific name identifying the physical form of the carrier, for example as a codex, roll, fragment, partial leaf, cutting etc.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:

Definitions for the terms used may typically be provided by a <valList> element in the project schema specification.

Member of
Contained by
msdescription: physDesc
May contain
core: p
msdescription: layoutDesc supportDesc
<objectDesc form="codex">
 <supportDesc material="mixed">
  <p>Early modern
  <material>parchment</material> and
  <layout ruledLines="25 32"/>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="1minOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.pLike"

  <sequence maxOccurs="1minOccurs="1">
   <elementRef key="supportDesc"

   <elementRef key="layoutDesc"

Schema Declaration
element objectDesc
   attribute form { "codex" | "leaf" | "scroll" | "other" },
   ( model.pLike+ | ( supportDesc?, layoutDesc? ) )


<occupation> contains an informal description of a person's trade, profession or occupation. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))
schemeindicates the classification system or taxonomy in use, for example by supplying the identifier of a taxonomy element, or pointing to some other resource.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
codeidentifies an occupation code defined within the classification system or taxonomy defined by the scheme attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Member of
Contained by
namesdates: person personGrp
May contain

The content of this element may be used as an alternative to the more formal specification made possible by its attributes; it may also be used to supplement the formal specification with commentary or clarification.

<occupation code="#acc"
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element occupation
   attribute scheme { teidata.pointer }?,
   attribute code { teidata.pointer }?,


<org> (organization) provides information about an identifiable organization such as a business, a tribe, or any other grouping of people. [13.2.2. Organizational Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.sortable (@sortKey)
rolespecifies a primary role or classification for the organization.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, using arbitrary keywords such as artist, employer, family group, or political party, each of which should be associated with a definition. Such local definitions will typically be provided by a <valList> element in the project schema specification.

Member of
Contained by
namesdates: listOrg listPerson org
May contain
<org xml:id="JAMs">
 <orgName>Justified Ancients of Mummu</orgName>
 <desc>An underground anarchist collective spearheaded by <persName>Hagbard
     Celine</persName>, who fight the Illuminati from a golden submarine, the
 <name>Leif Ericson</name>
  <author>Robert Shea</author>
  <author>Robert Anton Wilson</author>
  <title>The Illuminatus! Trilogy</title>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"

   <classRef key="model.pLike"

   <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

    <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.nameLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.placeLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.orgPart"/>
    <classRef key="model.milestoneLike"/>
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <elementRef key="linkGrp"/>
   <elementRef key="link"/>
  <classRef key="model.personLike"

Schema Declaration
element org
   attribute role { list { teidata.word+ } }?,
       | (
      ( model.noteLike | model.biblLike | linkGrp | link )*,


<orgName> (organization name) contains an organizational name. [13.2.2. Organizational Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.personal (@full, @sort) (att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
About a year back, a question of considerable interest was agitated in the <orgName key="PAS1type="voluntary">
 <placeName key="PEN">Pennsyla.</placeName> Abolition Society
</orgName> [...]
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element orgName


<orig> (original form) contains a reading which is marked as following the original, rather than being normalized or corrected. [3.4.2. Regularization and Normalization 12. Critical Apparatus]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.source (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

If all that is desired is to call attention to the original version in the copy text, orig may be used alone:

<l>But this will be a <orig>meere</orig> confusion</l>
<l>And hardly shall we all be <orig>vnderstoode</orig>

More usually, an orig will be combined with a regularized form within a choice element:

<l>But this will be a <choice>
 </choice> confusion</l>
<l>And hardly shall we all be <choice>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element orig


<origDate> (origin date) contains any form of date, used to identify the date of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.3.1. Origination]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<origDate notAfter="-0200"
3rd century BCE</origDate>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element origDate
   ( text | model.gLike | model.phrase | )*


<origin> contains any descriptive or other information concerning the origin of a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.8. History]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod))
Contained by
msdescription: history
May contain
<origin evidence="internalnotAfter="1845"
Copied in <name type="origPlace">Derby</name>, probably from an
old Flemish original, between 1802 and 1845, according to <persName xml:id="AMH">Anne-Mette Hansen</persName>.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element origin


<origPlace> (origin place) contains any form of place name, used to identify the place of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part. [10.3.1. Origination]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) att.canonical (key, @ref)
keyprovides an externally-defined means of identifying the entity (or entities) being named, using a coded value of some kind.
Derived fromatt.canonical
Status Required
Datatype teidata.text
Legal values are:
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The type attribute may be used to distinguish different kinds of ‘origin’, for example original place of publication, as opposed to original place of printing.

Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element origPlace
   attribute key
      "IS" | "DK" | "SE" | "DE" | "FR" | "GB" | "US" | "NO" | "CA" | "unknown"


<p> (paragraph) marks paragraphs in prose. [3.1. Paragraphs 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.declaring (@decls) att.fragmentable (@part) att.written (@hand)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<p>Hallgerd was outside. <q>There is blood on your axe,</q> she said. <q>What have you
 <q>I have now arranged that you can be married a second time,</q> replied Thjostolf.
 <q>Then you must mean that Thorvald is dead,</q> she said.
 <q>Yes,</q> said Thjostolf. <q>And now you must think up some plan for me.</q>

<s:report test="(ancestor::tei:p or ancestor::tei:ab) and not(parent::tei:exemplum |parent::tei:item |parent::tei:note |parent::tei:q |parent::tei:quote |parent::tei:remarks |parent::tei:said |parent::tei:sp |parent::tei:stage |parent::tei:cell |parent::tei:figure)"> Abstract model violation: Paragraphs may not contain other paragraphs or ab elements.

<s:report test="ancestor::tei:l[not(.//tei:note//tei:p[. = current()])]"> Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div, p, or ab.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element p


<pb> (page break) marks the start of a new page in a paginated document. [3.10.3. Milestone Elements]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.edition (@ed, @edRef) att.spanning (@spanTo) att.breaking (@break)
Member of
Contained by
May containEmpty element

A pb element should appear at the start of the page which it identifies. The global n attribute indicates the number or other value associated with this page. This will normally be the page number or signature printed on it, since the physical sequence number is implicit in the presence of the pb element itself.

The type attribute may be used to characterize the page break in any respect, for example as word-breaking or not.


Page numbers may vary in different editions of a text.

<p> ... <pb ed="ed2n="145"/>
<!-- Page 145 in edition "ed2" starts here --> ... <pb ed="ed1n="283"/>
<!-- Page 283 in edition "ed1" starts here--> ... </p>

A page break may be associated with a facsimile image of the page it introduces by means of the facs attribute

 <pb facs="page1.pngn="1"/>
<!-- page1.png contains an image of the page; the text it contains is encoded here -->
<!-- ... -->
 <pb facs="page2.pngn="2"/>
<!-- similarly, for page 2 -->
<!-- ... -->
Content model
Schema Declaration
element pb


<pc> (punctuation character) contains a character or string of characters regarded as constituting a single punctuation mark. [17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories]
Moduleanalysis — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.segLike (@function) (att.datcat (@datcat, @valueDatcat)) (att.fragmentable (@part)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
forceindicates the extent to which this punctuation mark conventionally separates words or phrases
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
the punctuation mark is a word separator
the punctuation mark is not a word separator
the punctuation mark may or may not be a word separator
unitprovides a name for the kind of unit delimited by this punctuation mark.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
preindicates whether this punctuation mark precedes or follows the unit it delimits.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.truthValue
Member of
Contained by
May contain
 <pc type="interrogative">?</pc>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <elementRef key="c"/>
  <classRef key="model.pPart.edit"/>
Schema Declaration
element pc
   attribute force { "strong" | "weak" | "inter" }?,
   attribute unit { teidata.enumerated }?,
   attribute pre { teidata.truthValue }?,
   ( text | model.gLike | c | model.pPart.edit )*


<persName> (personal name) contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person, possibly including one or more of the person's forenames, surnames, honorifics, added names, etc. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.personal (@full, @sort) (att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
 <surname type="linked">Bulwer-Lytton</surname>, <roleName>Baron Lytton of
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element persName


<person> provides information about an identifiable individual, for example a participant in a language interaction, or a person referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. The Person Element 15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.sortable (@sortKey)
rolespecifies a primary role or classification for the person.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, using arbitrary keywords such as artist, employer, author, relative, or servant, each of which should be associated with a definition. Such local definitions will typically be provided by a <valList> element in the project schema specification.

sexspecifies the sex of the person.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, or may refer to an external standard, such as vCard's sex property (in which M indicates male, F female, O other, N none or not applicable, U unknown), or the often used ISO 5218:2004 Representation of Human Sexes (in which 0 indicates unknown; 1 male; 2 female; and 9 not applicable, although the ISO standard is widely considered inadequate); cf. CETH's Recommendations for Inclusive Data Collection of Trans People

agespecifies an age group for the person.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, using arbitrary keywords such as infant, child, teen, adult, or senior, each of which should be associated with a definition. Such local definitions will typically be provided by a <valList> element in the project schema specification.

Member of
Contained by
namesdates: listPerson org
May contain

May contain either a prose description organized as paragraphs, or a sequence of more specific demographic elements drawn from the model.personPart class.

<person age="adultsex="F">
 <p>Female respondent, well-educated, born in Shropshire UK, 12 Jan 1950, of unknown occupation. Speaks French fluently. Socio-Economic
   status B2.</p>
<person age="immortalrole="god"

 <persName xml:lang="grc">Ἑρμαφρόδιτος</persName>
<person role="poetsex="1xml:id="Ovi01">
 <persName xml:lang="en">Ovid</persName>
 <persName xml:lang="la">Publius Ovidius Naso</persName>
 <birth when="-0044-03-20"> 20 March 43 BC <placeName>
   <settlement type="city">Sulmona</settlement>
   <country key="IT">Italy</country>
 <death notAfter="0018notBefore="0017">17 or 18 AD <placeName>
   <settlement type="city">Tomis (Constanta)</settlement>
   <country key="RO">Romania</country>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike"

  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.personPart"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element person
   attribute role { list { teidata.enumerated+ } }?,
   attribute sex { list { } }?,
   attribute age { teidata.enumerated }?,
   ( model.pLike+ | ( model.personPart | )* )


<personGrp> (personal group) describes a group of individuals treated as a single person for analytic purposes. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.sortable (@sortKey)
rolespecifies the role of this group of participants in the interaction.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, using arbitrary keywords such as movement, employers, relatives, or servants, each of which should be associated with a definition. Such local definitions will typically be provided by a <valList> element in the project schema specification.

sexspecifies the sex of the participant group.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, or may refer to an external standard, such as vCard's sex property (in which M indicates male, F female, O other, N none or not applicable, U unknown), or the often used ISO 5218:2004 Representation of Human Sexes (in which 0 indicates unknown; 1 male; 2 female; and 9 not applicable, although the ISO standard is widely considered inadequate); cf. CETH's Recommendations for Inclusive Data Collection of Trans People For a mixed group, a value such as "mixed" may also be supplied.

agespecifies the age group of the participants.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, using arbitrary keywords such as infant, child, teen, adult, or senior, each of which should be associated with a definition. Such local definitions will typically be provided by a <valList> element in the project schema specification.

sizedescribes informally the size or approximate size of the group for example by means of a number and an indication of accuracy e.g. approx 200.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
Member of
Contained by
namesdates: listPerson org
May contain

May contain a prose description organized as paragraphs, or any sequence of demographic elements in any combination.

The global xml:id attribute should be used to identify each speaking participant in a spoken text if the who attribute is specified on individual utterances.

<personGrp role="audiencesex="mixed"
 size="approx 50xml:id="pg1"/>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike"

  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.personPart"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element personGrp
   attribute role { teidata.enumerated }?,
   attribute sex { list { } }?,
   attribute age { teidata.enumerated }?,
   attribute size { list { teidata.word+ } }?,
   ( model.pLike+ | ( model.personPart | )* )


<physDesc> (physical description) contains a full physical description of a manuscript or manuscript part, optionally subdivided using more specialized elements from the model.physDescPart class. [10.7. Physical Description]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
msdescription: msDesc msFrag msPart
May contain
 <objectDesc form="codex">
  <supportDesc material="perg">
   <extent>i + 55 leaves
   <dimensions scope="alltype="leaf"

   <layout columns="2">In double columns.</layout>
  <p>Written in more than one hand.</p>
  <p>With a few coloured capitals.</p>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike"

  <classRef expand="sequenceOptional"

Schema Declaration
element physDesc


<place> contains data about a geographic location [13.3.4. Places]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.sortable (@sortKey)
Member of
Contained by
namesdates: listPlace org place
May contain
 <country xml:lang="lt">Lietuva</country>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"

   <classRef key="model.pLike"

   <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

    <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.placeStateLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.eventLike"/>
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <elementRef key="idno"/>
   <elementRef key="linkGrp"/>
   <elementRef key="link"/>
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.placeLike"/>
   <elementRef key="listPlace"/>
Schema Declaration
element place
       | ( model.labelLike | model.placeStateLike | model.eventLike )*
      ( model.noteLike | model.biblLike | idno | linkGrp | link )*,
      ( model.placeLike | listPlace )*


<placeName> contains an absolute or relative place name. [13.2.3. Place Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.personal (@full, @sort) (att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
 <region>New York</region>
 <geogName>Arrochar Alps</geogName>
 <measure>10 miles</measure>
 <offset>Northeast of</offset>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element placeName


<provenance> contains any descriptive or other information concerning a single identifiable episode during the history of a manuscript or manuscript part, after its creation but before its acquisition. [10.8. History]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.source (@source)
Contained by
msdescription: history
May contain
<provenance>Listed as the property of Lawrence Sterne in 1788.</provenance>
<provenance>Sold at Sothebys in 1899.</provenance>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element provenance


<publicationStmt> (publication statement) groups information concerning the publication or distribution of an electronic or other text. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.2. The File Description]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
header: fileDesc
May contain

Where a publication statement contains several members of the model.publicationStmtPart classes rather than one or more paragraphs or anonymous blocks, care should be taken to ensure that the repeated elements are presented in a meaningful order. It is a conformance requirement that elements supplying information about publication place, address, identifier, availability, and date be given following the name of the publisher, distributor, or authority concerned, and preferably in that order.

 <publisher>C. Muquardt </publisher>
 <pubPlace>Bruxelles &amp; Leipzig</pubPlace>
 <date when="1846"/>
 <publisher>Chadwyck Healey</publisher>
  <p>Available under licence only</p>
 <date when="1992">1992</date>
Content model
  <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key=""/>
   <classRef key="model.publicationStmtPart.detail"

  <classRef key="model.pLike"

Schema Declaration
element publicationStmt
      (, model.publicationStmtPart.detail* )+
    | model.pLike+


<pubPlace> (publication place) contains the name of the place where a bibliographic item was published. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
May contain
 <publisher>Oxford University Press</publisher>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element pubPlace


<q> (quoted) contains material which is distinguished from the surrounding text using quotation marks or a similar method, for any one of a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: direct speech or thought, technical terms or jargon, authorial distance, quotations from elsewhere, and passages that are mentioned but not used. [3.3.3. Quotation]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.ascribed (@who) att.source (@source)
typemay be used to indicate whether the offset passage is spoken or thought, or to characterize it more finely. Suggested values include: 1] spoken; 2] thought; 3] written; 4] soCalled; 5] foreign; 6] distinct; 7] term; 8] emph; 9] mentioned
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
representation of speech
representation of thought, e.g. internal monologue
quotation from a written source
authorial distance
linguistically distinct
technical term
rhetorically emphasized
refering to itself, not its normal referent
Member of
Contained by
May contain

May be used to indicate that a passage is distinguished from the surrounding text for reasons concerning which no claim is made. When used in this manner, q may be thought of as syntactic sugar for hi with a value of rend that indicates the use of such mechanisms as quotation marks.

It is spelled <q>Tübingen</q> — to enter the
letter <q>u</q> with an umlaut hold down the <q>option</q> key and press
<q>0 0 f c</q>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element q
   attribute type
    | "thought"
    | "written"
    | "soCalled"
    | "foreign"
    | "distinct"
    | "term"
    | "emph"
    | "mentioned"
    | teidata.enumerated


<quote> (quotation) contains a phrase or passage attributed by the narrator or author to some agency external to the text. [3.3.3. Quotation 4.3.1. Grouped Texts]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.msExcerpt (@defective) att.source (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

If a bibliographic citation is supplied for the source of a quotation, the two may be grouped using the <cit> element.

Lexicography has shown little sign of being affected by the
work of followers of J.R. Firth, probably best summarized in his
slogan, <quote>You shall know a word by the company it
<ref>(Firth, 1957)</ref>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element quote


<recordHist> (recorded history) provides information about the source and revision status of the parent manuscript description itself. [10.9.1. Administrative Information]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
msdescription: adminInfo
May contain
core: p
header: change
msdescription: source
  <p>Derived from <ref target="#IMEV">IMEV 123</ref> with additional research
     by P.M.W.Robinson</p>
 <change when="1999-06-23">
  <name>LDB</name> (editor)
   checked examples against DTD version 3.6
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike"

   <elementRef key="source"/>
   <elementRef key="change"

Schema Declaration
element recordHist
   ( model.pLike+ | ( source, change* ) )


<ref> (reference) defines a reference to another location, possibly modified by additional text or comment. [3.6. Simple Links and Cross-References 16.1. Links]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes att.pointing (@targetLang, @target, @evaluate) att.internetMedia (@mimeType) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.declaring (@decls) att.cReferencing (@cRef) (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) (@rend, @style, @rendition) (@facs) (@change) (@cert, @resp)
ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The target and cRef attributes are mutually exclusive.

See especially <ref target="">the second
See also <ref target="#locution">s.v. <term>locution</term>

<s:report test="@target and @cRef">Only one of the
attributes @target' and @cRef' may be supplied on <s:name/>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element ref
   attribute ana { list { ( "#protograph" | "#antigraph" | "#apograph" )+ } }?,


<reg> (regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense. [3.4.2. Regularization and Normalization 12. Critical Apparatus]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

If all that is desired is to call attention to the fact that the copy text has been regularized, reg may be used alone:

<q>Please <reg>knock</reg> if an <reg>answer</reg> is <reg>required</reg>

It is also possible to identify the individual responsible for the regularization, and, using the choice and orig elements, to provide both the original and regularized readings:

<q>Please <choice>
  <reg resp="#LB">knock</reg>
 </choice> if an <choice>
 </choice> is <choice>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element reg


<region> contains the name of an administrative unit such as a state, province, or county, larger than a settlement, but smaller than a country. [13.2.3. Place Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod))
Member of
Contained by
May contain
 <region n="ILtype="state">Illinois</region>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element region


<relation> (relationship) describes any kind of relationship or linkage amongst a specified group of places, events, persons, objects or other items. [ Personal Relationships]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.canonical (@key, @ref) att.sortable (@sortKey) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
namesupplies a name for the kind of relationship of which this is an instance.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
activeidentifies the ‘active’ participants in a non-mutual relationship, or all the participants in a mutual one.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
mutualsupplies a list of participants amongst all of whom the relationship holds equally.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
passiveidentifies the ‘passive’ participants in a non-mutual relationship.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Contained by
May containEmpty element

Only one of the attributes active and mutual may be supplied; the attribute passive may be supplied only if the attribute active is supplied. Not all of these constraints can be enforced in all schema languages.

<relation active="#p1name="supervisor"
 passive="#p2 #p3 #p4type="social"/>

This indicates that the person with identifier p1 is supervisor of persons p2, p3, and p4.

<relation mutual="#p2 #p3 #p4"

This indicates that p2, p3, and p4 are all friends.

<relation active=""

This indicates that there is a relation, defined by CIDOC CRM, between two resources identified by URLs.

<relation active=""

This example records a relationship, defined by the SAWS ontology, between a passage of text identified by a CTS URN, and a variant passage of text in the Perseus Digital Library, and assigns the identification of the relationship to a particular editor (all using resolvable URIs).


<s:assert test="@ref or @key or @name">One of the attributes 'name', 'ref' or 'key' must be supplied</s:assert>

<s:report test="@active and @mutual">Only one of the attributes
@active and @mutual may be supplied</s:report>

<s:report test="@passive and not(@active)">the attribute 'passive'
may be supplied only if the attribute 'active' is
Content model
 <elementRef key="descminOccurs="0"/>
Schema Declaration
element relation
   attribute name { teidata.enumerated }?,
      attribute active { list { teidata.pointer+ } }?
    | attribute mutual { list { teidata.pointer+ } }?
   attribute passive { list { teidata.pointer+ } }?,


<rendition> supplies information about the rendition or appearance of one or more elements in the source text. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.styleDef (@scheme, @schemeVersion)
scopewhere CSS is used, provides a way of defining ‘pseudo-elements’, that is, styling rules applicable to specific sub-portions of an element. Sample values include: 1] first-line; 2] first-letter; 3] before; 4] after
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
styling applies to the first line of the target element
styling applies to the first letter of the target element
styling should be applied immediately before the content of the target element
styling should be applied immediately after the content of the target element
selectorcontains a selector or series of selectors specifying the elements to which the contained style description applies, expressed in the language specified in the scheme attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
<rendition scheme="css"
 selector="text, front, back, body, div, p, ab">

display: block;
<rendition scheme="css"
font-style: italic;

Since the default value of the scheme attribute is assumed to be CSS, the default expectation for this attribute, in the absence of scheme, is that CSS selector syntax will be used.


While rendition is used to point from an element in the transcribed source to a rendition element in the header which describes how it appears, the selector attribute allows the encoder to point in the other direction: from a rendition in the header to a collection of elements which all share the same renditional features. In both cases, the intention is to record the appearance of the source text, not to prescribe any particular output rendering.

Contained by
May contain

The present release of these Guidelines does not specify the content of this element in any further detail. It may be used to hold a description of the default rendition to be associated with the specified element, expressed in running prose, or in some more formal language such as CSS.

 <rendition scheme="cssxml:id="r-center">text-align: center;</rendition>
 <rendition scheme="cssxml:id="r-small">font-size: small;</rendition>
 <rendition scheme="cssxml:id="r-large">font-size: large;</rendition>
 <rendition scheme="css"
font-size: xx-large</rendition>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.limitedContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element rendition
   attribute scope { teidata.enumerated }?,
   attribute selector { teidata.text }?,


<repository> contains the name of a repository within which manuscripts are stored, possibly forming part of an institution. [10.4. The Manuscript Identifier]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) att.canonical (ref, @key)
ref(reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition or identity for the entity being named by means of one or more URIs.
Derived fromatt.canonical
Status Required
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Contained by
May containEmpty element
 <institution>University of Oxford</institution>
 <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
 <idno>MS. Bodley 406</idno>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.xtext"/>
Schema Declaration
element repository
   attribute ref { list { teidata.pointer+ } },


<residence> describes a person's present or past places of residence. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))
Member of
Contained by
namesdates: person personGrp
May contain
<residence>Childhood in East Africa and long term resident of Glasgow, Scotland.</residence>
<residence notAfter="1997">Mbeni estate, Dzukumura region, Matabele land</residence>
<residence notAfter="1996notBefore="1903">
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element residence


<revisionDesc> (revision description) summarizes the revision history for a file. [2.6. The Revision Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.docStatus (@status)
Contained by
header: teiHeader
May contain
core: list

If present on this element, the status attribute should indicate the current status of the document. The same attribute may appear on any change to record the status at the time of that change. Conventionally change elements should be given in reverse date order, with the most recent change at the start of the list.

<revisionDesc status="embargoed">
 <change when="1991-11-11who="#LB"> deleted chapter 10 </change>
Content model
  <elementRef key="list"/>
  <elementRef key="listChange"/>
  <elementRef key="change"

Schema Declaration
element revisionDesc
   ( list | listChange | change+ )


<roleName> contains a name component which indicates that the referent has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.personal (@full, @sort) (att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

A roleName may be distinguished from an addName by virtue of the fact that, like a title, it typically exists independently of its holder.

 <roleName>Earl of Bath</roleName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element roleName


<rubric> contains the text of any rubric or heading attached to a particular manuscript item, that is, a string of words through which a manuscript signals the beginning of a text division, often with an assertion as to its author and title, which is in some way set off from the text itself, usually in red ink, or by use of different size or type of script, or some other such visual device. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msItem
May contain
<rubric>Nu koma Skyckiu Rym<ex>ur</ex>.</rubric>
<rubric>Incipit liber de consciencia humana a beatissimo Bernardo editus.</rubric>
 <locus>16. f. 28v in margin: </locus>Dicta Cassiodori
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element rubric {, att.typed.attributes, macro.phraseSeq }


<scriptDesc> contains a description of the scripts used in a manuscript or similar source. [ Writing]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: physDesc
May contain
core: p
header: scriptNote
msdescription: summary
 <summary>Contains two distinct styles of scripts </summary>
 <scriptNote xml:id="style-1">.</scriptNote>
 <scriptNote xml:id="style-2">.</scriptNote>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike"

   <elementRef key="summaryminOccurs="0"/>
   <elementRef key="scriptNote"

Schema Declaration
element scriptDesc
   ( model.pLike+ | ( summary?, scriptNote+ ) )


<scriptNote> describes a particular script distinguished within the description of a manuscript or similar resource. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.handFeatures (@scribe, @scribeRef, @script, @scriptRef, @medium, @scope)
Contained by
msdescription: scriptDesc
May contain
<scriptNote scope="sole"/>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element scriptNote


<seal> contains a description of one seal or similar attachment applied to a manuscript. [ Seals]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod))
contemporaryspecifies whether or not the seal is contemporary with the item to which it is affixed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.xTruthValue
Contained by
msdescription: sealDesc
May contain
core: p
msdescription: decoNote
<seal n="2subtype="cauda_duplex"

 <p>The seal of <name>Jens Olufsen</name> in black wax.
   (<ref>DAS 1061</ref>). Legend: <q>S IOHANNES OLAVI</q>.
   Parchment tag on which is written: <q>Woldorp Iohanne G</q>.</p>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
  <elementRef key="decoNote"/>
Schema Declaration
element seal
   attribute contemporary { teidata.xTruthValue }?,
   ( model.pLike | decoNote )+


<sealDesc> (seal description) describes the seals or other external items attached to a manuscript, either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of distinct seal elements, possibly with additional decoNotes. [ Seals]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: physDesc
May contain
core: p
 <seal contemporary="truetype="pendant">
  <p>Green wax vertical oval seal attached at base.</p>
 <p>Parchment strip for seal in place; seal missing.</p>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike"

   <elementRef key="summaryminOccurs="0"/>
   <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

    <elementRef key="decoNote"/>
    <elementRef key="seal"/>
    <elementRef key="condition"/>
Schema Declaration
element sealDesc
   ( model.pLike+ | ( summary?, ( decoNote | seal | condition )+ ) )


<settlement> contains the name of a settlement such as a city, town, or village identified as a single geo-political or administrative unit. [13.2.3. Place Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod))
Member of
Contained by
May contain
 <settlement type="town">Glasgow</settlement>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element settlement


<sex> specifies the sex of a person. [ Personal Characteristics]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod))
valuesupplies a coded value for sex
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, or may refer to an external standard, such as vCard's sex property (in which M indicates male, F female, O other, N none or not applicable, U unknown), or the often used ISO 5218:2004 Representation of Human Sexes (in which 0 indicates unknown; 1 male; 2 female; and 9 not applicable, although the ISO standard is widely considered inadequate); cf. CETH's Recommendations for Inclusive Data Collection of Trans People

Member of
Contained by
namesdates: person personGrp
May contain

As with other culturally-constructed traits such as age, the way in which this concept is described in different cultural contexts may vary. The normalizing attributes are provided only as an optional means of simplifying that variety to one or more external standards for purposes of interoperability, or project-internal taxonomies for consistency, and should not be used where that is inappropriate or unhelpful. The content of the element may be used to describe the intended concept in more detail, using plain text.

<sex value="M">male</sex>
<sex value="2">female</sex>
<sex value="I">Intersex</sex>
<sex value="TG F">Female (TransWoman)</sex>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element sex
   attribute value { list { } }?,


<sic> (Latin for thus or so ) contains text reproduced although apparently incorrect or inaccurate. [3.4.1. Apparent Errors]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.source (@source)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
for his nose was as sharp as
a pen, and <sic>a Table</sic> of green fields.

If all that is desired is to call attention to the apparent problem in the copy text, sic may be used alone:

I don't know, Juan. It's so far in the past now
— how <sic>we can</sic> prove or disprove anyone's theories?

It is also possible, using the choice and corr elements, to provide a corrected reading:

I don't know, Juan. It's so far in the past now
— how <choice>
 <sic>we can</sic>
 <corr>can we</corr>
</choice> prove or disprove anyone's theories?
for his nose was as sharp as
a pen, and <choice>
 <sic>a Table</sic>
 <corr>a' babbld</corr>
</choice> of green fields.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element sic {, att.source.attributes, macro.paraContent }


<signatures> contains discussion of the leaf or quire signatures found within a codex. [10.3.7. Catchwords, Signatures, Secundo Folio]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<signatures>Quire and leaf signatures in letters, [b]-v, and roman
numerals; those in quires 10 (1) and 17 (s) in red ink and different
from others; every third quire also signed with red crayon in arabic
numerals in the center lower margin of the first leaf recto: "2" for
quire 4 (f. 19), "3" for quire 7 (f. 43); "4," barely visible, for
quire 10 (f. 65), "5," in a later hand, for quire 13 (f. 89), "6," in
a later hand, for quire 16 (f. 113).</signatures>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element signatures {, macro.specialPara }


<socecStatus> (socio-economic status) contains an informal description of a person's perceived social or economic status. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))
schemeidentifies the classification system or taxonomy in use, for example by pointing to a locally-defined taxonomy element or by supplying a URI for an externally-defined system.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
codeidentifies a status code defined within the classification system or taxonomy defined by the scheme attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Member of
Contained by
namesdates: person personGrp
May contain

The content of this element may be used as an alternative to the more formal specification made possible by its attributes; it may also be used to supplement the formal specification with commentary or clarification.

<socecStatus code="#ab1scheme="#rg"/>
<socecStatus>Status AB1 in the RG Classification scheme</socecStatus>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element socecStatus
   attribute scheme { teidata.pointer }?,
   attribute code { teidata.pointer }?,


<source> describes the original source for the information contained with a manuscript description. [ Record History]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
msdescription: recordHist
May contain
<source>Derived from <ref>Stanley (1960)</ref>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element source {, macro.specialPara }


<sourceDesc> (source description) describes the source from which an electronic text was derived or generated, typically a bibliographic description in the case of a digitized text, or a phrase such as "born digital" for a text which has no previous existence. [2.2.7. The Source Description]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.declarable (@default)
Contained by
header: fileDesc
May contain
msdescription: msDesc
  <title level="a">The Interesting story of the Children in the Wood</title>. In
 <author>Victor E Neuberg</author>, <title>The Penny Histories</title>.
  <date>1968</date>. </bibl>
 <p>Born digital: no previous source exists.</p>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike"

  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.sourceDescPart"/>
   <classRef key="model.listLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element sourceDesc
    | ( model.biblLike | model.sourceDescPart | model.listLike )+


<space> indicates the location of a significant space in the text. [11.5.1. Space]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) att.source (@source) (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) (@rend, @style, @rendition) (@ana) (@facs) (@change) (resp, @cert)
resp(responsible party) (responsible party) indicates the individual responsible for identifying and measuring the space
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
dim(dimension) indicates whether the space is horizontal or vertical.
Status Recommended
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
the space is horizontal.
the space is vertical.

For irregular shapes in two dimensions, the value for this attribute should reflect the more important of the two dimensions. In conventional left-right scripts, a space with both vertical and horizontal components should be classed as vertical.

Member of
Contained by
May containEmpty element

This element should be used wherever it is desired to record an unusual space in the source text, e.g. space left for a word to be filled in later, for later rubrication, etc. It is not intended to be used to mark normal inter-word space or the like.

By god if wommen had writen storyes
As <space quantity="7unit="minims"/> han within her oratoryes
στρατηλάτ<space quantity="1unit="chars"/>ου
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.descLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.certLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element space
   attribute resp { list { teidata.pointer+ } }?,
   attribute dim { "horizontal" | "vertical" }?,
   ( model.descLike | model.certLike )*


<stamp> contains a word or phrase describing a stamp or similar device. [10.3.3. Watermarks and Stamps]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod))
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<rubric>Apologyticu TTVLLIANI AC IGNORATIA IN XPO IHV<lb/>
manii imperii <stamp>Bodleian stamp</stamp>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element stamp


<subst> (substitution) groups one or more deletions with one or more additions when the combination is to be regarded as a single intervention in the text. [ Substitutions]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.transcriptional (@status, @cause, @seq) (att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) ) (att.written (@hand))
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: add cb del lb pb
transcr: fw
... are all included. <del hand="#RG">It is</del>
</subst>he expressed
that he and his Sister Miſs D — <lb/>who always lived with him, wd. be <subst>
</subst> remembered in her Will.
  <add place="above">ῶν</add>
  <add place="above">ων</add>
  <add place="above">ων</add>
  <gap quantity="5reason="illegible"


<s:assert test="child::tei:add and child::tei:del">
<s:name/> must have at least one child add and at least one child del</s:assert>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <elementRef key="add"/>
  <elementRef key="del"/>
  <classRef key="model.milestoneLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element subst
   ( add | del | model.milestoneLike )+


<substJoin> (substitution join) identifies a series of possibly fragmented additions, deletions or other revisions on a manuscript that combine to make up a single intervention in the text [ Substitutions]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.pointing (@targetLang, @target, @evaluate) att.transcriptional (@status, @cause, @seq) (att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) ) (att.written (@hand))
Member of
Contained by
May containEmpty element
While <del xml:id="r112">pondering</del> thus <add xml:id="r113">she mus'd</add>, her pinions fann'd
<substJoin target="#r112 #r113"/>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.descLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.certLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element substJoin
   ( model.descLike | model.certLike )*


<summary> contains an overview of the available information concerning some aspect of an item (for example, its intellectual content, history, layout, typography etc.) as a complement or alternative to the more detailed information carried by more specific elements. [10.6. Intellectual Content]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
May contain
<summary>This item consists of three books with a prologue and an epilogue.
 <summary>Uses a mixture of Roman and Black Letter types.</summary>
 <typeNote>Antiqua typeface, showing influence of Jenson's Venetian
 <typeNote>The black letter face is a variant of Schwabacher.</typeNote>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element summary {, macro.specialPara }


<supplied> signifies text supplied by the transcriber or editor for any reason; for example because the original cannot be read due to physical damage, or because of an obvious omission by the author or scribe. [ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source))
reasonone or more words indicating why the text has had to be supplied, e.g. overbinding, faded-ink, lost-folio, omitted-in-original.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The damage, gap, del, unclear and supplied elements may be closely allied in use. See section Use of the gap, del, damage, unclear, and supplied Elements in Combination for discussion of which element is appropriate for which circumstance.

I am dr Sr yr
<supplied reason="illegible"
very humble Servt</supplied>
Sydney Smith
<supplied reason="omitted-in-original">Dedication</supplied> to the duke of Bejar
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element supplied
   attribute reason { list { teidata.word+ } }?,


<support> contains a description of the materials etc. which make up the physical support for the written part of a manuscript. [10.7.1. Object Description]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
msdescription: supportDesc
May contain
<objectDesc form="roll">
  <support> Parchment roll with <material>silk</material> ribbons.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element support {, macro.specialPara }


<supportDesc> (support description) groups elements describing the physical support for the written part of a manuscript. [10.7.1. Object Description]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
materiala short project-defined name for the material composing the majority of the support
Status Required
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
Contained by
msdescription: objectDesc
May contain
core: p
header: extent
 <support> Parchment roll with <material>silk</material> ribbons.
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="1minOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.pLike"

  <sequence maxOccurs="1minOccurs="1">
   <elementRef key="supportminOccurs="0"/>
   <elementRef key="extentminOccurs="0"/>
   <elementRef key="foliation"

   <elementRef key="collation"

   <elementRef key="condition"

Schema Declaration
element supportDesc
   attribute material { "perg" | "chart" | "mixed" | "unknown" },
   ( model.pLike+ | ( support?, extent?, foliation*, collation?, condition? ) )


<surface> defines a written surface as a two-dimensional coordinate space, optionally grouping one or more graphic representations of that space, zones of interest within that space, and transcriptions of the writing within them. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles 11.2.2. Embedded Transcription]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.coordinated (@start, @ulx, @uly, @lrx, @lry, @points) att.declaring (@decls) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
attachmentdescribes the method by which this surface is or was connected to the main surface Sample values include: 1] glued; 2] pinned; 3] sewn
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
glued in place
pinned or stapled in place
sewn in place
flippingindicates whether the surface is attached and folded in such a way as to provide two writing surfaces
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.truthValue
Contained by
May contain

The surface element represents any two-dimensional space on some physical surface forming part of the source material, such as a piece of paper, a face of a monument, a billboard, a scroll, a leaf etc.

The coordinate space defined by this element may be thought of as a grid lrx - ulx units wide and uly - lry units high.

The surface element may contain graphic representations or transcriptions of written zones, or both. The coordinate values used by every zone element contained by this element are to be understood with reference to the same grid.

Where it is useful or meaningful to do so, any grouping of multiple surface elements may be indicated using the surfaceGrp elements.

 <surface lrx="200lry="300ulx="0uly="0">
  <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
Content model
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key=""/>
   <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.graphicLike"/>
  <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"

    <elementRef key="zone"/>
    <elementRef key="line"/>
    <elementRef key="surface"/>
    <elementRef key="surfaceGrp"/>
   <classRef key=""

Schema Declaration
element surface
   attribute attachment { teidata.enumerated }?,
   attribute flipping { teidata.truthValue }?,
      ( | model.labelLike | model.graphicLike )*,
      ( ( zone | line | surface | surfaceGrp ),* )*


<surfaceGrp> defines any kind of useful grouping of written surfaces, for example the recto and verso of a single leaf, which the encoder wishes to treat as a single unit. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.declaring (@decls) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Contained by
May contain

Where it is useful or meaningful to do so, any grouping of multiple surface elements may be indicated using the surfaceGrp elements.

  <surface lrx="200lry="300ulx="0"

   <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
  <surface lrx="200lry="300ulx="0"

   <graphic url="Bovelles-49v.png"/>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key=""/>
  <elementRef key="surface"/>
  <elementRef key="surfaceGrp"/>
Schema Declaration
element surfaceGrp
   ( | surface | surfaceGrp )+


<surname> contains a family (inherited) name, as opposed to a given, baptismal, or nick name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.personal (@full, @sort) (att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) ) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<surname type="combine">St John Stevas</surname>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element surname


<surplus> marks text present in the source which the editor believes to be superfluous or redundant. [ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source))
reasonone or more words indicating why this text is believed to be superfluous, e.g. repeated, interpolated etc.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
Member of
Contained by
May contain
I am dr Sr yrs
<surplus reason="repeated">yrs</surplus>
Sydney Smith
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element surplus
   attribute reason { list { teidata.word+ } }?,


<surrogates> contains information about any representations of the manuscript being described which may exist in the holding institution or elsewhere. [10.9. Additional Information]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
msdescription: additional
May contain
  <title type="gmd">diapositive</title>
  <idno>AM 74 a, fol.</idno>
  <date>May 1984</date>
  <title type="gmd">b/w prints</title>
  <idno>AM 75 a, fol.</idno>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element surrogates {, macro.specialPara }


<taxonomy> defines a typology either implicitly, by means of a bibliographic citation, or explicitly by a structured taxonomy. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
May contain
msdescription: msDesc

Nested taxonomies are common in many fields, so the taxonomy element can be nested.

<taxonomy xml:id="tax.b">
 <bibl>Brown Corpus</bibl>
 <category xml:id="tax.b.a">
  <catDesc>Press Reportage</catDesc>
  <category xml:id="tax.b.a1">
  <category xml:id="tax.b.a2">
  <category xml:id="tax.b.a3">
  <category xml:id="tax.b.a4">
  <category xml:id="tax.b.a5">
  <category xml:id="tax.b.a6">
 <category xml:id="tax.b.d">
  <category xml:id="tax.b.d1">
  <category xml:id="tax.b.d2">
   <catDesc>Periodicals and tracts</catDesc>
 <category xml:id="literature">
  <category xml:id="poetry">
   <category xml:id="sonnet">
    <category xml:id="shakesSonnet">
     <catDesc>Shakespearean Sonnet</catDesc>
    <category xml:id="petraSonnet">
     <catDesc>Petrarchan Sonnet</catDesc>
   <category xml:id="haiku">
  <category xml:id="drama">
 <category xml:id="meter">
  <catDesc>Metrical Categories</catDesc>
  <category xml:id="feet">
   <catDesc>Metrical Feet</catDesc>
   <category xml:id="iambic">
   <category xml:id="trochaic">
  <category xml:id="feetNumber">
   <catDesc>Number of feet</catDesc>
   <category xml:id="pentameter">
   <category xml:id="tetrameter">
<!-- elsewhere in document -->
<lg ana="#shakesSonnet #iambic #pentameter">
 <l>Shall I compare thee to a summer's day</l>
<!-- ... -->
Content model
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <classRef key="model.glossLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.descLike"/>
  <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

   <elementRef key="category"/>
   <elementRef key="taxonomy"/>
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

    <elementRef key="category"/>
    <elementRef key="taxonomy"/>
Schema Declaration
element taxonomy
      ( model.glossLike | model.descLike )*
    | ( category | taxonomy )+
    | ( model.biblLike, ( category | taxonomy )* )


<TEI> (TEI document) contains a single TEI-conformant document, combining a single TEI header with one or more members of the model.resourceLike class. Multiple TEI elements may be combined to form a <teiCorpus> element. [4. Default Text Structure 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
Moduletextstructure — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
versionspecifies the major version number of the TEI Guidelines against which this document is valid.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.version

The major version number is historically prefixed by a P (for Proposal), and is distinct from the version number used for individual releases of the Guidelines, as used by (for example) the source of the <schemaSpec> element. The current version is P5.

Contained by
May contain
header: teiHeader
textstructure: text
transcr: facsimile

This element is required. It is customary to specify the TEI namespace on it, using the xmlns attribute.

<TEI version="5.0" xmlns="">
    <title>The shortest TEI Document Imaginable</title>
    <p>First published as part of TEI P2, this is the P5
         version using a name space.</p>
    <p>No source: this is an original work.</p>
   <p>This is about the shortest TEI document imaginable.</p>
<TEI version="5.0" xmlns="">
    <title>A TEI Document containing four page images </title>
    <p>Unpublished demonstration file.</p>
    <p>No source: this is an original work.</p>
  <graphic url="page1.png"/>
  <graphic url="page2.png"/>
  <graphic url="page3.png"/>
  <graphic url="page4.png"/>

<s:ns prefix="tei"

<s:ns prefix="xs"

<s:ns prefix="rng"
Content model
  <elementRef key="teiHeader"/>
  <classRef key="model.resourceLike"

Schema Declaration
element TEI
   attribute version { teidata.version }?,
   ( teiHeader, model.resourceLike+ )


<teiHeader> (TEI header) supplies descriptive and declarative metadata associated with a digital resource or set of resources. [2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
typespecifies the kind of document to which the header is attached, for example whether it is a corpus or individual text. Sample values include: 1] text; 2] corpus
Deprecatedwill be removed on 2016-11-18
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
the header is attached to a single text. [Default]
the header is attached to a corpus.
Contained by
textstructure: TEI
May contain

One of the few elements unconditionally required in any TEI document.

   <title>Shakespeare: the first folio (1623) in electronic form</title>
   <author>Shakespeare, William (1564–1616)</author>
    <resp>Originally prepared by</resp>
    <name>Trevor Howard-Hill</name>
    <resp>Revised and edited by</resp>
    <name>Christine Avern-Carr</name>
   <distributor>Oxford Text Archive</distributor>
    <addrLine>13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN, UK</addrLine>
   <idno type="OTA">119</idno>
    <p>Freely available on a non-commercial basis.</p>
   <date when="1968">1968</date>
   <bibl>The first folio of Shakespeare, prepared by Charlton Hinman (The Norton Facsimile,
   <p>Originally prepared for use in the production of a series of old-spelling
       concordances in 1968, this text was extensively checked and revised for use during the
       editing of the new Oxford Shakespeare (Wells and Taylor, 1989).</p>
    <p>Turned letters are silently corrected.</p>
    <p>Original spelling and typography is retained, except that long s and ligatured
         forms are not encoded.</p>
  <refsDecl xml:id="ASLREF">
   <cRefPattern matchPattern="(\S+) ([^.]+)\.(.*)"

    <p>A reference is created by assembling the following, in the reverse order as that
         listed here: <list>
      <item>the <att>n</att> value of the preceding <gi>lb</gi>
      <item>a period</item>
      <item>the <att>n</att> value of the ancestor <gi>div2</gi>
      <item>a space</item>
      <item>the <att>n</att> value of the parent <gi>div1</gi>
    <date when="1989-04-12">12 Apr 89</date> Last checked by CAC</item>
    <date when="1989-03-01">1 Mar 89</date> LB made new file</item>
Content model
  <elementRef key="fileDesc"/>
  <classRef key="model.teiHeaderPart"

  <elementRef key="revisionDesc"

Schema Declaration
element teiHeader
   attribute type { teidata.enumerated }?,
   ( fileDesc, model.teiHeaderPart*, revisionDesc? )


<term> contains a single-word, multi-word, or symbolic designation which is regarded as a technical term. [3.3.4. Terms, Glosses, Equivalents, and Descriptions]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.declaring (@decls) att.pointing (@targetLang, @target, @evaluate) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.canonical (@key, @ref) att.sortable (@sortKey) att.cReferencing (@cRef)
Member of
Contained by
May contain

When this element appears within an <index> element, it is understood to supply the form under which an index entry is to be made for that location. Elsewhere, it is understood simply to indicate that its content is to be regarded as a technical or specialised term. It may be associated with a <gloss> element by means of its ref attribute; alternatively a <gloss> element may point to a term element by means of its target attribute.

In formal terminological work, there is frequently discussion over whether terms must be atomic or may include multi-word lexical items, symbolic designations, or phraseological units. The term element may be used to mark any of these. No position is taken on the philosophical issue of what a term can be; the looser definition simply allows the term element to be used by practitioners of any persuasion.

As with other members of the att.canonical class, instances of this element occuring in a text may be associated with a canonical definition, either by means of a URI (using the ref attribute), or by means of some system-specific code value (using the key attribute). Because the mutually exclusive target and cRef attributes overlap with the function of the ref attribute, they are deprecated and may be removed at a subsequent release.

A computational device that infers structure
from grammatical strings of words is known as a <term>parser</term>, and much of the history
of NLP over the last 20 years has been occupied with the design of parsers.
We may define <term rend="scxml:id="TDPV1">discoursal point of view</term> as
<gloss target="#TDPV1">the relationship, expressed
through discourse structure, between the implied author or some other addresser, and the
We may define <term ref="#TDPV2rend="sc">discoursal point of view</term> as
<gloss xml:id="TDPV2">the relationship, expressed
through discourse structure, between the implied author or some other addresser, and the
We discuss Leech's concept of <term ref="myGlossary.xml#TDPV2rend="sc">discoursal point of view</term> below.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element term


<text> contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example a poem or drama, a collection of essays, a novel, a dictionary, or a corpus sample. [4. Default Text Structure 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
Moduletextstructure — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.declaring (@decls) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.written (@hand)
Member of
Contained by
textstructure: TEI
May contain
core: cb gap lb note pb
textstructure: body

This element should not be used to represent a text which is inserted at an arbitrary point within the structure of another, for example as in an embedded or quoted narrative; the <floatingText> is provided for this purpose.

   <titlePart>Autumn Haze</titlePart>
  <l>Is it a dragonfly or a maple leaf</l>
  <l>That settles softly down upon the water?</l>

The body of a text may be replaced by a group of nested texts, as in the following schematic:

<!-- front matter for the whole group -->
<!-- first text -->
<!-- second text -->
Content model
  <classRef key=""

  <sequence minOccurs="0">
   <elementRef key="front"/>
   <classRef key=""

   <elementRef key="body"/>
   <elementRef key="group"/>
  <classRef key=""

  <sequence minOccurs="0">
   <elementRef key="back"/>
   <classRef key=""

Schema Declaration
element text
      ( front,* )?,
      ( body | group ),*,
      ( back,* )?


<textLang> (text language) describes the languages and writing systems identified within the bibliographic work being described, rather than its description. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 10.6.6. Languages and Writing Systems]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
mainLang(main language) supplies a code which identifies the chief language used in the bibliographic work.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.language
Legal values are:
otherLangs(other languages) one or more codes identifying any other languages used in the bibliographic work.
Status Optional
Datatype 0–∞ occurrences of teidata.language separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
msdescription: msItem
May containEmpty element

This element should not be used to document the languages or writing systems used for the bibliographic or manuscript description itself: as for all other TEI elements, such information should be provided by means of the global xml:lang attribute attached to the element containing the description.

In all cases, languages should be identified by means of a standardized ‘language tag’ generated according to BCP 47. Additional documentation for the language may be provided by a <language> element in the TEI Header.

<textLang mainLang="enotherLangs="la"> Predominantly in English with Latin
Content model
Schema Declaration
element textLang
   attribute mainLang
    | "la"
    | "da"
    | "fr"
    | "en"
    | "sv"
    | "de"
    | "no"
    | "el"
    | "es"
    | "fo"
    | "nl"
   attribute otherLangs
          | "la"
          | "da"
          | "fr"
          | "en"
          | "sv"
          | "de"
          | "no"
          | "el"
          | "es"
          | "fo"
          | "nl"
          | "unknown"


<title> contains a title for any kind of work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.canonical (ref, @key) att.typed (type, @subtype)
ref(reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition or identity for the entity being named by means of one or more URIs.
Derived fromatt.canonical
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
typeclassifies the title according to some convenient typology.
Derived fromatt.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:

This attribute is provided for convenience in analysing titles and processing them according to their type; where such specialized processing is not necessary, there is no need for such analysis, and the entire title, including subtitles and any parallel titles, may be enclosed within a single title element.

levelindicates the bibliographic level for a title, that is, whether it identifies an article, book, journal, series, or unpublished material.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(analytic) the title applies to an analytic item, such as an article, poem, or other work published as part of a larger item.
(monographic) the title applies to a monograph such as a book or other item considered to be a distinct publication, including single volumes of multi-volume works
(journal) the title applies to any serial or periodical publication such as a journal, magazine, or newspaper
(series) the title applies to a series of otherwise distinct publications such as a collection
(unpublished) the title applies to any unpublished material (including theses and dissertations unless published by a commercial press)

The level of a title is sometimes implied by its context: for example, a title appearing directly within an <analytic> element is ipso facto of level ‘a’, and one appearing within a <series> element of level ‘s’. For this reason, the level attribute is not required in contexts where its value can be unambiguously inferred. Where it is supplied in such contexts, its value should not contradict the value implied by its parent element.

Member of
Contained by
May contain

The attributes key and ref, inherited from the class att.canonical may be used to indicate the canonical form for the title; the former, by supplying (for example) the identifier of a record in some external library system; the latter by pointing to an XML element somewhere containing the canonical form of the title.

<title>Information Technology and the Research Process: Proceedings of
a conference held at Cranfield Institute of Technology, UK,
18–21 July 1989</title>
<title>Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles: a machine readable
<title type="full">
 <title type="main">Synthèse</title>
 <title type="sub">an international journal for
   epistemology, methodology and history of
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element title
   attribute ref
          | "#asb"
          | "#ask"
          | "#bsh"
          | "#eseab"
          | "#esv"
          | "#ff"
          | "#fsf"
          | "#gsgr"
          | "#gsl"
          | "#ghs"
          | "#hsb"
          | "#hse"
          | "#hskh"
          | "#hthth"
          | "#hs"
          | "#hso"
          | "#hsg"
          | "#hsk"
          | "#hsgr"
          | "#isg"
          | "#ksh"
          | "#ngth"
          | "#rsl"
          | "#rth"
          | "#sss"
          | "#snfdsv"
          | "#ssst"
          | "#hsh"
          | "#ttht"
          | "#vs"
          | "#ysv"
          | "#jss"
          | "#thsv"
          | "#ththb"
          | "#oeos"
   attribute type { "uniform" | "supplied" | "parallel" }?,
   attribute level { "a" | "m" | "j" | "s" | "u" }?,


<titlePage> (title page) contains the title page of a text, appearing within the front or back matter. [4.6. Title Pages]
Moduletextstructure — Formal definitions (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) (@rend, @style, @rendition) (@facs) (@change) (@cert, @resp)
ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
Status Required
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
typeclassifies the title page according to any convenient typology.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

This attribute allows the same element to be used for volume title pages, series title pages, etc., as well as for the‘main’ title page of a work.

Contained by
msdescription: msContents
May contain
core: note
textstructure: titlePart
  <titlePart type="main">THOMAS OF Reading.</titlePart>
  <titlePart type="alt">OR, The sixe worthy yeomen of the West.</titlePart>
 <docEdition>Now the fourth time corrected and enlarged</docEdition>
 <byline>By T.D.</byline>
  <p>Thou shalt labor till thou returne to duste</p>
  <figDesc>Printers Ornament used by TP</figDesc>
 <docImprint>Printed at <name type="place">London</name> for <name>T.P.</name>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.titlepagePart"

 <elementRef key="note"

Schema Declaration
element titlePage
   attribute ana
      list { ( "#no" | "#later" | "#contemporary" | "#unknown" )+ }
   attribute type { teidata.enumerated }?,


<titlePart> contains a subsection or division of the title of a work, as indicated on a title page. [4.6. Title Pages]
Moduletextstructure — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
typespecifies the role of this subdivision of the title. Suggested values include: 1] main; 2] sub(subordinate) ; 3] alt(alternate) ; 4] short; 5] desc(descriptive)
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
main title of the work [Default]
(subordinate) subtitle of the work
(alternate) alternative title of the work
abbreviated form of title
(descriptive) descriptive paraphrase of the work
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msItem
textstructure: titlePage
May contain
 <titlePart type="main">THE FORTUNES
   Moll Flanders, &amp;c.
 <titlePart type="desc">Who was BORN in NEWGATE,
   And during a Life of continu'd Variety for
   Threescore Years, besides her Childhood, was
   Twelve Year a <hi>Whore</hi>, five times a <hi>Wife</hi> (wherof
   once to her own Brother) Twelve Year a <hi>Thief,</hi>
   Eight Year a Transported <hi>Felon</hi> in <hi>Virginia</hi>,
   at last grew <hi>Rich</hi>, liv'd <hi>Honest</hi>, and died a
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element titlePart
   attribute type
      "main" | "sub" | "alt" | "short" | "desc" | teidata.enumerated


<titleStmt> (title statement) groups information about the title of a work and those responsible for its content. [2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2. The File Description]
Moduleheader — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp))
Contained by
header: fileDesc
May contain
 <title>Capgrave's Life of St. John Norbert: a machine-readable transcription</title>
  <resp>compiled by</resp>
  <name>P.J. Lucas</name>
Content model
  <elementRef key="title"

  <classRef key="model.respLike"

Schema Declaration
element titleStmt {, ( title+, model.respLike* ) }


<trait> contains a description of some status or quality attributed to a person, place, or organization typically, but not necessarily, independent of the volition or action of the holder and usually not at some specific time or for a specific date range. [13.3.1. Basic Principles Personal Characteristics]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.datable (@calendar, @period) (att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to)) (att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso)) (att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
Member of
Contained by
May contain
msdescription: msDesc
namesdates: trait

Where there is confusion between trait and <state> the more general purpose element <state> should be used even for unchanging characteristics. If you wish to distinguish between characteristics that are generally perceived to be time-bound states and those assumed to be fixed traits, then trait is available for the more static of these. The <state> element encodes characteristics which are sometimes assumed to change, often at specific times or over a date range, whereas the trait elements are used to record characteristics, such as eye-colour, which are less subject to change. Traits are typically, but not necessarily, independent of the volition or action of the holder.

<trait type="physical">
 <label>Eye colour</label>
Content model
  <elementRef key="precision"

   <elementRef key="trait"

    <classRef key="model.headLike"

    <classRef key="model.pLike"

    <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

     <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
     <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

    <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element trait
       | (
            ( model.noteLike | model.biblLike )*
       | ( model.labelLike | model.noteLike | model.biblLike )*


<unclear> contains a word, phrase, or passage which cannot be transcribed with certainty because it is illegible or inaudible in the source. [ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text 3.4.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
Modulecore — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source))
reasonindicates why the material is hard to transcribe.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
 <p>500 mg <unclear reason="illegible">placebo</unclear>

One or more words may be used to describe the reason; usually each word will refer to a single cause. Typical examples might thus include faded, illegible, eccentric_ductus background_noise, passing_truck,etc.

handWhere the difficulty in transcription arises from action (partial deletion, etc.) assignable to an identifiable hand, signifies the hand responsible for the action.
Deprecatedwill be removed on 2017-08-01
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
agentWhere the difficulty in transcription arises from damage, categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified. Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
damage results from rubbing of the leaf edges
damage results from mildew on the leaf surface
damage results from smoke
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The same element is used for all cases of uncertainty in the transcription of element content, whether for written or spoken material. For other aspects of certainty, uncertainty, and reliability of tagging and transcription, see chapter 21. Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility.

The damage, gap, del, unclear and supplied elements may be closely allied in use. See section Use of the gap, del, damage, unclear, and supplied Elements in Combination for discussion of which element is appropriate for which circumstance.

The hand attribute points to a definition of the hand concerned, as further discussed in section Document Hands.

<u> ...and then <unclear reason="background-noise">Nathalie</unclear> said ... </u>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element unclear
   attribute reason { list { teidata.word+ } }?,
   attribute hand { teidata.pointer }?,
   attribute agent { teidata.enumerated }?,


<w> (word) represents a grammatical (not necessarily orthographic) word. [17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories]
Moduleanalysis — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.segLike (@function) (att.datcat (@datcat, @valueDatcat)) (att.fragmentable (@part)) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
lemmaprovides a lemma for the word, such as an uninflected dictionary entry form.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
lemmaRefprovides a pointer to a definition of the lemma for the word, for example in an online lexicon.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<w lemma="hit"
hitt<m type="suffix">ing</m>
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <elementRef key="seg"/>
  <elementRef key="w"/>
  <elementRef key="m"/>
  <elementRef key="c"/>
  <elementRef key="pc"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <classRef key="model.lPart"/>
  <classRef key="model.hiLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.pPart.edit"/>
Schema Declaration
element w
   attribute lemma { teidata.text }?,
   attribute lemmaRef { teidata.pointer }?,
    | model.gLike
    | seg
    | w
    | m
    | cpcmodel.globalmodel.lPartmodel.hiLikemodel.pPart.edit


<watermark> contains a word or phrase describing a watermark or similar device. [10.3.3. Watermarks and Stamps]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) (@rend, @style, @rendition) (@facs) (@change) (@cert, @resp)
ana(analysis) Indicates the presence or absence of a watermark.
Status Required
Legal values are:
Watermark not present.
Watermark present.
No judgement posible.
Member of
Contained by
May contain
  <material>Rag paper</material> with <watermark>anchor</watermark> watermark</p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element watermark
   attribute ana { "#no" | "#yes" | "#unknown" },


<width> contains a measurement measured along the axis parallel to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. perpendicular to the spine of a book or codex. [10.3.4. Dimensions]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence))
Member of
Contained by
May containEmpty element

If used to specify the depth of a non text-bearing portion of some object, for example a monument, this element conventionally refers to the axis facing the observer, and perpendicular to that indicated by the ‘depth’ axis.

<width unit="in">4</width>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.xtext"/>
Schema Declaration
element width {, att.dimensions.attributes, macro.xtext }


<zone> defines any two-dimensional area within a surface element. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles 11.2.2. Embedded Transcription]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) ( (@rend, @style, @rendition)) ( (@ana)) ( (@facs)) ( (@change)) ( (@cert, @resp)) att.coordinated (@start, @ulx, @uly, @lrx, @lry, @points) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.written (@hand)
rotateindicates the amount by which this zone has been rotated clockwise, with respect to the normal orientation of the parent surface element as implied by the dimensions given in the msDesc element or by the coordinates of the surface itself. The orientation is expressed in arc degrees.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count
Default 0
Member of
Contained by
transcr: line surface zone
May contain

The position of every zone for a given surface is always defined by reference to the coordinate system defined for that surface.

A graphic element contained by a zone represents the whole of the zone.

A zone may be of any shape. The attribute points may be used to define a polygonal zone, using the coordinate system defined by its parent surface.

<surface lrx="0lry="0ulx="14.54"

 <graphic url="stone.jpg"/>
 <zone points="4.6,6.3 5.25,5.85 6.2,6.6 8.19222,7.4125 9.89222,6.5875 10.9422,6.1375 11.4422,6.7125 8.21722,8.3125 6.2,7.65"/>

This example defines a non-rectangular zone: see the illustration in section [ID PH-surfzone in TEI Guidelines].

 <surface lrx="400lry="280ulx="50"

  <zone lrx="500lry="321ulx="0uly="0">
   <graphic url="graphic.png "/>

This example defines a zone which has been defined as larger than its parent surface in order to match the dimensions of the graphic it contains.

Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.graphicLike"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <elementRef key="surface"/>
  <classRef key="model.linePart"/>
Schema Declaration
element zone
   attribute rotate { teidata.count }?,
   ( text | model.graphicLike | | surface | model.linePart )*

Schema FASNL_msDesc: Model classes


model.addressLike groups elements used to represent a postal or email address. [1. The TEI Infrastructure]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by


model.availabilityPart groups elements such as licences and paragraphs of text which may appear as part of an availability statement [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by


model.biblLike groups elements containing a bibliographic description. [3.11. Bibliographic Citations and References]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersbibl listBibl msDesc


model.biblPart groups elements which represent components of a bibliographic description. [3.11. Bibliographic Citations and References]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.imprintPart [biblScope pubPlace] model.respLike [author editor] availability bibl extent msIdentifier textLang


model.choicePart groups elements (other than choice itself) which can be used within a choice alternation. [3.4. Simple Editorial Changes]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersabbr am corr ex expan orig reg sic unclear


model.common groups common chunk- and inter-level elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.divPart [model.lLike [l] model.pLike [p] lg] model.inter [model.biblLike [bibl listBibl msDesc] model.egLike model.labelLike model.listLike [list listEvent listOrg listPerson listPlace] model.oddDecl model.qLike [model.quoteLike [quote] q] model.stageLike]

This class defines the set of chunk- and inter-level elements; it is used in many content models, including those for textual divisions.


model.dateLike groups elements containing temporal expressions. [3.5.4. Dates and Times 13.3.6. Dates and Times]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by


model.dimLike groups elements which describe a measurement forming part of the physical dimensions of some object.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersdepth height width


model.divBottom groups elements appearing at the end of a text division. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.divBottomPart model.divWrapper


model.divLike groups elements used to represent un-numbered generic structural divisions.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by


model.divPart groups paragraph-level elements appearing directly within divisions. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.lLike [l] model.pLike [p] lg

Note that this element class does not include members of the model.inter class, which can appear either within or between paragraph-level items.


model.divTop groups elements appearing at the beginning of a text division. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.divTopPart [model.headLike] model.divWrapper


model.divTopPart groups elements which can occur only at the beginning of a text division. [4.6. Title Pages]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by


model.emphLike groups phrase-level elements which are typographically distinct and to which a specific function can be attributed. [3.3. Highlighting and Quotation]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersterm title


model.encodingDescPart groups elements which may be used inside encodingDesc and appear multiple times.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by


model.eventLike groups elements which describe events.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersevent listEvent groups elements which may appear at any point within a TEI text. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by [gap space] [substJoin] model.milestoneLike [cb fw lb pb] model.noteLike [note] metamark groups globally available elements which perform a specifically editorial function. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersgap space groups globally available elements which describe the status of other elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by

Elements in this class are typically used to hold groups of links or of abstract interpretations, or by provide indications of certainty etc. It may find be convenient to localize all metadata elements, for example to contain them within the same divison as the elements that they relate to; or to locate them all to a division of their own. They may however appear at any point in a TEI text.


model.graphicLike groups elements containing images, formulae, and similar objects. [3.9. Graphics and Other Non-textual Components]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by


model.highlighted groups phrase-level elements which are typographically distinct. [3.3. Highlighting and Quotation]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.emphLike [term title] model.hiLike [hi]


model.hiLike groups phrase-level elements which are typographically distinct but to which no specific function can be attributed. [3.3. Highlighting and Quotation]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by


model.imprintPart groups the bibliographic elements which occur inside imprints. [3.11. Bibliographic Citations and References]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
MembersbiblScope pubPlace


model.inter groups elements which can appear either within or between paragraph-like elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.biblLike [bibl listBibl msDesc] model.egLike model.labelLike model.listLike [list listEvent listOrg listPerson listPlace] model.oddDecl model.qLike [model.quoteLike [quote] q] model.stageLike


model.limitedPhrase groups phrase-level elements excluding those elements primarily intended for transcription of existing sources. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.emphLike [term title] model.hiLike [hi] [model.addressLike [affiliation] model.dateLike [date] model.measureLike [depth dim geo height num width] model.nameLike [model.nameLike.agent [name orgName persName] model.offsetLike model.persNamePart [addName forename genName nameLink roleName surname] model.placeStateLike [model.placeNamePart [country district placeName region settlement] location trait] idno] ] model.pPart.editorial [abbr am choice ex expan subst] model.pPart.msdesc [catchwords dimensions locus locusGrp material origDate origPlace signatures stamp watermark] model.phrase.xml model.ptrLike [ref]


model.linePart groups transcriptional elements which appear within lines or zones of a source-oriented transcription within a <sourceDoc> element.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.hiLike [hi] model.pPart.transcriptional [add corr damage del handShift mod orig reg sic supplied surplus unclear] model.segLike [c pc w] choice line zone


model.listLike groups list-like elements. [3.7. Lists]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Memberslist listEvent listOrg listPerson listPlace


model.lLike groups elements representing metrical components such as verse lines.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by


model.measureLike groups elements which denote a number, a quantity, a measurement, or similar piece of text that conveys some numerical meaning. [3.5.3. Numbers and Measures]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersdepth dim geo height num width


model.milestoneLike groups milestone-style elements used to represent reference systems. [1.3. The TEI Class System 3.10.3. Milestone Elements]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Memberscb fw lb pb


model.msItemPart groups elements which can appear within a manuscript item description.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.biblLike [bibl listBibl msDesc] model.msQuoteLike [colophon explicit finalRubric incipit rubric title] model.quoteLike [quote] model.respLike [author editor] decoNote filiation idno msItem textLang


model.msQuoteLike groups elements which represent passages such as titles quoted from a manuscript as a part of its description.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Memberscolophon explicit finalRubric incipit rubric title


model.nameLike groups elements which name or refer to a person, place, or organization.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.nameLike.agent [name orgName persName] model.offsetLike model.persNamePart [addName forename genName nameLink roleName surname] model.placeStateLike [model.placeNamePart [country district placeName region settlement] location trait] idno

A superset of the naming elements that may appear in datelines, addresses, statements of responsibility, etc.


model.nameLike.agent groups elements which contain names of individuals or corporate bodies. [3.5. Names, Numbers, Dates, Abbreviations, and Addresses]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersname orgName persName

This class is used in the content model of elements which reference names of people or organizations.


model.noteLike groups globally-available note-like elements. [3.8. Notes, Annotation, and Indexing]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by


model.orgPart groups elements which form part of the description of an organization.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.eventLike [event listEvent] listOrg listPerson listPlace


model.persNamePart groups elements which form part of a personal name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
Used by
MembersaddName forename genName nameLink roleName surname


model.personLike groups elements which provide information about people and their relationships.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersorg person personGrp


model.personPart groups elements which form part of the description of a person. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.biblLike [bibl listBibl msDesc] model.eventLike [event listEvent] model.persStateLike [affiliation age education faith floruit nationality occupation persName residence sex socecStatus trait] birth death idno


model.persStateLike groups elements describing changeable characteristics of a person which have a definite duration, for example occupation, residence, or name.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersaffiliation age education faith floruit nationality occupation persName residence sex socecStatus trait

These characteristics of an individual are typically a consequence of their own action or that of others.


model.phrase groups elements which can occur at the level of individual words or phrases. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.graphicLike [formula] model.highlighted [model.emphLike [term title] model.hiLike [hi] ] model.lPart [model.addressLike [affiliation] model.dateLike [date] model.measureLike [depth dim geo height num width] model.nameLike [model.nameLike.agent [name orgName persName] model.offsetLike model.persNamePart [addName forename genName nameLink roleName surname] model.placeStateLike [model.placeNamePart [country district placeName region settlement] location trait] idno] ] model.pPart.edit [model.pPart.editorial [abbr am choice ex expan subst] model.pPart.transcriptional [add corr damage del handShift mod orig reg sic supplied surplus unclear] ] model.pPart.msdesc [catchwords dimensions locus locusGrp material origDate origPlace signatures stamp watermark] model.phrase.xml model.ptrLike [ref] model.segLike [c pc w] model.specDescLike

This class of elements can occur within paragraphs, list items, lines of verse, etc.


model.physDescPart groups specialized elements forming part of the physical description of a manuscript or similar written source.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
MembersaccMat additions bindingDesc decoDesc handDesc musicNotation objectDesc scriptDesc sealDesc


model.placeLike groups elements used to provide information about places and their relationships.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by


model.placeNamePart groups elements which form part of a place name. [13.2.3. Place Names]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Memberscountry district placeName region settlement


model.placeStateLike groups elements which describe changing states of a place.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.placeNamePart [country district placeName region settlement] location trait


model.pLike groups paragraph-like elements.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersp groups phrase-level elements containing names, dates, numbers, measures, and similar data. [3.5. Names, Numbers, Dates, Abbreviations, and Addresses]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.addressLike [affiliation] model.dateLike [date] model.measureLike [depth dim geo height num width] model.nameLike [model.nameLike.agent [name orgName persName] model.offsetLike model.persNamePart [addName forename genName nameLink roleName surname] model.placeStateLike [model.placeNamePart [country district placeName region settlement] location trait] idno]


model.pPart.edit groups phrase-level elements for simple editorial correction and transcription. [3.4. Simple Editorial Changes]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.pPart.editorial [abbr am choice ex expan subst] model.pPart.transcriptional [add corr damage del handShift mod orig reg sic supplied surplus unclear]


model.pPart.editorial groups phrase-level elements for simple editorial interventions that may be useful both in transcribing and in authoring. [3.4. Simple Editorial Changes]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersabbr am choice ex expan subst


model.pPart.msdesc groups phrase-level elements used in manuscript description. [10. Manuscript Description]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Memberscatchwords dimensions locus locusGrp material origDate origPlace signatures stamp watermark


model.pPart.transcriptional groups phrase-level elements used for editorial transcription of pre-existing source materials. [3.4. Simple Editorial Changes]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersadd corr damage del handShift mod orig reg sic supplied surplus unclear


model.ptrLike groups elements used for purposes of location and reference. [3.6. Simple Links and Cross-References]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersref groups the child elements of a publicationStmt element of the TEI header that indicate an authorising agent. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by

The ‘agency’ child elements, while not required, are required if one of the ‘detail’ child elements is to be used. It is not valid to have a ‘detail’ child element without a preceding ‘agency’ child element.

See also model.publicationStmtPart.detail.


model.publicationStmtPart.detail groups the agency-specific child elements of the publicationStmt element of the TEI header. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersavailability date idno pubPlace

A ‘detail’ child element may not occur unless an ‘agency’ child element precedes it.

See also


model.qLike groups elements related to highlighting which can appear either within or between chunk-level elements. [3.3. Highlighting and Quotation]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersmodel.quoteLike [quote] q


model.quoteLike groups elements used to directly contain quotations.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by


model.resourceLike groups separate elements which constitute the content of a digital resource, as opposed to its metadata. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersfacsimile text


model.respLike groups elements which are used to indicate intellectual or other significant responsibility, for example within a bibliographic element.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersauthor editor


model.segLike groups elements used for arbitrary segmentation. [16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Membersc pc w

The principles on which segmentation is carried out, and any special codes or attribute values used, should be defined explicitly in the <segmentation> element of the encodingDesc within the associated TEI header.


model.teiHeaderPart groups high level elements which may appear more than once in a TEI header.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by


model.titlepagePart groups elements which can occur as direct constituents of a title page, such as <docTitle>, <docAuthor>, <docImprint>, or <epigraph>. [4.6. Title Pages]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by

Schema FASNL_msDesc: Attribute classes


att.ascribed provides attributes for elements representing speech or action that can be ascribed to a specific individual. [3.3.3. Quotation 8.3. Elements Unique to Spoken Texts]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Memberschange q
whoindicates the person, or group of people, to whom the element content is ascribed.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

In the following example from Hamlet, speeches (<sp>) in the body of the play are linked to <castItem> elements in the <castList> using the who attribute.

<castItem type="role">
 <role xml:id="Barnardo">Bernardo</role>
<castItem type="role">
 <role xml:id="Francisco">Francisco</role>
 <roleDesc>a soldier</roleDesc>
<!-- ... -->
<sp who="#Barnardo">
 <l n="1">Who's there?</l>
<sp who="#Francisco">
 <l n="2">Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.</l>

For transcribed speech, this will typically identify a participant or participant group; in other contexts, it will point to any identified person element.


att.breaking provides an attribute to indicate whether or not the element concerned is considered to mark the end of an orthographic token in the same way as whitespace. [3.10.3. Milestone Elements]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Memberscb lb pb
breakindicates whether or not the element bearing this attribute should be considered to mark the end of an orthographic token in the same way as whitespace.
Status Recommended
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include
the element bearing this attribute is considered to mark the end of any adjacent orthographic token irrespective of the presence of any adjacent whitespace
the element bearing this attribute is considered not to mark the end of any adjacent orthographic token irrespective of the presence of any adjacent whitespace
the encoding does not take any position on this issue.

In the following lines from the Dream of the Rood, linebreaks occur in the middle of the words lāðost and reord-berendum.

<ab> ...eƿesa tome iu icƿæs ȝeƿorden ƿita heardoſt .
leodum la<lb break="no"/> ðost ærþan ichim lifes
ƿeȝ rihtne ȝerymde reord be<lb break="no"/>
rendum hƿæt me þaȝeƿeorðode ƿuldres ealdor ofer...


att.canonical provides attributes which can be used to associate a representation such as a name or title with canonical information about the object being named or referenced.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersatt.naming [att.personal [addName forename genName name orgName persName placeName roleName surname] affiliation author birth collection country death district editor education event institution nationality occupation pubPlace region residence settlement socecStatus trait] faith material relation term
keyprovides an externally-defined means of identifying the entity (or entities) being named, using a coded value of some kind.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
 <name key="name 427308"
[New Zealand Parliament, Legislative Council]</name>
 <name key="Hugo, Victor (1802-1885)"
Victor Hugo</name>

The value may be a unique identifier from a database, or any other externally-defined string identifying the referent.

No particular syntax is proposed for the values of the key attribute, since its form will depend entirely on practice within a given project. For the same reason, this attribute is not recommended in data interchange, since there is no way of ensuring that the values used by one project are distinct from those used by another. In such a situation, a preferable approach for magic tokens which follows standard practice on the Web is to use a ref attribute whose value is a tag URI as defined in RFC 4151.

ref(reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition or identity for the entity being named by means of one or more URIs.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<name ref=""
Seamus Heaney</name>

The value must point directly to one or more XML elements or other resources by means of one or more URIs, separated by whitespace. If more than one is supplied the implication is that the name identifies several distinct entities.


att.citing provides attributes for specifying the specific part of a bibliographic item being cited. [1.3.1. Attribute Classes]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
unitidentifies the unit of information conveyed by the element, e.g. columns, pages, volume. Suggested values include: 1] volume; 2] issue; 3] page; 4] line; 5] chapter; 6] part; 7] column
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
the element contains a volume number.
the element contains an issue number, or volume and issue numbers.
the element contains a page number or page range.
the element contains a line number or line range.
the element contains a chapter indication (number and/or title)
the element identifies a part of a book or collection.
the element identifies a column.
fromspecifies the starting point of the range of units indicated by the unit attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.word
tospecifies the end-point of the range of units indicated by the unit attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.word


att.coordinated provides attributes which can be used to position their parent element within a two dimensional coordinate system.
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions
Membersline surface zone
startindicates the element within a transcription of the text containing at least the start of the writing represented by this zone or surface.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
ulxgives the x coordinate value for the upper left corner of a rectangular space.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
ulygives the y coordinate value for the upper left corner of a rectangular space.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
lrxgives the x coordinate value for the lower right corner of a rectangular space.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
lrygives the y coordinate value for the lower right corner of a rectangular space.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
pointsidentifies a two dimensional area within the bounding box specified by the other attributes by means of a series of pairs of numbers, each of which gives the x,y coordinates of a point on a line enclosing the area.
Status Optional
Datatype 3–∞ occurrences of teidata.point separated by whitespace


att.cReferencing provides an attribute which may be used to supply a canonical reference as a means of identifying the target of a pointer.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersref term
cRef(canonical reference) specifies the destination of the pointer by supplying a canonical reference expressed using the scheme defined in a <refsDecl> element in the TEI header
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text

The value of cRef should be constructed so that when the algorithm for the resolution of canonical references (described in section 16.2.5. Canonical References) is applied to it the result is a valid URI reference to the intended target

The <refsDecl> to use may be indicated with the decls attribute.

Currently these Guidelines only provide for a single canonical reference to be encoded on any given <ptr> element.


att.damaged provides attributes describing the nature of any physical damage affecting a reading. [ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text 1.3.1. Attribute Classes]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
AttributesAttributes att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) att.written (@hand)
agentcategorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified. Sample values include: 1] rubbing; 2] mildew; 3] smoke
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
damage results from rubbing of the leaf edges
damage results from mildew on the leaf surface
damage results from smoke
degreeprovides a coded representation of the degree of damage, either as a number between 0 (undamaged) and 1 (very extensively damaged), or as one of the codes high, medium, low, or unknown. The damage element with the degree attribute should only be used where the text may be read with some confidence; text supplied from other sources should be tagged as supplied.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.probCert

The damage element is appropriate where it is desired to record the fact of damage although this has not affected the readability of the text, for example a weathered inscription. Where the damage has rendered the text more or less illegible either the unclear tag (for partial illegibility) or the gap tag (for complete illegibility, with no text supplied) should be used, with the information concerning the damage given in the attribute values of these tags. See section Use of the gap, del, damage, unclear, and supplied Elements in Combination for discussion of the use of these tags in particular circumstances.

groupassigns an arbitrary number to each stretch of damage regarded as forming part of the same physical phenomenon.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count


att.datable provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain dates, times, or datable events. [3.5.4. Dates and Times 13.3.6. Dates and Times]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersacquisition affiliation age binding birth change country custEvent date death district education event faith floruit licence location name nationality occupation orgName origDate origPlace origin persName placeName provenance region relation residence seal settlement sex socecStatus stamp trait
AttributesAttributes att.datable.w3c (@when, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to) att.datable.iso (@when-iso, @notBefore-iso, @notAfter-iso, @from-iso, @to-iso) att.datable.custom (@when-custom, @notBefore-custom, @notAfter-custom, @from-custom, @to-custom, @datingPoint, @datingMethod)
calendarindicates the system or calendar to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer

<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]">
<sch:assert test="string-length(.) gt 0">@calendar indicates the system or calendar to which the date represented by the content of this element
belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert>
He was born on <date calendar="#Gregorian">Feb. 22, 1732</date>
(<date calendar="#Julianwhen="1732-02-22"> Feb. 11, 1731/32, O.S.</date>).

Note that the calendar attribute (unlike datingMethod defined in att.datable.custom) defines the calendar system of the date in the original material defined by the parent element, not the calendar to which the date is normalized.

periodsupplies a pointer to some location defining a named period of time within which the datable item is understood to have occurred.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer

This ‘superclass’ provides attributes that can be used to provide normalized values of temporal information. By default, the attributes from the att.datable.w3c class are provided. If the module for names & dates is loaded, this class also provides attributes from the att.datable.iso and att.datable.custom classes. In general, the possible values of attributes restricted to the W3C datatypes form a subset of those values available via the ISO 8601 standard. However, the greater expressiveness of the ISO datatypes may not be needed, and there exists much greater software support for the W3C datatypes.


att.datable.custom provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain datable events to a custom dating system (i.e. other than the Gregorian used by W3 and ISO). [13.3.6. Dates and Times]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
Membersatt.datable [acquisition affiliation age binding birth change country custEvent date death district education event faith floruit licence location name nationality occupation orgName origDate origPlace origin persName placeName provenance region relation residence seal settlement sex socecStatus stamp trait]
when-customsupplies the value of a date or time in some custom standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace

The following are examples of custom date or time formats that are not valid ISO or W3C format normalizations, normalized to a different dating system

<p>Alhazen died in Cairo on the
<date when="1040-03-06"
12th day of Jumada t-Tania, 430 AH
<p>The current world will end at the
<date when="2012-12-21"
end of B'ak'tun 13</date>.</p>
<p>The Battle of Meggidu
(<date when-custom="Thutmose_III:23">23rd year of reign of Thutmose III</date>).</p>
<p>Esidorus bixit in pace annos LXX plus minus sub
<date when-custom="Ind:4-10-11">die XI mensis Octobris indictione IIII</date>

Not all custom date formulations will have Gregorian equivalents.

The when-custom attribute and other custom dating are not contrained to a datatype by the TEI, but individual projects are recommended to regularize and document their dating formats.

notBefore-customspecifies the earliest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
notAfter-customspecifies the latest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
from-customindicates the starting point of the period in some custom standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
<event datingMethod="#julian"

 <head>The Great Fire of London</head>
 <p>The Great Fire of London burned through a large part
   of the city of London.</p>
to-customindicates the ending point of the period in some custom standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
datingPointsupplies a pointer to some location defining a named point in time with reference to which the datable item is understood to have occurred
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
datingMethodsupplies a pointer to a <calendar> element or other means of interpreting the values of the custom dating attributes.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increaſe, Moderne
eſtate, and deſcription of that Citie, written in the yeare
<date calendar="#julian"
1598</date>. by Iohn Stow
Citizen of London.

In this example, the calendar attribute points to a <calendar> element for the Julian calendar, specifying that the text content of the date element is a Julian date, and the datingMethod attribute also points to the Julian calendar to indicate that the content of the when-custom attribute value is Julian too.

<date datingMethod="#creationOfWorld"
μηνὶ Ἰουνίου εἰς <num>κ</num> ἔτους <num>ςωϞ</num>

In this example, a date is given in a Mediaeval text measured "from the creation of the world", which is normalised (in when) to the Gregorian date, but is also normalized (in when-custom) to a machine-actionable, numeric version of the date from the Creation.


Note that the datingMethod attribute (unlike calendar defined in att.datable) defines the calendar or dating system to which the date described by the parent element is normalized (i.e. in the when-custom or other X-custom attributes), not the calendar of the original date in the element.


att.datable.iso provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain datable events using the ISO 8601 standard. [3.5.4. Dates and Times 13.3.6. Dates and Times]
Modulenamesdates — Formal definitions
Membersatt.datable [acquisition affiliation age binding birth change country custEvent date death district education event faith floruit licence location name nationality occupation orgName origDate origPlace origin persName placeName provenance region relation residence seal settlement sex socecStatus stamp trait]
when-isosupplies the value of a date or time in a standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.iso

The following are examples of ISO date, time, and date & time formats that are not valid W3C format normalizations.

<date when-iso="1996-09-24T07:25+00">Sept. 24th, 1996 at 3:25 in the morning</date>
<date when-iso="1996-09-24T03:25-04">Sept. 24th, 1996 at 3:25 in the morning</date>
<time when-iso="1999-01-04T20:42-05">4 Jan 1999 at 8:42 pm</time>
<time when-iso="1999-W01-1T20,70-05">4 Jan 1999 at 8:42 pm</time>
<date when-iso="2006-05-18T10:03">a few minutes after ten in the morning on Thu 18 May</date>
<time when-iso="03:00">3 A.M.</time>
<time when-iso="14">around two</time>
<time when-iso="15,5">half past three</time>

All of the examples of the when attribute in the att.datable.w3c class are also valid with respect to this attribute.

He likes to be punctual. I said <q>
 <time when-iso="12">around noon</time>
</q>, and he showed up at <time when-iso="12:00:00">12 O'clock</time> on the dot.

The second occurence of <time> could have been encoded with the when attribute, as 12:00:00 is a valid time with respect to the W3C XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition specification. The first occurence could not.

notBefore-isospecifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.iso
notAfter-isospecifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.iso
from-isoindicates the starting point of the period in standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.iso
to-isoindicates the ending point of the period in standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.iso

The value of these attributes should be a normalized representation of the date, time, or combined date & time intended, in any of the standard formats specified by ISO 8601, using the Gregorian calendar.

If both when-iso and dur-iso are specified, the values should be interpreted as indicating a span of time by its starting time (or date) and duration. That is,
<date dur-iso="P8Dwhen-iso="2007-06-01"/>
indicates the same time period as
<date when-iso="2007-06-01/P8D"/>

In providing a ‘regularized’ form, no claim is made that the form in the source text is incorrect; the regularized form is simply that chosen as the main form for purposes of unifying variant forms under a single heading.


att.datable.w3c provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain datable events conforming to the W3C XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition. [3.5.4. Dates and Times 13.3.6. Dates and Times]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersatt.datable [acquisition affiliation age binding birth change country custEvent date death district education event faith floruit licence location name nationality occupation orgName origDate origPlace origin persName placeName provenance region relation residence seal settlement sex socecStatus stamp trait]
whensupplies the value of the date or time in a standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c

Examples of W3C date, time, and date & time formats.

 <date when="1945-10-24">24 Oct 45</date>
 <date when="1996-09-24T07:25:00Z">September 24th, 1996 at 3:25 in the morning</date>
 <time when="1999-01-04T20:42:00-05:00">Jan 4 1999 at 8 pm</time>
 <time when="14:12:38">fourteen twelve and 38 seconds</time>
 <date when="1962-10">October of 1962</date>
 <date when="--06-12">June 12th</date>
 <date when="---01">the first of the month</date>
 <date when="--08">August</date>
 <date when="2006">MMVI</date>
 <date when="0056">AD 56</date>
 <date when="-0056">56 BC</date>
This list begins in
the year 1632, more precisely on Trinity Sunday, i.e. the Sunday after
Pentecost, in that year the
<date calendar="#Julianwhen="1632-06-06">27th of May (old style)</date>.
  <placeName>Dorchester, Village,</placeName>
  <date when="1828-03-02">March 2d. 1828.</date>
   Mrs. Cornell,</salute> Sunday <time when="12:00:00">noon.</time>
notBeforespecifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c
notAfterspecifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c
fromindicates the starting point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c
toindicates the ending point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c

<sch:rule context="tei:*[@when]">
<sch:report role="nonfatal"
The @when attribute cannot be used with any other att.datable.w3c attributes.</sch:report>

<sch:rule context="tei:*[@from]">
<sch:report role="nonfatal"
The @from and @notBefore attributes cannot be used together.</sch:report>

<sch:rule context="tei:*[@to]">
<sch:report role="nonfatal"
The @to and @notAfter attributes cannot be used together.</sch:report>
<date from="1863-05-28to="1863-06-01">28 May through 1 June 1863</date>

The value of these attributes should be a normalized representation of the date, time, or combined date & time intended, in any of the standard formats specified by XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, using the Gregorian calendar.

The most commonly-encountered format for the date portion of a temporal attribute is yyyy-mm-dd, but yyyy, --mm, ---dd, yyyy-mm, or --mm-dd may also be used. For the time part, the form hh:mm:ss is used.

Note that this format does not currently permit use of the value 0000 to represent the year 1 BCE; instead the value -0001 should be used.


att.datcat provides the dcr:datacat and dcr:ValueDatacat attributes which are used to align XML elements or attributes with the appropriate Data Categories (DCs) defined by the ISO 12620:2009 standard and stored in the Web repository called ISOCat at [9.5.2. Lexical View 18.3. Other Atomic Feature Values]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersatt.segLike [c pc w]
datcatcontains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the given element with the appropriate Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
valueDatcatcontains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the content of the given element or the value of the given attribute with the appropriate simple Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

In this example dcr:datcat relates the feature name to the data category "partOfSpeech" and dcr:valueDatcat the feature value to the data category "commonNoun". Both these data categories reside in the ISOcat DCR at, which is the DCR used by ISO TC37 and hosted by its registration authority, the MPI for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen.

 <f dcr:datcat=""


ISO 12620:2009 is a standard describing the data model and procedures for a Data Category Registry (DCR). Data categories are defined as elementary descriptors in a linguistic structure. In the DCR data model each data category gets assigned a unique Peristent IDentifier (PID), i.e., an URI. Linguistic resources or preferably their schemas that make use of data categories from a DCR should refer to them using this PID. For XML-based resources, like TEI documents, ISO 12620:2009 normative Annex A gives a small Data Category Reference XML vocabulary (also available online at, which provides two attributes, dcr:datcat and dcr:valueDatcat.


att.declarable provides attributes for those elements in the TEI header which may be independently selected by means of the special purpose decls attribute. [15.3. Associating Contextual Information with a Text]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersavailability bibl listBibl listEvent listOrg listPerson listPlace sourceDesc
defaultindicates whether or not this element is selected by default when its parent is selected.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.truthValue
Legal values are:
This element is selected if its parent is selected
This element can only be selected explicitly, unless it is the only one of its kind, in which case it is selected if its parent is selected. [Default]

The rules governing the association of declarable elements with individual parts of a TEI text are fully defined in chapter 15.3. Associating Contextual Information with a Text. Only one element of a particular type may have a default attribute with a value of true.


att.declaring provides attributes for elements which may be independently associated with a particular declarable element within the header, thus overriding the inherited default for that element. [15.3. Associating Contextual Information with a Text]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersbody div facsimile geo lg msDesc p ref surface surfaceGrp term text
declsidentifies one or more declarable elements within the header, which are understood to apply to the element bearing this attribute and its content.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

The rules governing the association of declarable elements with individual parts of a TEI text are fully defined in chapter 15.3. Associating Contextual Information with a Text.


att.dimensions provides attributes for describing the size of physical objects.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersatt.damaged [damage] att.editLike [att.transcriptional [add del mod subst substJoin] affiliation age am birth corr date death education event ex expan faith floruit gap location name nationality occupation org orgName origDate origPlace origin persName person place placeName reg relation residence sex socecStatus supplied surplus trait unclear] depth dim dimensions height space width
AttributesAttributes att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)
unitnames the unit used for the measurement
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
quantityspecifies the length in the units specified
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
extentindicates the size of the object concerned using a project-specific vocabulary combining quantity and units in a single string of words.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
<gap extent="5 words"/>
<height extent="half the page"/>
precisioncharacterizes the precision of the values specified by the other attributes.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.certainty
scopewhere the measurement summarizes more than one observation, specifies the applicability of this measurement. Sample values include: 1] all; 2] most; 3] range
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
measurement applies to all instances.
measurement applies to most of the instances inspected.
measurement applies to only the specified range of instances.


att.divLike provides attributes common to all elements which behave in the same way as divisions. [4. Default Text Structure]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersdiv lg
AttributesAttributes att.fragmentable (@part)
org(organization) specifies how the content of the division is organized.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
no claim is made about the sequence in which the immediate contents of this division are to be processed, or their inter-relationships.
the immediate contents of this element are regarded as forming a logical unit, to be processed in sequence. [Default]
sampleindicates whether this division is a sample of the original source and if so, from which part.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
division lacks material present at end in source.
division lacks material at start and end.
division lacks material at start.
position of sampled material within original unknown.
division is not a sample. [Default]


att.docStatus provides attributes for use on metadata elements describing the status of a document.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersbibl change revisionDesc
statusdescribes the status of a document either currently or, when associated with a dated element, at the time indicated. Sample values include: 1] approved; 2] candidate; 3] cleared; 4] deprecated; 5] draft; 6] embargoed; 7] expired; 8] frozen; 9] galley; 10] proposed; 11] published; 12] recommendation; 13] submitted; 14] unfinished; 15] withdrawn
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
<revisionDesc status="published">
 <change status="published"

 <change status="clearedwhen="2010-10-02"/>
 <change status="embargoed"

 <change status="frozenwhen="2010-05-01"

 <change status="draftwhen="2010-03-01"



att.edition provides attributes identifying the source edition from which some encoded feature derives.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Memberscb lb pb
ed(edition) supplies a sigil or other arbitrary identifier for the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
edRef(edition reference) provides a pointer to the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<l>Of Mans First Disobedience,<lb ed="1674"/> and<lb ed="1667"/> the Fruit</l>
<l>Of that Forbidden Tree, whose<lb ed="1667 1674"/> mortal tast</l>
<l>Brought Death into the World,<lb ed="1667"/> and all<lb ed="1674"/> our woe,</l>
 <bibl xml:id="stapledon1937">
  <author>Olaf Stapledon</author>,
 <title>Starmaker</title>, <publisher>Methuen</publisher>, <date>1937</date>
 <bibl xml:id="stapledon1968">
  <author>Olaf Stapledon</author>,
 <title>Starmaker</title>, <publisher>Dover</publisher>, <date>1968</date>
<!-- ... -->
<p>Looking into the future aeons from the supreme moment of
the cosmos, I saw the populations still with all their
strength maintaining the<pb edRef="#stapledon1968n="411"/>essentials of their ancient culture,
still living their personal lives in zest and endless
novelty of action, … I saw myself still
preserving, though with increasing difficulty, my lucid
con-<pb edRef="#stapledon1937n="291"/>sciousness;</p>


att.editLike provides attributes describing the nature of an encoded scholarly intervention or interpretation of any kind. [3.4. Simple Editorial Changes 10.3.1. Origination 13.3.2. The Person Element Core Elements for Transcriptional Work]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersatt.transcriptional [add del mod subst substJoin] affiliation age am birth corr date death education event ex expan faith floruit gap location name nationality occupation org orgName origDate origPlace origin persName person place placeName reg relation residence sex socecStatus supplied surplus trait unclear
AttributesAttributes att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) att.source (@source)
evidenceindicates the nature of the evidence supporting the reliability or accuracy of the intervention or interpretation. Suggested values include: 1] internal; 2] external; 3] conjecture
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
Suggested values include:
there is internal evidence to support the intervention.
there is external evidence to support the intervention.
the intervention or interpretation has been made by the editor, cataloguer, or scholar on the basis of their expertise.
instantindicates whether this is an instant revision or not.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.xTruthValue
Default false

The members of this attribute class are typically used to represent any kind of editorial intervention in a text, for example a correction or interpretation, or to date or localize manuscripts etc.


Each pointer on the source (if present) corresponding to a witness or witness group should reference a bibliographic citation such as a <witness>, msDesc, or bibl element, or another external bibliographic citation, documenting the source concerned.


att.fragmentable provides an attribute for representing fragmentation of a structural element, typically as a consequence of some overlapping hierarchy.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersatt.divLike [div lg] att.segLike [c pc w] l p
partspecifies whether or not its parent element is fragmented in some way, typically by some other overlapping structure: for example a speech which is divided between two or more verse stanzas, a paragraph which is split across a page division, a verse line which is divided between two speakers.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(yes) the element is fragmented in some (unspecified) respect
(no) the element is not fragmented, or no claim is made as to its completeness [Default]
(initial) this is the initial part of a fragmented element
(medial) this is a medial part of a fragmented element
(final) this is the final part of a fragmented element

The values I, M, or F should be used only where it is clear how the element may be be reconstituted. provides attributes common to all elements in the TEI encoding scheme. [ Global Attributes]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
MembersTEI abbr accMat acquisition add addName additional adminInfo affiliation age altIdentifier am author authority availability bibl biblScope bindingDesc birth body c catDesc catchwords category cb change choice classDecl collation collection colophon corr country custEvent custodialHist damage date death decoNote del depth dim dimensions district div editor education encodingDesc event ex expan explicit extent facsimile faith fileDesc filiation finalRubric floruit forename formula fw gap genName geo handDesc handNote handShift height hi history idno incipit institution item l layoutDesc lb lg licence line list listBibl listChange listEvent listOrg listPerson listPlace location locus locusGrp material metamark mod msContents msDesc msFrag msIdentifier msName msPart musicNotation name nameLink nationality note num objectDesc occupation org orgName orig origDate origPlace origin p pb pc persName person personGrp physDesc place placeName provenance pubPlace publicationStmt q quote recordHist reg region relation rendition repository residence revisionDesc roleName rubric scriptDesc scriptNote seal sealDesc settlement sex sic signatures socecStatus source sourceDesc stamp subst substJoin summary supplied support supportDesc surface surfaceGrp surname surplus surrogates taxonomy teiHeader term text textLang title titlePart titleStmt trait unclear w width zone
AttributesAttributes (@rend, @style, @rendition) (@ana) (@facs) (@change) (@cert, @resp)
xml:id(identifier) provides a unique identifier for the element bearing the attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype ID

The xml:id attribute may be used to specify a canonical reference for an element; see section 3.10. Reference Systems.

n(number) gives a number (or other label) for an element, which is not necessarily unique within the document.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text

The value of this attribute is always understood to be a single token, even if it contains space or other punctuation characters, and need not be composed of numbers only. It is typically used to specify the numbering of chapters, sections, list items, etc.; it may also be used in the specification of a standard reference system for the text.

xml:lang(language) indicates the language of the element content using a ‘tag’ generated according to BCP 47.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.language
<p> … The consequences of
this rapid depopulation were the loss of the last
<foreign xml:lang="rap">ariki</foreign> or chief
(Routledge 1920:205,210) and their connections to
ancestral territorial organization.</p>

The xml:lang value will be inherited from the immediately enclosing element, or from its parent, and so on up the document hierarchy. It is generally good practice to specify xml:lang at the highest appropriate level, noticing that a different default may be needed for the teiHeader from that needed for the associated resource element or elements, and that a single TEI document may contain texts in many languages.

The authoritative list of registered language subtags is maintained by IANA and is available at For a good general overview of the construction of language tags, see, and for a practical step-by-step guide, see

The value used must conform with BCP 47. If the value is a private use code (i.e., starts with x- or contains -x-), a <language> element with a matching value for its ident attribute should be supplied in the TEI header to document this value. Such documentation may also optionally be supplied for non-private-use codes, though these must remain consistent with their (IETF)Internet Engineering Task Force definitions.

xml:baseprovides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
<div type="bibl">
 <listBibl xml:base="">
    <name>Landon, Letitia Elizabeth</name>
   <ref target="LandLVowOf.sgm">
    <title>The Vow of the Peacock</title>
    <name>Compton, Margaret Clephane</name>
   <ref target="NortMIrene.sgm">
    <title>Irene, a Poem in Six Cantos</title>
    <name>Taylor, Jane</name>
   <ref target="TaylJEssay.sgm">
    <title>Essays in Rhyme on Morals and Manners</title>
xml:spacesignals an intention about how white space should be managed by applications.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
signals that the application's default white-space processing modes are acceptable
indicates the intent that applications preserve all white space

The XML specification provides further guidance on the use of this attribute. Note that many parsers may not handle xml:space correctly. provides additional global attributes for associating specific analyses or interpretations with appropriate portions of a text. [17.2. Global Attributes for Simple Analyses 17.3. Spans and Interpretations]
Moduleanalysis — Formal definitions [TEI abbr accMat acquisition add addName additional adminInfo affiliation age altIdentifier am author authority availability bibl biblScope bindingDesc birth body c catDesc catchwords category cb change choice classDecl collation collection colophon corr country custEvent custodialHist damage date death decoNote del depth dim dimensions district div editor education encodingDesc event ex expan explicit extent facsimile faith fileDesc filiation finalRubric floruit forename formula fw gap genName geo handDesc handNote handShift height hi history idno incipit institution item l layoutDesc lb lg licence line list listBibl listChange listEvent listOrg listPerson listPlace location locus locusGrp material metamark mod msContents msDesc msFrag msIdentifier msName msPart musicNotation name nameLink nationality note num objectDesc occupation org orgName orig origDate origPlace origin p pb pc persName person personGrp physDesc place placeName provenance pubPlace publicationStmt q quote recordHist reg region relation rendition repository residence revisionDesc roleName rubric scriptDesc scriptNote seal sealDesc settlement sex sic signatures socecStatus source sourceDesc stamp subst substJoin summary supplied support supportDesc surface surfaceGrp surname surplus surrogates taxonomy teiHeader term text textLang title titlePart titleStmt trait unclear w width zone]
ana(analysis) indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

When multiple values are given, they may reflect either multiple divergent interpretations of an ambiguous text, or multiple mutually consistent interpretations of the same passage in different contexts. supplies the change attribute, allowing its member elements to specify one or more states or revision campaigns with which they are associated.
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions [TEI abbr accMat acquisition add addName additional adminInfo affiliation age altIdentifier am author authority availability bibl biblScope bindingDesc birth body c catDesc catchwords category cb change choice classDecl collation collection colophon corr country custEvent custodialHist damage date death decoNote del depth dim dimensions district div editor education encodingDesc event ex expan explicit extent facsimile faith fileDesc filiation finalRubric floruit forename formula fw gap genName geo handDesc handNote handShift height hi history idno incipit institution item l layoutDesc lb lg licence line list listBibl listChange listEvent listOrg listPerson listPlace location locus locusGrp material metamark mod msContents msDesc msFrag msIdentifier msName msPart musicNotation name nameLink nationality note num objectDesc occupation org orgName orig origDate origPlace origin p pb pc persName person personGrp physDesc place placeName provenance pubPlace publicationStmt q quote recordHist reg region relation rendition repository residence revisionDesc roleName rubric scriptDesc scriptNote seal sealDesc settlement sex sic signatures socecStatus source sourceDesc stamp subst substJoin summary supplied support supportDesc surface surfaceGrp surname surplus surrogates taxonomy teiHeader term text textLang title titlePart titleStmt trait unclear w width zone]
changepoints to one or more change elements documenting a state or revision campaign to which the element bearing this attribute and its children have been assigned by the encoder.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace provides an attribute used to express correspondence between an element containing transcribed text and all or part of an image representing that text. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles]
Moduletranscr — Formal definitions [TEI abbr accMat acquisition add addName additional adminInfo affiliation age altIdentifier am author authority availability bibl biblScope bindingDesc birth body c catDesc catchwords category cb change choice classDecl collation collection colophon corr country custEvent custodialHist damage date death decoNote del depth dim dimensions district div editor education encodingDesc event ex expan explicit extent facsimile faith fileDesc filiation finalRubric floruit forename formula fw gap genName geo handDesc handNote handShift height hi history idno incipit institution item l layoutDesc lb lg licence line list listBibl listChange listEvent listOrg listPerson listPlace location locus locusGrp material metamark mod msContents msDesc msFrag msIdentifier msName msPart musicNotation name nameLink nationality note num objectDesc occupation org orgName orig origDate origPlace origin p pb pc persName person personGrp physDesc place placeName provenance pubPlace publicationStmt q quote recordHist reg region relation rendition repository residence revisionDesc roleName rubric scriptDesc scriptNote seal sealDesc settlement sex sic signatures socecStatus source sourceDesc stamp subst substJoin summary supplied support supportDesc surface surfaceGrp surname surplus surrogates taxonomy teiHeader term text textLang title titlePart titleStmt trait unclear w width zone]
facs(facsimile) points to all or part of an image which corresponds with the content of the element.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace provides rendering attributes common to all elements in the TEI encoding scheme. [ Rendition Indicators]
Moduletei — Formal definitions [TEI abbr accMat acquisition add addName additional adminInfo affiliation age altIdentifier am author authority availability bibl biblScope bindingDesc birth body c catDesc catchwords category cb change choice classDecl collation collection colophon corr country custEvent custodialHist damage date death decoNote del depth dim dimensions district div editor education encodingDesc event ex expan explicit extent facsimile faith fileDesc filiation finalRubric floruit forename formula fw gap genName geo handDesc handNote handShift height hi history idno incipit institution item l layoutDesc lb lg licence line list listBibl listChange listEvent listOrg listPerson listPlace location locus locusGrp material metamark mod msContents msDesc msFrag msIdentifier msName msPart musicNotation name nameLink nationality note num objectDesc occupation org orgName orig origDate origPlace origin p pb pc persName person personGrp physDesc place placeName provenance pubPlace publicationStmt q quote recordHist reg region relation rendition repository residence revisionDesc roleName rubric scriptDesc scriptNote seal sealDesc settlement sex sic signatures socecStatus source sourceDesc stamp subst substJoin summary supplied support supportDesc surface surfaceGrp surname surplus surrogates taxonomy teiHeader term text textLang title titlePart titleStmt trait unclear w width zone]
rend(rendition) indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source text.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
<head rend="align(center) case(allcaps)">
 <lb/>To The <lb/>Duchesse <lb/>of <lb/>Newcastle,
<lb/>On Her <lb/>
 <hi rend="case(mixed)">New Blazing-World</hi>.

These Guidelines make no binding recommendations for the values of the rend attribute; the characteristics of visual presentation vary too much from text to text and the decision to record or ignore individual characteristics varies too much from project to project. Some potentially useful conventions are noted from time to time at appropriate points in the Guidelines. The values of the rend attribute are a set of sequence-indeterminate individual tokens separated by whitespace.

stylecontains an expression in some formal style definition language which defines the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
<head style="text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps">
 <lb/>To The <lb/>Duchesse <lb/>of <lb/>Newcastle, <lb/>On Her
 <hi style="font-variant: normal">New Blazing-World</hi>.

Unlike the attribute values of rend, which uses whitespace as a separator, the style attribute may contain whitespace. This attribute is intended for recording inline stylistic information concerning the source, not any particular output.

The formal language in which values for this attribute are expressed may be specified using the <styleDefDecl> element in the TEI header.

renditionpoints to a description of the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<head rendition="#ac #sc">
 <lb/>To The <lb/>Duchesse <lb/>of <lb/>Newcastle, <lb/>On Her
 <hi rendition="#normal">New Blazing-World</hi>.
<!-- elsewhere... -->
<rendition scheme="cssxml:id="sc">font-variant: small-caps</rendition>
<rendition scheme="cssxml:id="normal">font-variant: normal</rendition>
<rendition scheme="cssxml:id="ac">text-align: center</rendition>

The rendition attribute is used in a very similar way to the class attribute defined for XHTML but with the important distinction that its function is to describe the appearance of the source text, not necessarily to determine how that text should be presented on screen or paper.

Where both rendition and rend are supplied, the latter is understood to override or complement the former.

Each URI provided should indicate a rendition element defining the intended rendition in terms of some appropriate style language, as indicated by the scheme attribute. provides attributes indicating the agent responsible for some aspect of the text, the markup or something asserted by the markup, and the degree of certainty associated with it. [3.4. Simple Editorial Changes Hand, Responsibility, and Certainty Attributes 17.3. Spans and Interpretations 13.1.1. Linking Names and Their Referents]
Moduletei — Formal definitions [TEI abbr accMat acquisition add addName additional adminInfo affiliation age altIdentifier am author authority availability bibl biblScope bindingDesc birth body c catDesc catchwords category cb change choice classDecl collation collection colophon corr country custEvent custodialHist damage date death decoNote del depth dim dimensions district div editor education encodingDesc event ex expan explicit extent facsimile faith fileDesc filiation finalRubric floruit forename formula fw gap genName geo handDesc handNote handShift height hi history idno incipit institution item l layoutDesc lb lg licence line list listBibl listChange listEvent listOrg listPerson listPlace location locus locusGrp material metamark mod msContents msDesc msFrag msIdentifier msName msPart musicNotation name nameLink nationality note num objectDesc occupation org orgName orig origDate origPlace origin p pb pc persName person personGrp physDesc place placeName provenance pubPlace publicationStmt q quote recordHist reg region relation rendition repository residence revisionDesc roleName rubric scriptDesc scriptNote seal sealDesc settlement sex sic signatures socecStatus source sourceDesc stamp subst substJoin summary supplied support supportDesc surface surfaceGrp surname surplus surrogates taxonomy teiHeader term text textLang title titlePart titleStmt trait unclear w width zone]
cert(certainty) signifies the degree of certainty associated with the intervention or interpretation.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.probCert
resp(responsible party) indicates the agency responsible for the intervention or interpretation, for example an editor or transcriber.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

Note that a simple resp pointing to a person or organization is likely to be somewhat ambiguous with regard to the nature of the responsibility. For this reason, we recommend that resp be used to point not to an agent (person or org) but to a <respStmt>, author, editor or similar element which clarifies the exact role played by the agent. Pointing to multiple <respStmt>s allows the encoder to specify clearly each of the roles played in part of a TEI file (creating, transcribing, encoding, editing, proofing etc.).

Blessed are the
 <corr cert="highresp="#editor">peacemakers</corr>
</choice>: for they shall be called the children of God.

<!-- in the <text> ... --><lg>
<!-- ... -->
 <l>Punkes, Panders, baſe extortionizing
   <corr resp="#JENS1_transcriber">u</corr>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- in the <teiHeader> ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<respStmt xml:id="JENS1_transcriber">
 <resp when="2014">Transcriber</resp>
 <name>Janelle Jenstad</name>


att.handFeatures provides attributes describing aspects of the hand in which a manuscript is written. [ Document Hands]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
MembershandShift scriptNote
scribegives a name or other identifier for the scribe believed to be responsible for this hand.
Status Optional
scribeRefpoints to a full description of the scribe concerned, typically supplied by a person element elsewhere in the description.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
scriptcharacterizes the particular script or writing style used by this hand, for example secretary, copperplate, Chancery, Italian, etc.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of separated by whitespace
scriptRefpoints to a full description of the script or writing style used by this hand, typically supplied by a scriptNote element elsewhere in the description.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
mediumdescribes the tint or type of ink, e.g. brown, or other writing medium, e.g. pencil
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
scopespecifies how widely this hand is used in the manuscript.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
only this hand is used throughout the manuscript
this hand is used through most of the manuscript
this hand is used occasionally in the manuscript

Usually either script or scriptRef, and similarly, either scribe or scribeRef, will be supplied.


att.internetMedia provides attributes for specifying the type of a computer resource using a standard taxonomy.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
mimeType(MIME media type) specifies the applicable multimedia internet mail extension (MIME) media type
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace

In this example mimeType is used to indicate that the URL points to a TEI XML file encoded in UTF-8.

<ref mimeType="application/tei+xml; charset=UTF-8"

This attribute class provides an attribute for describing a computer resource, typically available over the internet, using a value taken from a standard taxonomy. At present only a single taxonomy is supported, the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Media Type system. This typology of media types is defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force in RFC 2046. The list of types is maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). The mimeType attribute must have a value taken from this list.


att.msExcerpt (manuscript excerpt) provides attributes used to describe excerpts from a manuscript placed in a description thereof. [10.6. Intellectual Content]
Modulemsdescription — Formal definitions
Membersexplicit incipit msContents msItem quote
defectiveindicates whether the passage being quoted is defective, i.e. incomplete through loss or damage.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.xTruthValue
Default false

In the case of an incipit, indicates whether the incipit as given is defective, i.e. the first words of the text as preserved, as opposed to the first words of the work itself. In the case of an explicit, indicates whether the explicit as given is defective, i.e. the final words of the text as preserved, as opposed to what the closing words would have been had the text of the work been whole.


att.naming provides attributes common to elements which refer to named persons, places, organizations etc. [3.5.1. Referring Strings 13.3.5. Names and Nyms]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersatt.personal [addName forename genName name orgName persName placeName roleName surname] affiliation author birth collection country death district editor education event institution nationality occupation pubPlace region residence settlement socecStatus trait
AttributesAttributes att.canonical (@key, @ref)
rolemay be used to specify further information about the entity referenced by this name in the form of a set of whitespace-separated values, for example the occupation of a person, or the status of a place.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
nymRef(reference to the canonical name) provides a means of locating the canonical form (nym) of the names associated with the object named by the element bearing it.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

The value must point directly to one or more XML elements by means of one or more URIs, separated by whitespace. If more than one is supplied, the implication is that the name is associated with several distinct canonical names.


att.notated provides an attribute to indicate any specialised notation used for element content.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
notationnames the notation used for the content of the element.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated


att.personal (attributes for components of names usually, but not necessarily, personal names) common attributes for those elements which form part of a name usually, but not necessarily, a personal name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
MembersaddName forename genName name orgName persName placeName roleName surname
AttributesAttributes att.naming (@role, @nymRef) (att.canonical (@key, @ref))
fullindicates whether the name component is given in full, as an abbreviation or simply as an initial.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
the name component is spelled out in full. [Default]
(abbreviated) the name component is given in an abbreviated form.
(initial letter) the name component is indicated only by one initial.
sortspecifies the sort order of the name component in relation to others within the name.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count


att.placement provides attributes for describing where on the source page or object a textual element appears. [3.4.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions Additions and Deletions]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersadd fw metamark note
placespecifies where this item is placed. Suggested values include: 1] below; 2] bottom; 3] margin; 4] top; 5] opposite; 6] overleaf; 7] above; 8] end; 9] inline; 10] inspace
Status Recommended
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
Suggested values include:
below the line
at the foot of the page
in the margin (left, right, or both)
at the top of the page
on the opposite, i.e. facing, page
on the other side of the leaf
above the line
at the end of e.g. chapter or volume.
within the body of the text.
in a predefined space, for example left by an earlier scribe.
<add place="margin">[An addition written in the margin]</add>
<add place="bottom opposite">[An addition written at the
foot of the current page and also on the facing page]</add>
<note place="bottom">Ibid, p.7</note>


att.pointing provides a set of attributes used by all elements which point to other elements by means of one or more URI references. [ Language Indicators 3.6. Simple Links and Cross-References]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Memberslicence locus note ref substJoin term
targetLangspecifies the language of the content to be found at the destination referenced by target, using a ‘language tag’ generated according to BCP 47.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.language

<sch:rule context="tei:*[not(self::tei:schemaSpec)][@targetLang]">
<sch:assert test="@target">@targetLang should only be used on <sch:name/> if @target is specified.</sch:assert>
<linkGrp xml:id="pol-swh_aln_2.1-linkGrp">
 <ptr target="pol/UDHR/text.xml#pol_txt_1-head"

 <ptr target="swh/UDHR/text.xml#swh_txt_1-head"


In the example above, the <linkGrp> combines pointers at parallel fragments of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: one of them is in Polish, the other in Swahili.


The value must conform to BCP 47. If the value is a private use code (i.e., starts with x- or contains -x-), a <language> element with a matching value for its ident attribute should be supplied in the TEI header to document this value. Such documentation may also optionally be supplied for non-private-use codes, though these must remain consistent with their (IETF)Internet Engineering Task Force definitions.

targetspecifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

One or more syntactically valid URI references, separated by whitespace. Because whitespace is used to separate URIs, no whitespace is permitted inside a single URI. If a whitespace character is required in a URI, it should be escaped with the normal mechanism, e.g. TEI%20Consortium.

evaluatespecifies the intended meaning when the target of a pointer is itself a pointer.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then the target of that pointer will be taken, and so on, until an element is found which is not a pointer.
if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then its target (whether a pointer or not) is taken as the target of this pointer.
no further evaluation of targets is carried out beyond that needed to find the element specified in the pointer's target.

If no value is given, the application program is responsible for deciding (possibly on the basis of user input) how far to trace a chain of pointers.


att.ranging provides attributes for describing numerical ranges.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersatt.dimensions [att.damaged [damage] att.editLike [att.transcriptional [add del mod subst substJoin] affiliation age am birth corr date death education event ex expan faith floruit gap location name nationality occupation org orgName origDate origPlace origin persName person place placeName reg relation residence sex socecStatus supplied surplus trait unclear] depth dim dimensions height space width] num
atLeastgives a minimum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
atMostgives a maximum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
minwhere the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the minimum value observed.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
maxwhere the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the maximum value observed.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
confidencespecifies the degree of statistical confidence (between zero and one) that a value falls within the range specified by min and max, or the proportion of observed values that fall within that range.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.probability
The MS. was lost in transmission by mail from <del rend="overstrike">
 <gap atLeast="1atMost="2"
  extent="one or two lettersreason="illegibleunit="chars"/>

</del> Philadelphia to the Graphic office, New York.


att.segLike provides attributes for elements used for arbitrary segmentation. [16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersc pc w
AttributesAttributes att.datcat (@datcat, @valueDatcat) att.fragmentable (@part)
functioncharacterizes the function of the segment.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

Attribute values will often vary depending on the type of element to which they are attached. For example, a <cl>, may take values such as coordinate, subject, adverbial etc. For a <phr>, such values as subject, predicate etc. may be more appropriate. Such constraints will typically be implemented by a project-defined customization.


att.sortable provides attributes for elements in lists or groups that are sortable, but whose sorting key cannot be derived mechanically from the element content. [9.1. Dictionary Body and Overall Structure]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersbibl event idno item list listBibl listChange listEvent listOrg listPerson listPlace msDesc org person personGrp place relation term
sortKeysupplies the sort key for this element in an index, list or group which contains it.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.word
David's other principal backer, Josiah
ha-Kohen <index indexName="NAMES">
 <term sortKey="Azarya_Josiah_Kohen">Josiah ha-Kohen b. Azarya</term>
</index> b. Azarya, son of one of the last gaons of Sura was David's own first

The sort key is used to determine the sequence and grouping of entries in an index. It provides a sequence of characters which, when sorted with the other values, will produced the desired order; specifics of sort key construction are application-dependent

Dictionary order often differs from the collation sequence of machine-readable character sets; in English-language dictionaries, an entry for 4-H will often appear alphabetized under ‘fourh’, and McCoy may be alphabetized under ‘maccoy’, while A1, A4, and A5 may all appear in numeric order ‘alphabetized’ between ‘a-’ and ‘AA’. The sort key is required if the orthography of the dictionary entry does not suffice to determine its location.


att.source provides attributes for pointing to the source of a bibliographic reference. [3.3.3. Quotation 8.3.4. Writing]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersatt.editLike [att.transcriptional [add del mod subst substJoin] affiliation age am birth corr date death education event ex expan faith floruit gap location name nationality occupation org orgName origDate origPlace origin persName person place placeName reg relation residence sex socecStatus supplied surplus trait unclear] abbr handShift note orig provenance q quote sic space
sourceprovides a pointer to the bibliographical source from which a quotation or citation is drawn.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<!-- ... -->
As Willard McCarty (<bibl xml:id="mcc_2012">2012, p.2</bibl>)
tells us, <quote source="#mcc_2012">‘Collaboration’ is a
   problematic and should be a contested term.</quote>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
 <quote source="#chicago_15_ed">Grammatical theories
   are in flux, and the more we learn, the less we
   seem to know.</quote>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<bibl xml:id="chicago_15_ed">
 <title level="m">The Chicago Manual of Style</title>,
<edition>15th edition</edition>.
<publisher>University of Chicago Press</publisher>
<biblScope unit="page">p.147</biblScope>.



att.spanning provides attributes for elements which delimit a span of text by pointing mechanisms rather than by enclosing it. [1.3.1. Attribute Classes]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Memberscb lb metamark mod pb
spanToindicates the end of a span initiated by the element bearing this attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
SchematronThe @spanTo attribute must point to an element following the current element

<sch:rule context="tei:*[@spanTo]">
<sch:assert test="id(substring(@spanTo,2)) and following::*[@xml:id=substring(current()/@spanTo,2)]">The element indicated by @spanTo (<sch:value-of select="@spanTo"/>) must follow the current element <sch:name/>

The span is defined as running in document order from the start of the content of the pointing element to the end of the content of the element pointed to by the spanTo attribute (if any). If no value is supplied for the attribute, the assumption is that the span is coextensive with the pointing element. If no content is present, the assumption is that the starting point of the span is immediately following the element itself.


att.styleDef provides attributes to specify the name of a formal definition language used to provide formatting or rendition information.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
schemeidentifies the language used to describe the rendition.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
Cascading Stylesheet Language
Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects
Informal free text description
A user-defined rendition description language

If no value for the @scheme attribute is provided, then the default assumption should be that CSS is in use.

schemeVersionsupplies a version number for the style language provided in scheme.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.versionNumber

<sch:rule context="tei:*[@schemeVersion]">
<sch:assert test="@scheme and not(@scheme = 'free')"> @schemeVersion can only be used if @scheme is specified.

If schemeVersion is used, then scheme should also appear, with a value other than free.


att.timed provides attributes common to those elements which have a duration in time, expressed either absolutely or by reference to an alignment map. [8.3.5. Temporal Information]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
startindicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element begins.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer

If no value is supplied, the element is assumed to follow the immediately preceding element at the same hierarchic level.

endindicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element ends.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer

If no value is supplied, the element is assumed to precede the immediately following element at the same hierarchic level.


att.transcriptional provides attributes specific to elements encoding authorial or scribal intervention in a text when transcribing manuscript or similar sources. [ Additions and Deletions]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersadd del mod subst substJoin
AttributesAttributes att.editLike (@evidence, @instant) (att.dimensions (@unit, @quantity, @extent, @precision, @scope) (att.ranging (@atLeast, @atMost, @min, @max, @confidence)) ) (att.source (@source)) att.written (@hand)
statusindicates the effect of the intervention, for example in the case of a deletion, strikeouts which include too much or too little text, or in the case of an addition, an insertion which duplicates some of the text already present. Sample values include: 1] duplicate; 2] duplicate-partial; 3] excessStart; 4] excessEnd; 5] shortStart; 6] shortEnd; 7] partial; 8] unremarkable
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
all of the text indicated as an addition duplicates some text that is in the original, whether the duplication is word-for-word or less exact.
part of the text indicated as an addition duplicates some text that is in the original
some text at the beginning of the deletion is marked as deleted even though it clearly should not be deleted.
some text at the end of the deletion is marked as deleted even though it clearly should not be deleted.
some text at the beginning of the deletion is not marked as deleted even though it clearly should be.
some text at the end of the deletion is not marked as deleted even though it clearly should be.
some text in the deletion is not marked as deleted even though it clearly should be.
the deletion is not faulty. [Default]

Status information on each deletion is needed rather rarely except in critical editions from authorial manuscripts; status information on additions is even less common.

Marking a deletion or addition as faulty is inescapably an interpretive act; the usual test applied in practice is the linguistic acceptability of the text with and without the letters or words in question.

causedocuments the presumed cause for the intervention. Suggested values include: 1] fix; 2] unclear
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
repeated for the purpose of fixation
repeated to clarify a previously illegible or badly written text or mark
seq(sequence) assigns a sequence number related to the order in which the encoded features carrying this attribute are believed to have occurred.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count


att.typed provides attributes which can be used to classify or subclassify elements in any way. [1.3.1. Attribute Classes 17.1.1. Words and Above 3.5.1. Referring Strings 3.6. Simple Links and Cross-References 3.5.5. Abbreviations and Their Expansions 3.12.1. Core Tags for Verse 7.2.5. Speech Contents 4.1.1. Un-numbered Divisions 4.1.2. Numbered Divisions 4.2.1. Headings and Trailers 4.4. Virtual Divisions Personal Relationships Core Elements for Transcriptional Work 16.1.1. Pointers and Links 16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 12.2. Linking the Apparatus to the Text 22.5.2. RELAX NG Content Models 8.3. Elements Unique to Spoken Texts Modification of Attribute and Attribute Value Lists]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
MembersTEI accMat add addName altIdentifier am bibl c cb change collection corr country custEvent damage date del dim district div event explicit filiation finalRubric forename genName incipit lb lg line listBibl listChange listEvent listOrg listPerson listPlace location mod msDesc msName nameLink note org orgName origDate origPlace pb pc persName place placeName provenance quote ref reg region relation roleName rubric seal settlement space stamp surface surfaceGrp surname term text trait w zone
typecharacterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
<div type="verse">
 <head>Night in Tarras</head>
 <lg type="stanza">
  <l>At evening tramping on the hot white road</l>
 <lg type="stanza">
  <l>A wind sprang up from nowhere as the sky</l>

The type attribute is present on a number of elements, not all of which are members of att.typed, usually because these elements restrict the possible values for the attribute in a specific way.

subtypeprovides a sub-categorization of the element, if needed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

The subtype attribute may be used to provide any sub-classification for the element additional to that provided by its type attribute.


<sch:rule context="tei:*[@subtype]">
<sch:assert test="@type">The <sch:name/> element should not be categorized in detail with @subtype unless also categorized in general with @type</sch:assert>

When appropriate, values from an established typology should be used. Alternatively a typology may be defined in the associated TEI header. If values are to be taken from a project-specific list, this should be defined using the <valList> element in the project-specific schema description, as described in Modification of Attribute and Attribute Value Lists .


att.written provides an attribute to indicate the hand in which the textual content of an element was written in the source being transcribed. [1.3.1. Attribute Classes]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Membersatt.damaged [damage] att.transcriptional [add del mod subst substJoin] div fw hi line note p text zone
handpoints to a handNote element describing the hand considered responsible for the textual content of the element concerned.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer

Schema FASNL_msDesc: Datatypes


teidata.certainty defines the range of attribute values expressing a degree of certainty.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <valList type="closed">
  <valItem ident="high"/>
  <valItem ident="medium"/>
  <valItem ident="low"/>
  <valItem ident="unknown"/>
teidata.certainty = "high" | "medium" | "low" | "unknown"

Certainty may be expressed by one of the predefined symbolic values high, medium, or low. The value unknown should be used in cases where the encoder does not wish to assert an opinion about the matter. For more precise indication, data.probability may be used instead or in addition.


teidata.count defines the range of attribute values used for a non-negative integer value used as a count.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
teidata.count = xsd:nonNegativeInteger

Only positive integer values (including zero) are permitted


teidata.duration.iso defines the range of attribute values available for representation of a duration in time using ISO 8601 standard formats
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"

teidata.duration.iso = token { pattern = "[0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+" }
<time dur-iso="PT0,75H">three-quarters of an hour</time>
<date dur-iso="P1,5D">a day and a half</date>
<date dur-iso="P14D">a fortnight</date>
<time dur-iso="PT0.02S">20 ms</time>

A duration is expressed as a sequence of number-letter pairs, preceded by the letter P; the letter gives the unit and may be Y (year), M (month), D (day), H (hour), M (minute), or S (second), in that order. The numbers are all unsigned integers, except for the last, which may have a decimal component (using either . or , as the decimal point; the latter is preferred). If any number is 0, then that number-letter pair may be omitted. If any of the H (hour), M (minute), or S (second) number-letter pairs are present, then the separator T must precede the first ‘time’ number-letter pair.

For complete details, see ISO 8601 Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and times.


teidata.duration.w3c defines the range of attribute values available for representation of a duration in time using W3C datatypes.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="duration"/>
teidata.duration.w3c = xsd:duration
<time dur="PT45M">forty-five minutes</time>
<date dur="P1DT12H">a day and a half</date>
<date dur="P7D">a week</date>
<time dur="PT0.02S">20 ms</time>

A duration is expressed as a sequence of number-letter pairs, preceded by the letter P; the letter gives the unit and may be Y (year), M (month), D (day), H (hour), M (minute), or S (second), in that order. The numbers are all unsigned integers, except for the S number, which may have a decimal component (using . as the decimal point). If any number is 0, then that number-letter pair may be omitted. If any of the H (hour), M (minute), or S (second) number-letter pairs are present, then the separator T must precede the first ‘time’ number-letter pair.

For complete details, see the W3C specification.


teidata.enumerated defines the range of attribute values expressed as a single XML name taken from a list of documented possibilities.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef key="teidata.word"/>
teidata.enumerated = teidata.word

Attributes using this datatype must contain a single word matching the pattern defined for this datatype: for example it cannot include whitespace but may begin with digits.

Typically, the list of documented possibilities will be provided (or exemplified) by a value list in the associated attribute specification, expressed with a <valList> element.


teidata.language defines the range of attribute values used to identify a particular combination of human language and writing system. [6.1. Language Identification]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef name="language"/>
   <valItem ident=""/>
teidata.language = xsd:language | ( "" )

The values for this attribute are language ‘tags’ as defined in BCP 47. Currently BCP 47 comprises RFC 5646 and RFC 4647; over time, other IETF documents may succeed these as the best current practice.

A ‘language tag’, per BCP 47, is assembled from a sequence of components or subtags separated by the hyphen character (-, U+002D). The tag is made of the following subtags, in the following order. Every subtag except the first is optional. If present, each occurs only once, except the fourth and fifth components (variant and extension), which are repeatable.

The IANA-registered code for the language. This is almost always the same as the ISO 639 2-letter language code if there is one. The list of available registered language subtags can be found at It is recommended that this code be written in lower case.
The ISO 15924 code for the script. These codes consist of 4 letters, and it is recommended they be written with an initial capital, the other three letters in lower case. The canonical list of codes is maintained by the Unicode Consortium, and is available at The IETF recommends this code be omitted unless it is necessary to make a distinction you need.
Either an ISO 3166 country code or a UN M.49 region code that is registered with IANA (not all such codes are registered, e.g. UN codes for economic groupings or codes for countries for which there is already an ISO 3166 2-letter code are not registered). The former consist of 2 letters, and it is recommended they be written in upper case; the list of codes can be searched or browsed at The latter consist of 3 digits; the list of codes can be found at
An IANA-registered variation. These codes are used to indicate additional, well-recognized variations that define a language or its dialects that are not covered by other available subtags.
An extension has the format of a single letter followed by a hyphen followed by additional subtags. These exist to allow for future extension to BCP 47, but as of this writing no such extensions are in use.
private use
An extension that uses the initial subtag of the single letter x (i.e., starts with x-) has no meaning except as negotiated among the parties involved. These should be used with great care, since they interfere with the interoperability that use of RFC 4646 is intended to promote. In order for a document that makes use of these subtags to be TEI-conformant, a corresponding <language> element must be present in the TEI header.

There are two exceptions to the above format. First, there are language tags in the IANA registry that do not match the above syntax, but are present because they have been ‘grandfathered’ from previous specifications.

Second, an entire language tag can consist of only a private use subtag. These tags start with x-, and do not need to follow any further rules established by the IETF and endorsed by these Guidelines. Like all language tags that make use of private use subtags, the language in question must be documented in a corresponding <language> element in the TEI header.

Examples include

Chinese written in traditional script as used in Hong Kong
English as spoken in Sierra Leone
Spanish as spoken in Mexico
Spanish as spoken in Latin America

The W3C Internationalization Activity has published a useful introduction to BCP 47, Language tags in HTML and XML. defines the range of attribute values expressed as an XML Name.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="Name"/>
Declaration = xsd:Name

Attributes using this datatype must contain a single word which follows the rules defining a legal XML name (see for example they cannot include whitespace or begin with digits.


teidata.numeric defines the range of attribute values used for numeric values.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef name="double"/>
  <dataRef name="token"

  <dataRef name="decimal"/>
teidata.numeric =
   xsd:double | token { pattern = "(\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)" } | xsd:decimal

Any numeric value, represented as a decimal number, in floating point format, or as a ratio.

To represent a floating point number, expressed in scientific notation, ‘E notation’, a variant of ‘exponential notation’, may be used. In this format, the value is expressed as two numbers separated by the letter E. The first number, the significand (sometimes called the mantissa) is given in decimal format, while the second is an integer. The value is obtained by multiplying the mantissa by 10 the number of times indicated by the integer. Thus the value represented in decimal notation as 1000.0 might be represented in scientific notation as 10E3.

A value expressed as a ratio is represented by two integer values separated by a solidus (/) character. Thus, the value represented in decimal notation as 0.5 might be represented as a ratio by the string 1/2.


teidata.outputMeasurement defines a range of values for use in specifying the size of an object that is intended for display.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"

teidata.outputMeasurement =
      pattern = "[\-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?(%|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|em|ex|gd|rem|vw|vh|vm)"
 <head>The TEI Logo</head>
 <figDesc>Stylized yellow angle brackets with the letters <mentioned>TEI</mentioned> in
   between and <mentioned>text encoding initiative</mentioned> underneath, all on a white
 <graphic height="600px"


These values map directly onto the values used by XSL-FO and CSS. For definitions of the units see those specifications; at the time of this writing the most complete list is in the CSS3 working draft.


teidata.pattern defines attribute values which are expressed as a regular expression.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"/>
teidata.pattern = token
A regular expression, often called a pattern, is an expression that describes a set of strings. They are usually used to give a concise description of a set, without having to list all elements. For example, the set containing the three strings Handel, Händel, and Haendel can be described by the pattern H(ä|ae?)ndel (or alternatively, it is said that the pattern H(ä|ae?)ndel matches each of the three strings)

This TEI datatype is mapped to the XSD token datatype, and may therefore contain any string of characters. However, it is recommended that the value used conform to the particular flavour of regular expression syntax supported by XSD Schema.


teidata.point defines the data type used to express a point in cartesian space.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"

teidata.point = token { pattern = "(\-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*,\-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)" }
 <surface lrx="400lry="280ulx="0uly="0">
  <zone points="220,100 300,210 170,250 123,234">
   <graphic url="handwriting.png "/>

A point is defined by two numeric values, which may be expressed in any notation permitted.


teidata.pointer defines the range of attribute values used to provide a single URI, absolute or relative, pointing to some other resource, either within the current document or elsewhere.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="anyURI"/>
teidata.pointer = xsd:anyURI

The range of syntactically valid values is defined by RFC 3986 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax. Note that the values themselves are encoded using RFC 3987 Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) mapping to URIs. For example, is encoded as while http://موقع.وزارة-الاتصالات.مصر/ is encoded as http://xn--4gbrim.xn----rmckbbajlc6dj7bxne2c.xn--wgbh1c/


teidata.probability defines the range of attribute values expressing a probability.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="double"/>
teidata.probability = xsd:double

Probability is expressed as a real number between 0 and 1; 0 representing certainly false and 1 representing certainly true.


teidata.probCert defines a range of attribute values which can be expressed either as a numeric probability or as a coded certainty value.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef key="teidata.probability"/>
  <dataRef key="teidata.certainty"/>
teidata.probCert = teidata.probability | teidata.certainty


teidata.replacement defines attribute values which contain a replacement template.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
teidata.replacement = text defines the range of attribute values used to identify human or animal sex.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef key="teidata.word"/>
Declaration = teidata.word

Values for attributes using this datatype may be locally defined by a project, or may refer to an external standard, such as vCard's sex property (in which M indicates male, F female, O other, N none or not applicable, U unknown), or the often used ISO 5218:2004 Representation of Human Sexes (in which 0 indicates unknown; 1 male; 2 female; and 9 not applicable, although the ISO standard is widely considered inadequate); cf. CETH's Recommendations for Inclusive Data Collection of Trans People


teidata.temporal.iso defines the range of attribute values expressing a temporal expression such as a date, a time, or a combination of them, that conform to the international standard Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange – Representation of dates and times.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef name="date"/>
  <dataRef name="gYear"/>
  <dataRef name="gMonth"/>
  <dataRef name="gDay"/>
  <dataRef name="gYearMonth"/>
  <dataRef name="gMonthDay"/>
  <dataRef name="time"/>
  <dataRef name="dateTime"/>
  <dataRef name="token"

teidata.temporal.iso =
 | xsd:gYear
 | xsd:gMonth
 | xsd:gDay
 | xsd:gYearMonth
 | xsd:gMonthDay
 | xsd:time
 | xsd:dateTime
 | token { pattern = "[0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+" }

If it is likely that the value used is to be compared with another, then a time zone indicator should always be included, and only the dateTime representation should be used.

For all representations for which ISO 8601 describes both a basic and an extended format, these Guidelines recommend use of the extended format.

While ISO 8601 permits the use of both 00:00 and 24:00 to represent midnight, these Guidelines strongly recommend against the use of 24:00.


teidata.temporal.w3c defines the range of attribute values expressing a temporal expression such as a date, a time, or a combination of them, that conform to the W3C XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition specification.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef name="date"/>
  <dataRef name="gYear"/>
  <dataRef name="gMonth"/>
  <dataRef name="gDay"/>
  <dataRef name="gYearMonth"/>
  <dataRef name="gMonthDay"/>
  <dataRef name="time"/>
  <dataRef name="dateTime"/>
teidata.temporal.w3c =
 | xsd:gYear
 | xsd:gMonth
 | xsd:gDay
 | xsd:gYearMonth
 | xsd:gMonthDay
 | xsd:time
 | xsd:dateTime

If it is likely that the value used is to be compared with another, then a time zone indicator should always be included, and only the dateTime representation should be used.


teidata.text defines the range of attribute values used to express some kind of identifying string as a single sequence of unicode characters possibly including whitespace.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="string"/>
teidata.text = string

Attributes using this datatype must contain a single ‘token’ in which whitespace and other punctuation characters are permitted.


teidata.truthValue defines the range of attribute values used to express a truth value.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="boolean"/>
teidata.truthValue = xsd:boolean

The possible values of this datatype are 1 or true, or 0 or false.

This datatype applies only for cases where uncertainty is inappropriate; if the attribute concerned may have a value other than true or false, e.g. unknown, or inapplicable, it should have the extended version of this datatype: data.xTruthValue.


teidata.version defines the range of attribute values which may be used to specify a TEI or Unicode version number.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"

teidata.version = token { pattern = "[\d]+(\.[\d]+){0,2}" }

The value of this attribute follows the pattern specified by the Unicode consortium for its version number ( A version number contains digits and fullstop characters only. The first number supplied identifies the major version number. A second and third number, for minor and sub-minor version numbers, may also be supplied.


teidata.versionNumber defines the range of attribute values used for version numbers.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"

teidata.versionNumber =
   token { pattern = "[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*(\.[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*){0,3}" }


teidata.word defines the range of attribute values expressed as a single word or token.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
teidata.enumerated teidata.sexElement:
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"

teidata.word = token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }

Attributes using this datatype must contain a single ‘word’ which contains only letters, digits, punctuation characters, or symbols: thus it cannot include whitespace.


teidata.xTruthValue (extended truth value) defines the range of attribute values used to express a truth value which may be unknown.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef name="boolean"/>
   <valItem ident="unknown"/>
   <valItem ident="inapplicable"/>
teidata.xTruthValue = xsd:boolean | ( "unknown" | "inapplicable" )

In cases where where uncertainty is inappropriate, use the datatype data.TruthValue.

Schema FASNL_msDesc: Macros


data.enumerated defines the range of attribute values expressed as a single XML name taken from a list of documented possibilities.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
data.enumerated = data.word

Attributes using this datatype must contain a single word matching the pattern defined for this datatype: for example it cannot include whitespace but may begin with digits.

Typically, the list of documented possibilities will be provided (or exemplified) by a value list in the associated attribute specification, expressed with a <valList> element.


data.word defines the range of attribute values expressed as a single word or token.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
data.word = token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }

Attributes using this datatype must contain a single ‘word’ which contains only letters, digits, punctuation characters, or symbols: thus it cannot include whitespace.


macro.limitedContent (paragraph content) defines the content of prose elements that are not used for transcription of extant materials. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.limitedPhrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.inter"/>
macro.limitedContent = ( text | model.limitedPhrase | model.inter )*


macro.paraContent (paragraph content) defines the content of paragraphs and similar elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.inter"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <elementRef key="lg"/>
  <classRef key="model.lLike"/>
macro.paraContent =
    | model.gLikemodel.phrasemodel.intermodel.globallgmodel.lLike


macro.phraseSeq (phrase sequence) defines a sequence of character data and phrase-level elements. [1.4.1. Standard Content Models]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
macro.phraseSeq = ( text | model.gLike | model.phrase | )* (limited phrase sequence) defines a sequence of character data and those phrase-level elements that are not typically used for transcribing extant documents. [1.4.1. Standard Content Models]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.limitedPhrase"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Declaration = ( text | model.limitedPhrase | )*


macro.specialPara ('special' paragraph content) defines the content model of elements such as notes or list items, which either contain a series of component-level elements or else have the same structure as a paragraph, containing a series of phrase-level and inter-level elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.inter"/>
  <classRef key="model.divPart"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
macro.specialPara =


macro.xtext (extended text) defines a sequence of character data and gaiji elements.
Moduletei — Formal definitions
Used by
Content model
 <alternate maxOccurs="unbounded"

  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
macro.xtext = ( text | model.gLike )*
edited by M. J. Driscoll Date: 2016